

Submodules module

alias of

class Optional[str] = None, dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, file_name: Optional[str] = None, file_directory: Optional[str] = None, verbose: int = 10)[source]


Dataset class for lists of graph tensor dictionaries stored on file and fit into memory.

This class inherits from MemoryGraphList and can be used (after loading and setup) as such. It has further information about a location on disk, i.e. a file directory and a file name as well as a name of the dataset.

import numpy as np
from import MemoryGraphDataset
dataset = MemoryGraphDataset(data_directory="", dataset_name="Example")
# Methods of MemoryGraphList
dataset.set("edge_indices", [np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])])
dataset.set("edge_labels", [np.array([[0], [1]])])

The file directory and file name are used in child classes and in save and load .

__init__(data_directory: Optional[str] = None, dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, file_name: Optional[str] = None, file_directory: Optional[str] = None, verbose: int = 10)[source]

Initialize a base class of MemoryGraphDataset.

  • data_directory (str) – Full path to directory of the dataset. Default is None.

  • file_name (str) – Generic filename for dataset to read into memory like a ‘csv’ file. Default is None.

  • file_directory (str) – Name or relative path from data_directory to a directory containing sorted files. Default is None.

  • dataset_name (str) – Name of the dataset. Important for naming and saving files. Default is None.

  • verbose (int) – Logging level. Default is 10.

_verify_data_directory() → Optional[str][source]

Utility function that checks if data_directory is set correctly.

assert_valid_model_input(hyper_input: Union[list, dict], raise_error_on_fail: bool = True)[source]

Check whether dataset has graph properties (in tensor format) requested by model input.

The list hyper_input that defines model input match interface to hyperparameter. The model input is set up by a list of layer configs for the keras Input layer. The list must contain dictionaries for each model input with “name” and “shape” keys.

hyper_input = [
    {"shape": [None, 8710], "name": "node_attributes", "dtype": "float32", "ragged": True},
    {"shape": [None, 1], "name": "edge_weights", "dtype": "float32", "ragged": True},
    {"shape": [None, 2], "name": "edge_indices", "dtype": "int64", "ragged": True}
  • hyper_input (list) – List of properties that need to be available to a model for training.

  • raise_error_on_fail (bool) – Whether to raise an error if assertion failed.

collect_files_in_file_directory(file_column_name: Optional[str] = None, table_file_path: Optional[str] = None, read_method_file: Optional[Callable] = None, update_counter: int = 1000, append_file_content: bool = True, read_method_return_list: bool = False)list[source]

Utility function to collect single files in file_directory by names in CSV table file.

  • file_column_name (str) – Name of the column in Table file that holds list of file names.

  • table_file_path (str) – Path to table file. Can be None. Default is None.

  • read_method_file (Callable) – Callable read-file method to return (processed) file content.

  • update_counter (int) – Loop counter to show progress. Default is 1000.

  • append_file_content (bool) – Whether to append or add return of read_method_file.

  • read_method_return_list (bool) – Whether read_method_file returns list of items or the item itself.


File content loaded from single files.

Return type


error(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Pass error to class’ logger instance.

property file_directory_path

Construct file-directory path from ‘data_directory’ and ‘file_directory’ given in init.

property file_path

Construct filepath from ‘file_name’ given in init.

fits_in_memory = True
get_train_test_indices(train: str = 'train', test: str = 'test', valid: Optional[str] = None, split_index: Optional[Union[int, list]] = None, shuffle: bool = False, seed: Optional[int] = None) → List[List[numpy.ndarray]][source]

Get train and test indices from graph list. The ‘train’ and ‘test’ properties must be set on the graph, and optionally an additional property for the validation split may be present. All of these properties may have either of the following values:

  • The property is a boolean integer value indicating whether the corresponding element of the dataset belongs to that part of the split (train / test)

  • The property is a list containing integer split indices, where each split index present within that list implies that the corresponding dataset element is part of that particular split. In this case the split_index parameter may also be a list of split indices that specify for which of these split indices the train test index split is to be returned by this method.

The return value of this method is a list with the same length as the split_index parameter, which by default will be None.

  • train (str) – Name of graph property that has train split assignment. Defaults to ‘train’.

  • test (str) – Name of graph property that has test split assignment. Defaults to ‘test’.

  • valid (str) – Name of graph property that has validation assignment. Defaults to None.

  • split_index (int, list) – Split index to get indices for. Can also be list.

  • shuffle (bool) – Whether to shuffle splits. Default is True.

  • seed (int) – Random seed for shuffle. Default is None.


List of tuples (or triples) of train, test, (validation) split indices.

Return type


info(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Pass information to class’ logger instance.

load(filepath: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Load graph properties from a pickled file. By default, loads a file named dataset_name.kgcnn.pickle in data_directory .


filepath (str) – Full path of input file.

read_in_table_file(file_path: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Read a data frame in data_frame from file path. By default, uses file_name and pandas. Checks for a ‘.csv’ file and then for Excel file endings. Meaning the file extension of file_path is ignored but must be any of the following ‘.csv’, ‘.xls’, ‘.xlsx’, ‘.odt’.

  • file_path (str) – File path to table file. Default is None.

  • kwargs – Kwargs for pandas read_csv function.



relocate(data_directory: Optional[str] = None, file_name: Optional[str] = None, file_directory: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Change file information. Does not copy files on disk!

  • data_directory (str) – Full path to directory of the dataset. Default is None.

  • file_name (str) – Generic filename for dataset to read into memory like a ‘csv’ file. Default is None.

  • file_directory (str) – Name or relative path from data_directory to a directory containing sorted files. Default is None.



save(filepath: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Save all graph properties to python dictionary as pickled file. By default, saves a file named dataset_name.kgcnn.pickle in data_directory .


filepath (str) – Full path of output file. Default is None.

set_methods(method_list: List[dict])None[source]

Apply a list of serialized class-methods on the dataset.

This can extend the config-serialization scheme in kgcnn.utils.serial.

for method_item in method_list:
    for method, kwargs in method_item.items():
        if hasattr(self, method):
            getattr(self, method)(**kwargs)

method_list (list) – A list of dictionaries that specify class methods. The dict key denotes the method and the value must contain kwargs for the method



set_multi_target_labels(graph_labels: str = 'graph_labels', multi_target_indices: Optional[list] = None, data_unit: Optional[Union[str, list]] = None)[source]

Select multiple targets in labels.

  • graph_labels (str) – Name of the property that holds multiple targets.

  • multi_target_indices (list) – List of indices of targets to select.

  • data_unit (str, list) – Optional list of data units for all labels in graph_labels .


List of label names and label units for each target.

Return type


set_train_test_indices_k_fold(n_splits: int = 5, shuffle: bool = False, random_state: Optional[int] = None, train: str = 'train', test: str = 'test')[source]

Helper function to set train/test indices for each graph in the list from a random k-fold cross-validation.

