
Graphs \(G= (V,E)\) are represented by a set of vertices or nodes \(v \in V\) and edges or bonds \(e_{v,w} = (v, w) \in E\) between them. For Machine learning (ML) vertices and edges are attributed with feature information.

To handle graphs, NetworkX is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and functions of complex networks. The graph types are provided by following classes in NetworkX:

import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

G = nx.Graph()
G = nx.DiGraph()
G = nx.MultiGraph()
G = nx.MultiDiGraph()

see introduction on NetworkX docs:

  • Graph This class implements an undirected graph. It ignores multiple edges between two nodes. It does allow self-loop edges between a node and itself.

  • DiGraph Directed graphs, that is, graphs with directed edges. Provides operations common to directed graphs, (a subclass of Graph).

  • MultiGraph A flexible graph class that allows multiple undirected edges between pairs of nodes. The additional flexibility leads to some degradation in performance, though usually not significant.

  • MultiDiGraph A directed version of a MultiGraph.

Here an example on how a graph is constructed from node and edge information.

# Graph information as arrays.
node_number = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
node_attributes = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]
edge_indices = [(1, 2), (1, 3),(1, 5), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)]

# Setup graph.
G = nx.DiGraph()
pos = nx.spring_layout(G, seed=42)
options = {
    "font_size": 18,
    "node_size": 1500,
    "node_color": "white",
    "edgecolors": "black",
    "linewidths": 2,
    "width": 2,
nx.draw(G, pos, labels={i: "%s$_{(%s)}$" % (x, i) for i, x in zip(node_number, node_attributes)},
        with_labels=True, **options)
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G,pos, edge_labels={x: x for x in G.edges()}, font_size=18);

There are some data classes in kgcnn that can help to store and load graph data. In principle a graph is a collection of the follwing objects in tensor-form:

  • nodes_attributes: Node features of shape (N, F) where N is the number of nodes and F is the node feature dimension.

  • edge_indices: Connection list of shape (M, 2) where M is the number of edges. The indices denote a connection of incoming or receiving node i and outgoing or sending node j as (i, j).

  • edges_attributes: Edge features of shape (M, F) where M is the number of edges and F is the edge feature dimension.

  • graph_attributes: Graph state information of shape (F, ) where F denotes the feature dimension.

These can be stored in form of numpy arrays in a dictionary type container GraphDict. Additional train/test assignment, labels, positions/coordinates, forces or momentum, other connection indices or even symbols or IDs can be added to this dictionary.

For multiple small graphs a list of these dictionaries serves to represent the common case of datasets for supervised learning tasks, for example small molecules or crystal structures.

NOTE: There are functions to import and export to NetworkX.

Graph Dict

Graphs are represented by a dictionary GraphDict of (numpy) arrays which behaves like a python dict. In principle the GraphDict can take every key and value pair via item operator []. However, for consitency and class methods, keys must be string-names and values np.ndarray . You can use set and get to auto-cast to numpy arrays or run validate().

import numpy as np
from import GraphDict
# Single graph.
graph = GraphDict({"edge_indices": np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]), "node_label":  np.array([[0], [1]])})
graph.set("graph_labels",  np.array([0]))
graph.set("edge_attributes", np.array([[1.0], [2.0]]));
print({key: value.shape for key, value in graph.items()})
print("Is dict: %s" % isinstance(graph, dict))
print("Graph label", graph["graph_labels"])
{'edge_indices': (2, 2), 'node_label': (2, 1), 'graph_labels': (1,), 'edge_attributes': (2, 1)}
Is dict: True
Graph label [0]

The class GraphDict can be converted to for example a strict graph representation of networkx which keeps track of node and edge changes.

import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
nx_graph = graph.to_networkx()

Or compiling a dictionary of (tensorial) graph properties from a networkx graph.

graph = GraphDict().from_networkx(nx.cubical_graph())
print({key: value.shape for key, value in graph.items()})
{'node_number': (8,), 'edge_indices': (12, 2)}

There are graph pre- and postprocessors in kgcnn.graph which take specific properties by name and apply a processing function or transformation. The processing function can for example compute angle indices based on edges or sort edge indices and sort dependent features accordingly.

WARNING: However, they should be used with caution since they only apply to tensor data regardless of any underlying graph structure. Meaning, if you for example remove nodes, you must take care that the respective edges are removed as well. This is different from a networkx which limits access to basic gaph manipulation operations.