  • n_splits (int) – Number of splits.

  • shuffle (bool) – Whether to shuffle indices.

  • random_state (int) – Random seed for split.

  • train (str) – Property to assign train indices to.

  • test (str) – Property to assign test indices to.



warning(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Pass warning to class’ logger instance.

class Optional[list] = None)[source]

Bases: list

Class to store a list of graph dictionaries in memory.

Inherits from a python list. The graph properties are defined by tensor-like (numpy) arrays for indices, attributes, labels, symbol etc. in GraphDict , which are the items of the list. Access to items via [] indexing operator.

A python list of a single named property can be obtained from each GraphDict in MemoryGraphList via get or assigned from a python list via set methods.

The MemoryGraphList further provides simple map-functionality map_list to apply methods for each GraphDict, and to cast properties to tensor with tensor.

Cleaning the list for missing properties or empty graphs is done with clean.

import numpy as np
from import MemoryGraphList

data = MemoryGraphList()
data.set("edge_indices", [np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])])
data.set("node_labels", [np.array([[0], [1]])])
data.set("node_coordinates", [np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 2, 0], [0, 3, 0]])])
data.map_list("set_range", max_distance=1.5, max_neighbours=10, self_loops=False)
data.clean("range_indices")  # Returns cleaned graph indices
__init__(iterable: Optional[list] = None)[source]

Initialize an empty MemoryGraphList instance.


iterable (list, MemoryGraphList) – A list or MemoryGraphList of GraphDict items.


Append object to the end of the list.

assign_property(key: str, value: list)[source]

Assign a list of numpy arrays of a property to the respective GraphDict s in this list.

  • key (str) – Name of the property.

  • value (list) – List of numpy arrays for property key .



clean(inputs: Union[list, str])[source]

Given a list of property names, this method removes all elements from the internal list of GraphDict items, which do not define at least one of those properties. Meaning, only those graphs remain in the list which definitely define all properties specified by inputs.


inputs (list) – A list of strings, where each string is supposed to be a property name, which the graphs in this list may possess. Within kgcnn, this can be simpy the ‘input’ category in model configuration. In this case, a list of dicts that specify the name of the property with ‘name’ key.


A list of graph indices that do not have the required properties and which

have been removed.

Return type

invalid_graphs (np.ndarray)

copy(deep_copy: bool = False)[source]

Copy data in the list.

empty(length: int)[source]

Create an empty list in place. Overwrites existing list.


length (int) – Length of the empty list.



get(key: str) → Optional[List]

Returns a list with the values of all the graphs defined for the string property name key. If none of the graphs in the list have this property, returns None.


key (str) – The string name of the property to be retrieved for all the graphs contained in this list

insert(index: int, value)None[source]

Insert object before index.

property length

Length of list.

map_list(method: Union[str, Callable], **kwargs)[source]

Map a method over this list and apply on each GraphDict. For method being string, either a class-method or a preprocessor is chosen for backward compatibility.

for i, x in enumerate(self):
    method(x, **kwargs)
  • method (str) – Name of the GraphDict method.

  • kwargs – Kwargs for method.



obtain_property(key: str) → Optional[List][source]

Returns a list with the values of all the graphs defined for the string property name key. If none of the graphs in the list have this property, returns None.


key (str) – The string name of the property to be retrieved for all the graphs contained in this list

rename_property_on_graphs(old_property_name: str, new_property_name: str)list[source]

Change the name of a graph property on all graphs in the list.

  • old_property_name (str) – Old property name.

  • new_property_name (str) – New property name.


List indices of replaced property names.

Return type


set(key: str, value: list)

Assign a list of numpy arrays of a property to the respective GraphDict s in this list.

  • key (str) – Name of the property.

  • value (list) – List of numpy arrays for property key .



tensor(items: Union[list, Dict], make_copy=True)[source]

Make tensor objects from multiple graph properties in list.

It is recommended to run clean beforehand.

  • items (list) – List of dictionaries that specify graph properties in list via ‘name’ key. The dict-items match the tensor input for tf.keras.layers.Input layers. Required dict-keys should be ‘name’ and ‘ragged’. Optionally shape information can be included via ‘shape’ and ‘dtype’. E.g.: [{‘name’: ‘edge_indices’, ‘ragged’: True}, {…}, …].

  • make_copy (bool) – Whether to copy the data. Default is True.


List of Tensors.

Return type


tf_dataset_disjoint(inputs, **kwargs)[source]

Return generator via from this list. Uses

  • inputs

  • kwargs – Kwargs for tf_dataset_disjoint_generator


Dataset from generator.

Return type

validate()[source] module

class Optional[str] = None, dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, file_name: Optional[str] = None, file_directory: Optional[str] = None, file_name_pymatgen_json: Optional[str] = None, verbose: int = 10)[source]


Class for making graph dataset from periodic structures such as crystals.

The dataset class requires a data_directory to store a table ‘.csv’ file containing labels and information of the structures stored in multiple (CIF, POSCAR, …) files in file_directory . The file names must be included in the ‘.csv’ table. The table file must have one line of header with column names!

├── data_directory
    ├── file_directory
    │   ├── *.cif
    │   ├── *.cif
    │   └── ...
    ├── file_name.csv
    ├── file_name.pymatgen.json
    └── dataset_name.kgcnn.pickle

This class uses pymatgen.core.structure.Structure and therefore requires pymatgen to be installed. A ‘.pymatgen.json’ serialized file is generated to store a list of structures from single ‘.cif’ files via prepare_data() . Consequently, a ‘file_name.pymatgen.json’ can be directly stored in data_directory. In this, case prepare_data() does not have to be used. Additionally, a table file ‘file_name.csv’ that lists the single file names and possible labels or classification targets is required.

from import CrystalDataset
dataset = CrystalDataset(
dataset.prepare_data(file_column_name="file_name", overwrite=True)
__init__(data_directory: Optional[str] = None, dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, file_name: Optional[str] = None, file_directory: Optional[str] = None, file_name_pymatgen_json: Optional[str] = None, verbose: int = 10)[source]

Initialize a base class of CrystalDataset.

  • data_directory (str) – Full path to directory of the dataset. Default is None.

  • file_name (str) – Filename for dataset to read into memory. This is a table file. The ‘.csv’ should contain file names that are expected to be CIF-files in file_directory. Default is None.

  • file_directory (str) – Name or relative path from data_directory to a directory containing sorted ‘cif’ files. Default is None.

  • file_name_pymatgen_json (str) – This class will generate a ‘json’ file with pymatgen structures. You can specify the file name of that file with this argument. By default, it will be named from file_name when passed None.

  • dataset_name (str) – Name of the dataset. Important for naming and saving files. Default is None.

  • verbose (int) – Logging level. Default is 10.

_map_callbacks(structs: list, data: pandas.core.series.Series, callbacks: Dict[str, Callable[[pymatgen.core.structure.Structure, pandas.core.series.Series], Optional[numpy.ndarray]]], assign_to_self: bool = True)dict[source]

Map callbacks on a data series object plus structure list.

  • structs (list) – List of pymatgen structures.

  • data (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame) – Data Frame matching the structure list.

  • callbacks (dict) – Dictionary of callbacks that take a data object plus pymatgen structure as argument.

  • assign_to_self (bool) – Whether to already assign the output of callbacks to this class.


Values of callbacks.

Return type


get_structures_from_json_file(file_path: Optional[str] = None) → List[source]

Load pymatgen serialized json-file into memory.

Structures are not added to CrystalDataset but returned by this function.


file_path (str) – File path to json-file, uses class default. Default is None.


List of pymatgen structures.

Return type


prepare_data(file_column_name: Optional[str] = None, overwrite: bool = False)[source]

Default preparation for crystal datasets.

Try to load all crystal structures from single files and save them as a pymatgen json serialization. Can load multiple CIF files from a table that keeps file names and possible labels or additional information.

  • file_column_name (str) – Name of the column that has file names found in file_directory. Default is None.

  • overwrite (bool) – Whether to rerun the data extraction. Default is False.



property pymatgen_json_file_path

Internal file name for the pymatgen serialization information to store to disk.

read_in_memory(label_column_name: Optional[str] = None, additional_callbacks: Optional[Dict[str, Callable[[pymatgen.core.structure.Structure, pandas.core.series.Series], None]]] = None)[source]

Read structures from pymatgen json serialization and convert them into graph information.

  • label_column_name (str) – Columns of labels for graph in table file. Default is None.

  • additional_callbacks (dict) – Callbacks to add during read into memory.



save_structures_to_json_file(structs: list, file_path: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Save a list of pymatgen structures to file.

  • structs (list) – List of pymatgen structures.

  • file_path (str) – File path to store structures to disk, uses class-default. Default is None.



set_representation(pre_processor: Union[kgcnn.crystal.base.CrystalPreprocessor, dict], reset_graphs: bool = False)[source]

Build a graph representation for this dataset using kgcnn.crystal .

  • pre_processor (CrystalPreprocessor) – Crystal preprocessor to use.

  • reset_graphs (bool) – Whether to reset the graph information. Default is False.

Returns: module

class Optional[str] = None, download_file_name: Optional[str] = None, data_directory_name: Optional[str] = None, unpack_directory_name: Optional[str] = None, extract_file_name: Optional[str] = None, download_url: Optional[str] = None, unpack_tar: bool = False, unpack_zip: bool = False, extract_gz: bool = False, reload: bool = False, verbose: int = 10, data_main_dir: str = '/home/docs/.kgcnn/datasets', execute_download_dataset_on_init: bool = True)[source]

Bases: object

Download class for datasets.

Provides static-methods and functions for download and unzip of the data. They are intentionally kept general and could also be used without this class definition. Downloading is handled by download_dataset_to_disk already in init by default. Dataset-specific functions like prepare_data must be implemented in subclasses.


Note that DownloadDataset uses a main directory located at ‘~/.kgcnn/datasets’ for downloading datasets as default.

Classes in inherit from this class, but DownloadDataset can also be used as a member via composition.


Downloads are not checked for safety or malware. Use with caution!

Example on how to use DownloadDataset standalone:

from import DownloadDataset
download = DownloadDataset(
__init__(dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, download_file_name: Optional[str] = None, data_directory_name: Optional[str] = None, unpack_directory_name: Optional[str] = None, extract_file_name: Optional[str] = None, download_url: Optional[str] = None, unpack_tar: bool = False, unpack_zip: bool = False, extract_gz: bool = False, reload: bool = False, verbose: int = 10, data_main_dir: str = '/home/docs/.kgcnn/datasets', execute_download_dataset_on_init: bool = True)[source]

Base initialization function for downloading and extracting the data. The arguments to the constructor determine what to download and whether to unpack the download. The main function download_dataset_to_disk is already called in the constructor.

  • dataset_name (str) – Name of the dataset to download (optional). Default is None.

  • download_file_name (str) – Name of the file that the source is downloaded to. Default is None.

  • data_directory_name (str) – Name of the data directory in data_main_dir the file is saved. Default is None.

  • unpack_directory_name (str) – The name of a new directory in data_directory_name to unpack archive. Default is None.

  • extract_file_name (str) – Name of a gz-file to extract. Default is None.

  • download_url (str) – Url for file to download. Default is None.

  • unpack_tar (bool) – Whether to unpack a tar-archive. Default is False.

  • unpack_zip (bool) – Whether to unpack a zip-archive. Default is False.

  • extract_gz (bool) – Whether to unpack a gz-archive. Default is False.

  • reload (bool) – Whether to reload the data and make new dataset. Default is False.

  • verbose (int) – Logging level. Default is 10.

  • execute_download_dataset_on_init (bool) – Whether to start download on class construction.

static download_database(path: str, download_url: str, filename: str, overwrite: bool = False, logger=None)[source]

Download dataset file.

  • path (str) – Target filepath to store file (without filename).

  • download_url (str) – String of the download url to catch database from.

  • filename (str) – Name the dataset is downloaded to.

  • overwrite (bool) – Overwrite existing database. Default is False.

  • logger – Logger to print information or warnings.


Filepath of downloaded file.

Return type



Main download function to run the download and unpack of the dataset. Defined by attributes in self.

static extract_gz_file(path: str, filename: str, out_filename: Optional[str] = None, overwrite: bool = False, logger=None)[source]

Extract gz-file.

  • path (str) – Filepath where the gz-file to extract is located.

  • filename (str) – Name of the gz-file to extract.

  • out_filename (str) – Name of the extracted file.

  • overwrite (bool) – Overwrite existing database. Default is False.

  • logger – Logger to print information or warnings.


Filepath of the extracted file.

Return type


static setup_dataset_dir(data_main_dir: str, data_directory: str, logger=None)[source]

Make directory for each dataset.

  • data_main_dir (str) – Path-location of the directory for all datasets.

  • data_directory (str) – Path of the directory for specific dataset to create.

  • logger – Logger to print information or warnings.

static setup_dataset_main(data_main_dir, logger=None)[source]

Make the main-directory for all datasets to store data.

  • data_main_dir (str) – Path to create directory.

  • logger – Logger to print information or warnings.

static unpack_tar_file(path: str, filename: str, unpack_directory: str, overwrite: bool = False, logger=None)[source]

Extract tar-file.

  • path (str) – Filepath where the tar-file to extract is located.

  • filename (str) – Name of the dataset to extract.

  • unpack_directory (str) – Directory to extract data to.

  • overwrite (bool) – Overwrite existing database. Default is False.

  • logger – Logger to print information or warnings.


Filepath of the extracted dataset folder.

Return type


static unpack_zip_file(path: str, filename: str, unpack_directory: str, overwrite: bool = False, logger=None)[source]

Extract zip-file.

  • path (str) – Filepath where the zip-file to extract is located.

  • filename (str) – Name of the dataset to extract.

  • unpack_directory (str) – Directory to extract data to.

  • overwrite (bool) – Overwrite existing database. Default is False.

  • logger – Logger to print information or warnings.


Filepath of the extracted dataset folder.

Return type

os.path module

class Optional[str] = None, dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, file_name: Optional[str] = None, verbose: int = 10, file_directory: Optional[str] = None, file_name_xyz: Optional[str] = None, file_name_mol: Optional[str] = None, file_name_force_xyz: Optional[str] = None)[source]


This is a base class for Force datasets. Inherits all functionality from QMDataset.

It generates graph properties from a xyz-file, which stores atomic coordinates. Additionally, loading multiple single xyz-files into one file is supported. The file names and labels are given by a CSV or table file. The table file must have one line of header with column names!

├── data_directory
    ├── file_directory
    │   ├── *.xyz
    │   ├── *.xyz
    │   └── ...
    ├── file_name.csv
    ├── file_name.sdf
    ├── ...
    └── dataset_name.kgcnn.pickle

Additionally, forces xyz information can be read in with this class.

__init__(data_directory: Optional[str] = None, dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, file_name: Optional[str] = None, verbose: int = 10, file_directory: Optional[str] = None, file_name_xyz: Optional[str] = None, file_name_mol: Optional[str] = None, file_name_force_xyz: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Default initialization. File information on the location of the dataset on disk should be provided here.

  • data_directory (str) – Full path to directory of the dataset. Optional. Default is None.

  • file_name (str) – Filename for reading table ‘.csv’ file into memory. Must be given! For example as ‘.csv’ formatted file with QM labels such as energy, states, dipole etc. Moreover, the table file can contain a list of file names of individual ‘.xyz’ files to collect. Files are expected to be in file_directory. Default is None.

  • file_name_xyz (str) – Filename of a single ‘.xyz’ file. This file is generated when collecting single ‘.xyz’ files in file_directory . If not specified, the name is generated based on file_name .

  • file_name_mol (str) – Filename of a single ‘.sdf’ file. This file is generated from the single ‘.xyz’ file. SDF generation does require proper geometries. If not specified, the name is generated based on file_name .

  • file_directory (str) – Name or relative path from data_directory to a directory containing sorted ‘.xyz’ files. Only used if file_name is None. Default is None.

  • dataset_name (str) – Name of the dataset. Important for naming and saving files. Default is None.

  • verbose (int) – Logging level. Default is 10.

property file_path_force_xyz

Try to determine a file name for the mol information to store.

prepare_data(overwrite: bool = False, file_column_name: Optional[str] = None, file_column_name_force: Optional[str] = None, make_sdf: bool = False)[source]

Pre-computation of molecular structure information in a sdf-file from a xyz-file or a folder of xyz-files.

If there is no single xyz-file, it will be created with the information of a csv-file with the same name.

  • overwrite (bool) – Overwrite existing database SDF file. Default is False.

  • file_column_name (str) – Name of the column in csv file with list of xyz-files located in file_directory. This is for the positions only.

  • file_column_name_force (str, list) – Column name of xyz files for forces in file directory.

  • make_sdf (bool) – Whether to try to make a sdf file from xyz information via RDKit and OpenBabel.



read_in_memory(label_column_name: Optional[Union[str, list]] = None, nodes: Optional[list] = None, edges: Optional[list] = None, graph: Optional[list] = None, encoder_nodes: Optional[dict] = None, encoder_edges: Optional[dict] = None, encoder_graph: Optional[dict] = None, add_hydrogen: bool = True, sanitize: bool = False, make_directed: bool = False, compute_partial_charges: bool = False, additional_callbacks: Optional[Dict[str, Callable[[kgcnn.molecule.base.MolGraphInterface, dict], None]]] = None, custom_transform: Optional[Callable[[kgcnn.molecule.base.MolGraphInterface], kgcnn.molecule.base.MolGraphInterface]] = None)[source]

Read geometric information into memory.

Graph labels require a column specified by label_column_name.

  • label_column_name (str, list) – Name of labels for columns in CSV file.

  • nodes (list) – A list of node attributes as string. In place of names also functions can be added.

  • edges (list) – A list of edge attributes as string. In place of names also functions can be added.

  • graph (list) – A list of graph attributes as string. In place of names also functions can be added.

  • encoder_nodes (dict) – A dictionary of callable encoder where the key matches the attribute.

  • encoder_edges (dict) – A dictionary of callable encoder where the key matches the attribute.

  • encoder_graph (dict) – A dictionary of callable encoder where the key matches the attribute.

  • add_hydrogen (bool) – Whether to keep hydrogen after reading the mol-information. Default is False.

  • make_directed (bool) – Whether to have directed or undirected bonds. Default is False.

  • compute_partial_charges (str) – Whether to compute partial charges, e.g. ‘gasteiger’. Default is None.

  • sanitize (bool) – Whether to sanitize molecule. Default is False.

  • additional_callbacks (dict) – A dictionary whose keys are string attribute names which the elements of the dataset are supposed to have and the elements are callback function objects which implement how those attributes are derived from the MolecularGraphRDKit of the molecule in question or the row of the CSV file.

  • custom_transform (Callable) – Custom transformation function to modify the generated MolecularGraphRDKit before callbacks are carried out. The function must take a single MolecularGraphRDKit instance as argument and return a (new) MolecularGraphRDKit instance.


self module

class Optional[str] = None, dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, file_name: Optional[str] = None, file_name_mol: Optional[str] = None, file_name_smiles: Optional[str] = None, verbose: int = 10)[source]


Class for using ‘MoleculeNet’ datasets.

The concept is to load a table of smiles and corresponding targets and convert them into a tensor representation for graph networks.

├── data_directory
    ├── file_name.csv
    ├── file_name.SMILES
    ├── file_name.sdf
    └── dataset_name.kgcnn.pickle

The class provides properties and methods for making graph features from smiles. The typical input is a csv or excel file with smiles and corresponding graph labels. The table file must have one line of header with column names!

The graph structure matches the molecular graph, i.e. the chemical structure. The atomic coordinates are generated by a conformer guess. Since this require some computation time, it is only done once and the molecular coordinate or mol-blocks stored in a single SDF file with the base-name of the csv :obj:file_name. Conversion is using the MolConverter class.

The selection of smiles and whether conformers should be generated is handled by subclasses or specified in the methods prepare_data and read_in_memory, see the documentation of the methods for further details.

Attribute generation is carried out via the MolecularGraphRDKit class and requires RDKit as backend. You can also use a pre-processed SDF or SMILES file in data_directory and add their name in the class initialization.

__init__(data_directory: Optional[str] = None, dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, file_name: Optional[str] = None, file_name_mol: Optional[str] = None, file_name_smiles: Optional[str] = None, verbose: int = 10)[source]

Initialize a MoleculeNetDataset with information of the dataset location on disk.

  • file_name (str) – Filename for reading into memory. This must be the name of the ‘.csv’ file. Default is None.

  • file_name_mol (str) – Filename of the SDF file that is generated from the SMILES file that is generated from a list of smiles given in the table file specified by file_name . By default, the name is chosen equal to file_name when passed None.

  • file_name_smiles (str) – Filename of the SMILES file that is generated from a list of smiles given in the table file specified by file_name . By default, the name is chosen equal to file_name when passed None.

  • data_directory (str) – Full path to directory containing all dataset files. Default is None. Not used by this subclass. Ignored.

  • dataset_name (str) – Name of the dataset. Important for naming. Default is None.

  • verbose (int) – Logging level. Default is 10.

property file_path_mol

Try to determine a file path for the mol information to store.

property file_path_smiles

Try to determine a file path for the SMILES information to store.

prepare_data(overwrite: bool = False, smiles_column_name: str = 'smiles', add_hydrogen: bool = True, sanitize: bool = True, make_conformers: bool = True, optimize_conformer: bool = True, external_program: Optional[dict] = None, num_workers: Optional[int] = None)[source]

Computation of molecular structure information and optionally conformers from smiles.

This function reads smiles from the csv-file given by file_name and creates a single SDF File of generated mol-blocks with the same file name. The function requires RDKit and (optionally) OpenBabel. Smiles that are not compatible with both RDKit and OpenBabel result in an empty mol-block in the SDF file to keep the number of molecules the same.

  • overwrite (bool) – Overwrite existing database mol-json file. Default is False.

  • smiles_column_name (str) – Column name where smiles are given in csv-file. Default is “smiles”.

  • add_hydrogen (bool) – Whether to add H after smile translation. Default is True.

  • sanitize (bool) – Whether to sanitize molecule. Default is True.

  • make_conformers (bool) – Whether to make conformers. Default is True.

  • optimize_conformer (bool) – Whether to optimize conformer via force field. Only possible with make_conformers. Default is True.

  • external_program (dict) – External program for translating smiles. Default is None. If you want to use an external program you have to supply a dictionary of the form: {“class_name”: “balloon”, “config”: {“balloon_executable_path”: …, …}}. Note that usually the parameters like add_hydrogen are ignored. And you need to control the SDF file generation within config of the external_program.

  • num_workers (int) – Parallel execution for translating smiles.



read_in_memory(label_column_name: Optional[Union[str, list]] = None, nodes: Optional[list] = None, edges: Optional[list] = None, graph: Optional[list] = None, encoder_nodes: Optional[dict] = None, encoder_edges: Optional[dict] = None, encoder_graph: Optional[dict] = None, add_hydrogen: bool = False, make_directed: bool = False, has_conformers: bool = True, sanitize: bool = True, compute_partial_charges: Optional[str] = None, additional_callbacks: Optional[Dict[str, Callable[[kgcnn.molecule.base.MolGraphInterface, dict], None]]] = None, custom_transform: Optional[Callable[[kgcnn.molecule.base.MolGraphInterface], kgcnn.molecule.base.MolGraphInterface]] = None)

Load list of molecules from cached SDF-file in into memory. File name must be given in file_name and path information in the constructor of this class.

It further checks the csv-file for graph labels specified by label_column_name. Labels that do not have valid smiles or molecule in the SDF-file are also skipped, but added as None to keep the index and the molecule assignment.

Set further molecular attributes or features by string identifier. Requires MolecularGraphRDKit. Default values are features that has been used by Luo et al (2019).

The argument additional_callbacks allows adding custom properties to each element of the dataset. It is a dictionary whose string keys are the names of the properties and the values are callable function objects which define how the property is derived from either the MolecularGraphRDKit or the corresponding row of the original CSV file. Those callback functions accept two parameters:

  • mg: The MolecularGraphRDKit instance of the molecule

  • ds: A pandas data series that match data in the CSV file for the specific molecule.


from os import linesep
csv = f"index,name,label,smiles{linesep}1,Propanolol,1,[Cl].CC(C)NCC(O)COc1cccc2ccccc12"
with open('/tmp/moleculenet_example.csv', mode='w') as file:

dataset = MoleculeNetDataset('/tmp', 'example', 'moleculenet_example.csv')
    encoder_nodes={'Symbol': OneHotEncoder(['C', 'O'], dtype='str')},
    encoder_edges={'BondType': int},
        # It is important that the callbacks return a numpy array, even if it is just a single element.
        'name': lambda mg, ds: np.array(ds['name'], dtype='str')

mol: dict = dataset[0]
mol['node_attributes']  # np array of one hot encoded atom type per node
mol['edge_attributes']  # int value representing the bond type
mol['name']  # Array of a single string which is the name from the original CSV data
  • label_column_name (str) – Column name in the csv-file where to take graph labels from. For multi-targets you can supply a list of column names or positions. A slice can be provided for selecting columns as graph labels. Default is None.

  • nodes (list) – A list of node attributes as string. In place of names also functions can be added.

  • edges (list) – A list of edge attributes as string. In place of names also functions can be added.

  • graph (list) – A list of graph attributes as string. In place of names also functions can be added.

  • encoder_nodes (dict) – A dictionary of callable encoder where the key matches the attribute.

  • encoder_edges (dict) – A dictionary of callable encoder where the key matches the attribute.

  • encoder_graph (dict) – A dictionary of callable encoder where the key matches the attribute.

  • add_hydrogen (bool) – Whether to keep hydrogen after reading the mol-information. Default is False.

  • has_conformers (bool) – Whether to add node coordinates from conformer. Default is True.

  • make_directed (bool) – Whether to have directed or undirected bonds. Default is False.

  • sanitize (bool) – Whether to sanitize molecule. Default is True.

  • compute_partial_charges (str) – Whether to compute partial charges, e.g. ‘gasteiger’. Default is None.

  • additional_callbacks (dict) – A dictionary whose keys are string attribute names which the elements of the dataset are supposed to have and the elements are callback function objects which implement how those attributes are derived from the MolecularGraphRDKit of the molecule in question or the row of the CSV file.

  • custom_transform (Callable) – Custom transformation function to modify the generated MolecularGraphRDKit before callbacks are carried out. The function must take a single MolecularGraphRDKit instance as argument and return a (new) MolecularGraphRDKit instance.



set_attributes(label_column_name: Optional[Union[str, list]] = None, nodes: Optional[list] = None, edges: Optional[list] = None, graph: Optional[list] = None, encoder_nodes: Optional[dict] = None, encoder_edges: Optional[dict] = None, encoder_graph: Optional[dict] = None, add_hydrogen: bool = False, make_directed: bool = False, has_conformers: bool = True, sanitize: bool = True, compute_partial_charges: Optional[str] = None, additional_callbacks: Optional[Dict[str, Callable[[kgcnn.molecule.base.MolGraphInterface, dict], None]]] = None, custom_transform: Optional[Callable[[kgcnn.molecule.base.MolGraphInterface], kgcnn.molecule.base.MolGraphInterface]] = None)[source]

Load list of molecules from cached SDF-file in into memory. File name must be given in file_name and path information in the constructor of this class.

It further checks the csv-file for graph labels specified by label_column_name. Labels that do not have valid smiles or molecule in the SDF-file are also skipped, but added as None to keep the index and the molecule assignment.

Set further molecular attributes or features by string identifier. Requires MolecularGraphRDKit. Default values are features that has been used by Luo et al (2019).

The argument additional_callbacks allows adding custom properties to each element of the dataset. It is a dictionary whose string keys are the names of the properties and the values are callable function objects which define how the property is derived from either the MolecularGraphRDKit or the corresponding row of the original CSV file. Those callback functions accept two parameters:

  • mg: The MolecularGraphRDKit instance of the molecule

  • ds: A pandas data series that match data in the CSV file for the specific molecule.


from os import linesep
csv = f"index,name,label,smiles{linesep}1,Propanolol,1,[Cl].CC(C)NCC(O)COc1cccc2ccccc12"
with open('/tmp/moleculenet_example.csv', mode='w') as file:

dataset = MoleculeNetDataset('/tmp', 'example', 'moleculenet_example.csv')
    encoder_nodes={'Symbol': OneHotEncoder(['C', 'O'], dtype='str')},
    encoder_edges={'BondType': int},
        # It is important that the callbacks return a numpy array, even if it is just a single element.
        'name': lambda mg, ds: np.array(ds['name'], dtype='str')

mol: dict = dataset[0]
mol['node_attributes']  # np array of one hot encoded atom type per node
mol['edge_attributes']  # int value representing the bond type
mol['name']  # Array of a single string which is the name from the original CSV data
  • label_column_name (str) – Column name in the csv-file where to take graph labels from. For multi-targets you can supply a list of column names or positions. A slice can be provided for selecting columns as graph labels. Default is None.

  • nodes (list) – A list of node attributes as string. In place of names also functions can be added.

  • edges (list) – A list of edge attributes as string. In place of names also functions can be added.

  • graph (list) – A list of graph attributes as string. In place of names also functions can be added.

  • encoder_nodes (dict) – A dictionary of callable encoder where the key matches the attribute.

  • encoder_edges (dict) – A dictionary of callable encoder where the key matches the attribute.

  • encoder_graph (dict) – A dictionary of callable encoder where the key matches the attribute.

  • add_hydrogen (bool) – Whether to keep hydrogen after reading the mol-information. Default is False.

  • has_conformers (bool) – Whether to add node coordinates from conformer. Default is True.

  • make_directed (bool) – Whether to have directed or undirected bonds. Default is False.

  • sanitize (bool) – Whether to sanitize molecule. Default is True.

  • compute_partial_charges (str) – Whether to compute partial charges, e.g. ‘gasteiger’. Default is None.

  • additional_callbacks (dict) – A dictionary whose keys are string attribute names which the elements of the dataset are supposed to have and the elements are callback function objects which implement how those attributes are derived from the MolecularGraphRDKit of the molecule in question or the row of the CSV file.

  • custom_transform (Callable) – Custom transformation function to modify the generated MolecularGraphRDKit before callbacks are carried out. The function must take a single MolecularGraphRDKit instance as argument and return a (new) MolecularGraphRDKit instance.


self List[str], data: Union[pandas.core.series.Series, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame], callbacks: Dict[str, Callable[[kgcnn.molecule.base.MolGraphInterface, pandas.core.series.Series], None]], custom_transform: Optional[Callable[[kgcnn.molecule.base.MolGraphInterface], kgcnn.molecule.base.MolGraphInterface]] = None, add_hydrogen: bool = False, make_directed: bool = False, sanitize: bool = True, compute_partial_charges: Optional[str] = None, mol_interface_class=None, logger=None, loop_update_info: int = 5000)dict[source]

This method receive the list of molecules, as well as the data from a pandas data series. It then iterates over all the molecules / data rows and invokes the callbacks for each.

The “callbacks” parameter is supposed to be a dictionary whose keys are string names of attributes which are supposed to be derived from the molecule / data and the values are function objects which define how to derive that data. Those callback functions get two parameters:

  • mg: The MolGraphInterface instance for the current molecule

  • ds: A pandas data series that match data in the CSV file for the specific molecule.

The string keys of the “callbacks” directory are also the string names which are later used to assign the properties of the underlying GraphList. This means that each element of the dataset will then have a field with the same name.


If a molecule cannot be properly loaded by MolGraphInterface, then for all attributes “None” is added without invoking the callback!


mol_net = MoleculeNetDataset()

mol_values = map_molecule_callbacks(
        'graph_size': lambda mg, dd: len(mg.node_number),
        'index': lambda mg, dd: dd['index']

for key, value in mol_values.items():
    mol_net.assign_property(key, value)

mol: dict = mol_net[0]
assert 'graph_size' in mol.keys()
assert 'index' in mol.keys()
  • mol_list (list) – List of mol strings.

  • data (pd.DataFrame) – Pandas data frame or series matching list of mol-strings.

  • callbacks (dict) – Dictionary of callbacks to perform on MolecularGraph object and table entries.

  • add_hydrogen (bool) – Whether to add hydrogen when making a MolecularGraphRDKit instance.

  • make_directed (bool) – Whether to have directed or undirected bonds. Default is False.

  • sanitize (bool) – Whether to sanitize molecule. Default is True.

  • custom_transform (Callable) – Custom transformation function to modify the generated MolecularGraphRDKit before callbacks are carried out. The function must take a single MolecularGraphRDKit instance as argument and return a (new) MolecularGraphRDKit instance.

  • compute_partial_charges (str) – Whether to compute partial charges, e.g. ‘gasteiger’. Default is None.

  • mol_interface_class – Interface for molecular graphs. Must be a MolGraphInterface.

  • logger – Logger to report error and progress.

  • loop_update_info (int) – Updates for processed molecules.


Values of callbacks.

Return type

dict module

class Optional[str] = None, dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, file_name: Optional[str] = None, verbose: int = 10, file_directory: Optional[str] = None, file_name_xyz: Optional[str] = None, file_name_mol: Optional[str] = None)[source]


This is a base class for QM (quantum mechanical) datasets.

It generates graph properties from a xyz-file, which stores atomic coordinates. Additionally, loading multiple single xyz-files into one file is supported. The file names and labels are given by a CSV or table file. The table file must have one line of header with column names!

├── data_directory
    ├── file_directory
    │   ├── *.xyz
    │   ├── *.xyz
    │   └── ...
    ├── file_name.csv
    ├── file_name.sdf
    └── dataset_name.kgcnn.pickle

It should be possible to generate approximate chemical bonding information via openbabel, if this additional package is installed. The class inherits from MemoryGraphDataset . If openbabel is not installed minimal loading of labels and coordinates should be supported.

For additional attributes, the set_attributes enables further features that require RDkit or Openbabel to be installed. Note that for QMDataset the mol-information, if it is generated, is not cleaned during reading by default.

__init__(data_directory: Optional[str] = None, dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, file_name: Optional[str] = None, verbose: int = 10, file_directory: Optional[str] = None, file_name_xyz: Optional[str] = None, file_name_mol: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Default initialization. File information on the location of the dataset on disk should be provided here.

  • data_directory (str) – Full path to directory of the dataset. Optional. Default is None.

  • file_name (str) – Filename for reading table ‘.csv’ file into memory. Must be given! For example as ‘.csv’ formatted file with QM labels such as energy, states, dipole etc. Moreover, the table file can contain a list of file names of individual ‘.xyz’ files to collect. Files are expected to be in file_directory. Default is None.

  • file_name_xyz (str) – Filename of a single ‘.xyz’ file. This file is generated when collecting single ‘.xyz’ files in file_directory . If not specified, the name is generated based on file_name .

  • file_name_mol (str) – Filename of a single ‘.sdf’ file. This file is generated from the single ‘.xyz’ file. SDF generation does require proper geometries. If not specified, the name is generated based on file_name .

  • file_directory (str) – Name or relative path from data_directory to a directory containing sorted ‘.xyz’ files. Only used if file_name is None. Default is None.

  • dataset_name (str) – Name of the dataset. Important for naming and saving files. Default is None.

  • verbose (int) – Logging level. Default is 10.

property file_path_mol

Try to determine a file name for the mol information to store.

property file_path_xyz

Try to determine a file name for the mol information to store.

get_geom_from_xyz_file(file_path: str)list[source]

Get a list of xyz items from file.


file_path (str) – File path of XYZ file. Default None uses file_path_xyz.


List of xyz lists.

Return type


get_mol_blocks_from_sdf_file(file_path: Optional[str] = None)list[source]

Get a list of mol-blocks from file.


file_path (str) – File path of SDF file. Default None uses file_path_mol.


List of mol-strings.

Return type


prepare_data(overwrite: bool = False, file_column_name: Optional[str] = None, make_sdf: bool = True)[source]

Pre-computation of molecular structure information in a sdf-file from a xyz-file or a folder of xyz-files.

If there is no single xyz-file, it will be created with the information of a csv-file with the same name.

  • overwrite (bool) – Overwrite existing database SDF file. Default is False.

  • file_column_name (str) – Name of the column in csv file with list of xyz-files located in file_directory

  • make_sdf (bool) – Whether to try to make a sdf file from xyz information via RDKit and OpenBabel.



read_in_memory(label_column_name: Optional[Union[str, list]] = None, nodes: Optional[list] = None, edges: Optional[list] = None, graph: Optional[list] = None, encoder_nodes: Optional[dict] = None, encoder_edges: Optional[dict] = None, encoder_graph: Optional[dict] = None, add_hydrogen: bool = True, sanitize: bool = False, make_directed: bool = False, compute_partial_charges: bool = False, additional_callbacks: Optional[Dict[str, Callable[[kgcnn.molecule.base.MolGraphInterface, dict], None]]] = None, custom_transform: Optional[Callable[[kgcnn.molecule.base.MolGraphInterface], kgcnn.molecule.base.MolGraphInterface]] = None)[source]

Read geometric information into memory.

Graph labels require a column specified by label_column_name.

  • label_column_name (str, list) – Name of labels for columns in CSV file.

  • nodes (list) – A list of node attributes as string. In place of names also functions can be added.

  • edges (list) – A list of edge attributes as string. In place of names also functions can be added.

  • graph (list) – A list of graph attributes as string. In place of names also functions can be added.

  • encoder_nodes (dict) – A dictionary of callable encoder where the key matches the attribute.

  • encoder_edges (dict) – A dictionary of callable encoder where the key matches the attribute.

  • encoder_graph (dict) – A dictionary of callable encoder where the key matches the attribute.

  • add_hydrogen (bool) – Whether to keep hydrogen after reading the mol-information. Default is False.

  • make_directed (bool) – Whether to have directed or undirected bonds. Default is False.

  • compute_partial_charges (str) – Whether to compute partial charges, e.g. ‘gasteiger’. Default is None.

  • sanitize (bool) – Whether to sanitize molecule. Default is False.

  • additional_callbacks (dict) – A dictionary whose keys are string attribute names which the elements of the dataset are supposed to have and the elements are callback function objects which implement how those attributes are derived from the MolecularGraphRDKit of the molecule in question or the row of the CSV file.

  • custom_transform (Callable) – Custom transformation function to modify the generated MolecularGraphRDKit before callbacks are carried out. The function must take a single MolecularGraphRDKit instance as argument and return a (new) MolecularGraphRDKit instance.



read_in_memory_xyz(file_path: Optional[str] = None, atomic_coordinates: Optional[str] = 'node_coordinates', atomic_symbol: Optional[str] = 'node_symbol', atomic_number: Optional[str] = 'node_number')[source]

Read XYZ-file with geometric information into memory.

  • file_path (str) – Filepath to xyz file.

  • atomic_coordinates (str) – Name of graph property of atomic coordinates. Default is “node_coordinates”.

  • atomic_symbol (str) – Name of graph property of atomic symbol. Default is “node_symbol”.

  • atomic_number (str) – Name of graph property of atomic number. Default is “node_number”.



set_attributes(label_column_name: Optional[Union[str, list]] = None, nodes: Optional[list] = None, edges: Optional[list] = None, graph: Optional[list] = None, encoder_nodes: Optional[dict] = None, encoder_edges: Optional[dict] = None, encoder_graph: Optional[dict] = None, add_hydrogen: bool = True, make_directed: bool = False, sanitize: bool = False, compute_partial_charges: Optional[str] = None, additional_callbacks: Optional[Dict[str, Callable[[kgcnn.molecule.base.MolGraphInterface, dict], None]]] = None, custom_transform: Optional[Callable[[kgcnn.molecule.base.MolGraphInterface], kgcnn.molecule.base.MolGraphInterface]] = None)[source]

Read SDF-file with chemical structure information into memory.

  • label_column_name (str, list) – Name of labels for columns in CSV file.

  • nodes (list) – A list of node attributes as string. In place of names also functions can be added.

  • edges (list) – A list of edge attributes as string. In place of names also functions can be added.

  • graph (list) – A list of graph attributes as string. In place of names also functions can be added.

  • encoder_nodes (dict) – A dictionary of callable encoder where the key matches the attribute.

  • encoder_edges (dict) – A dictionary of callable encoder where the key matches the attribute.

  • encoder_graph (dict) – A dictionary of callable encoder where the key matches the attribute.

  • add_hydrogen (bool) – Whether to keep hydrogen after reading the mol-information. Default is False.

  • make_directed (bool) – Whether to have directed or undirected bonds. Default is False.

  • sanitize (bool) – Whether to sanitize molecule. Default is False.

  • compute_partial_charges (str) – Whether to compute partial charges, e.g. ‘gasteiger’. Default is None.

  • additional_callbacks (dict) – A dictionary whose keys are string attribute names which the elements of the dataset are supposed to have and the elements are callback function objects which implement how those attributes are derived from the MolecularGraphRDKit of the molecule in question or the row of the CSV file.

  • custom_transform (Callable) – Custom transformation function to modify the generated MolecularGraphRDKit before callbacks are carried out. The function must take a single MolecularGraphRDKit instance as argument and return a (new) MolecularGraphRDKit instance.


self module Union[str, dict])[source]

Deserialize a dataset class from dictionary including “class_name” and “config” keys.

Furthermore, prepare_data, read_in_memory and map_list are possible for deserialization if manually set in ‘methods’ key as list. Tries to resolve datasets also without module_name key. Otherwise, you can use general kgcnn.utils.serial .


dataset (str, dict) – Dictionary of the dataset serialization.


Deserialized dataset.

Return type

MemoryGraphDataset module

class Optional[str] = None, dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, file_name: Optional[str] = None, file_directory: Optional[str] = None, verbose: int = 10)[source]


Base class for loading graph datasets published by TU Dortmund University.

Datasets contain non-isomorphic graphs for many graph classification or regression tasks. This general base class has functionality to load TUDatasets in a generic way. The datasets are already in a graph-like format and do not need further processing via e.g. prepare data.


Note that subclasses of GraphTUDataset2020 in downloads datasets, There are also further TU-datasets in, if further processing is used in literature. Not all datasets can provide all types of graph properties like edge_attributes etc.

The file structure of GraphTUDataset for a given dataset ‘DS’ (replace DS with dataset name).

├── data_directory
    ├── DS_graph_indicator.txt
    ├── DS_A.txt
    ├── DS_node_labels.txt
    ├── DS_node_attributes.txt
    ├── DS_edge_labels.txt
    ├── DS_edge_attributes.txt
    ├── DS_graph_labels.txt
    ├── DS_graph_attributes.txt
    ├──  ...
    └── dataset_name.kgcnn.pickle

Setting up a single file can be made additionally with base class save method.

__init__(data_directory: Optional[str] = None, dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, file_name: Optional[str] = None, file_directory: Optional[str] = None, verbose: int = 10)[source]

Initialize a GraphTUDataset instance from file.

  • data_directory (str) – Full path to directory of the dataset. Default is None.

  • file_name (str) – Filename for reading into memory. Not used for general TUDataset, since there are multiple files with a prefix and pre-defined suffix. Default is None.

  • file_directory (str) – Name or relative path from data_directory to a directory containing sorted files. Default is None.

  • dataset_name (str) – Name of the dataset. Important for base-name for naming of files. Default is None.

  • verbose (int) – Logging level. Default is 10.

static read_csv_simple(filepath: str, delimiter: str = ', ', dtype: Callable = <class 'float'>)[source]

Very simple python-only function to read in a csv-file from file.

  • filepath (str) – Full filepath of csv-file to read in.

  • delimiter (str) – Delimiter character for separation. Default is “,”.

  • dtype – Callable type conversion from string. Default is float.


Python list of values. Length of the list equals the number of lines.

Return type



Read the GraphTUDataset into memory.

The TUDataset is stored in disjoint representations. The data is cast to a list of separate graph properties for MemoryGraphDataset.


self module str, **kwargs)dict[source]

Load hyperparameter from file. File type can be ‘.yaml’, ‘.json’, ‘.pickle’ or ‘.py’.


file_name (str) – Path or name of the file containing hyperparameter.


Dictionary of hyperparameter.

Return type

hyper (dict) str, **kwargs)[source]

Load json file.


file_path (str) – File path or name to load.


Python-object of file.

Return type

obj str, **kwargs)[source]

Load pickle file.


file_path (str) – File path or name to load.


Python-object of file.

Return type

obj str)[source]

Load yaml file.


file_path (str) – File path or name to load.


Python-object of file.

Return type

obj list, dtype: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Pad a list of numpy arrays along first dimension.

  • values (list) – List of np.ndarray .

  • dtype (str) – Data type of values tensor. Defaults to None.


Padded and mask np.ndarray of values.

Return type

tuple list, dtype: Optional[str] = None, row_splits_dtype: str = 'int64')[source]

Make ragged tensor from a list of numpy arrays. Each array can have different length but must match in shape except the first dimension. This will result in a ragged tensor with ragged dimension only at first axis (ragged_rank=1), like shape (batch, None, …) . This way a tensor can be generated faster than tf.ragged.constant() .


The data will be copied for this operation.

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
ragged_tensor = ragged_tensor_from_nested_numpy([np.array([[0]]), np.array([[1], [2], [3]])])
# <tf.RaggedTensor [[[0]], [[1], [2], [3]]]>
# (2, None, 1)
  • numpy_list (list) – List of numpy arrays of different length but else identical shape.

  • dtype (str) – Data type of values tensor. Defaults to None.

  • row_splits_dtype (str) – Data type of partition tensor. Default is “int64”.


Ragged tensor of former nested list of numpy arrays.

Return type

tf.RaggedTensor, file_path: str, **kwargs)[source]

Save json file.

  • obj – Python-object to dump.

  • file_path (str) – File path or name to save ‘obj’ to.


None., file_path: str, **kwargs)[source]

Save pickle file.

  • obj – Python-object to dump.

  • file_path (str) – File path or name to save ‘obj’ to.


None., file_path: str, default_flow_style: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]

Save yaml file.

  • obj – Python-object to dump.

  • file_path (str) – File path or name to save ‘obj’ to.

  • default_flow_style (bool) – Flag for flow style. Default to False.



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