For example SortEdgeIndices can sort an “edge_indices” tensor and sort attributed properties such as “edge_attributes” or “edge_labels” or a list of multiple (named) properties accordingly. In the example below a generic search string is also valid. To directly update a GraphDict make a preprocessor with in_place=True . Note that preprocessors can be serialised and have a get_config method.

from kgcnn.graph.preprocessor import SortEdgeIndices, AddEdgeSelfLoops, SetEdgeWeightsUniform

SortEdgeIndices(edge_indices="edge_indices", edge_attributes="^edge_(?!indices$).*", in_place=True)(graph)

SetEdgeWeightsUniform(edge_indices="edge_indices", value=1.0, in_place=True)(graph)

    edge_indices="edge_indices", edge_attributes="^edge_(?!indices$).*",
    remove_duplicates=True, sort_indices=True, fill_value=0, in_place=True)(graph);

print({key: value.shape for key, value in graph.items()})
{'node_number': (8,), 'edge_indices': (20, 2), 'edge_weights': (20, 1)}

Graph List

A MemoryGraphList should behave identical to a python list but contain only GraphDict items. Here a few examples with some utility methods of the class.

from import MemoryGraphList

# List of graph dicts.
graph_list = MemoryGraphList([
    GraphDict({"edge_indices": [[0, 1], [1, 0]], "graph_label": [0]}),
    GraphDict({"edge_indices": [[0, 0]], "graph_label": [1]}),
    GraphDict({"graph_label": [0]})
print("Is list: %s" % isinstance(graph_list, list))

# Remove graphs without certain property
print("New length of graph:", len(graph_list))

# Go to every graph dict and take out the requested property. Opposite is set().
print("Labels (list):", graph_list.get("graph_label"))

# Or directly modify list.
for i, x in enumerate(graph_list):
    x.set("graph_number", [i])

print(graph_list)  # Also supports indexing lists. 'edge_indices' is not defined for graph '2'. invalid graphs for properties. Removing graphs '[2]'.
Is list: True
New length of graph: 2
Labels (list): [array([0]), array([1])]
<MemoryGraphList [{'edge_indices': array([[0, 1],
       [1, 0]]), 'graph_label': array([0]), 'graph_number': array([0])} ...]>

It is also easy to map a method over the graph dicts in the list. This can be a class method of GraphDict or a callable function (or class). Or for compatibility reasons a default name of a preprocessor (not to be used in the future).

graph_list.map_list(method=AddEdgeSelfLoops(edge_indices="edge_indices", in_place=True))

# Note: Former deprecated option is to use a method name that is looked up in the preprocessor class.
# graph_list.map_list(method="add_edge_self_loops")
<MemoryGraphList [{'edge_indices': array([[0, 0],
       [0, 1],
       [1, 0],
       [1, 1]]), 'graph_label': array([0]), 'graph_number': array([0])} ...]>

Most importantly, a (ragged) tensor for the complete list can be generated for the input required for a specific keras model. You can simply pass a list or dict of the config of keras Input layers as shown below:

    {"name": "edge_indices", "shape": (None, 2), "ragged": True, "dtype": "int64"},
    {"name": "graph_label", "shape": (1, ), "ragged": False}
[<tf.RaggedTensor [[[0, 0],
   [0, 1],
   [1, 0],
   [1, 1]], [[0, 0]]]>,


The MemoryGraphDataset inherits from MemoryGraphList but must be initialized with file information on disk that points to a data_directory for the dataset. The data_directory can have a subdirectory for files and/or single file such as a CSV file. The usual data structure looks like this:

├── data_directory
    ├── file_directory
       ├── *.*
       └── ...
    ├── file_name
    └── dataset_name.kgcnn.pickle
from import MemoryGraphDataset
dataset = MemoryGraphDataset(
    data_directory=".",  # Path to file directory or current folder
    file_name=None, file_directory=None)

# Modify like a MemoryGraphList
for x in graph_list:
dataset[0]["node_attributes"] = np.array([[0.9, 3.2], [1.2, 2.4]])
<MemoryGraphDataset [{'edge_indices': array([[0, 0],
       [0, 1],
       [1, 0],
       [1, 1]]), 'graph_label': array([0]), 'graph_number': array([0]), 'node_attributes': array([[0.9, 3.2],
       [1.2, 2.4]])} ...]>

You can also change the location on file with relocate() . Note that in this case only the file information is changed, but no files are moved or copied. Save the dataset as pickled python list of python dicts to file:

dataset.load() dataset... pickled dataset...
<MemoryGraphDataset [{'edge_indices': array([[0, 0],
       [0, 1],
       [1, 0],
       [1, 1]]), 'graph_label': array([0]), 'graph_number': array([0]), 'node_attributes': array([[0.9, 3.2],
       [1.2, 2.4]])} ...]>

Special Datasets

From MemoryGraphDataset there are many subclasses QMDataset, MoleculeNetDataset, CrystalDataset, VisualGraphDataset and GraphTUDataset which further have functions required for the specific dataset type to convert and process files such as ‘.txt’, ‘.sdf’, ‘.xyz’, ‘.cif’, ‘.jpg’ etc. They are located in . Most subclasses implement prepare_data() and read_in_memory() with dataset dependent arguments to preprocess and finally load data from different formats.

In data.datasets there are graph learning benchmark datasets as subclasses which are being downloaded from e.g. popular graph archives like TUDatasets, MatBench or MoleculeNet. The subclasses GraphTUDataset2020, MatBenchDataset2020 and MoleculeNetDataset2018 download and read the available datasets by name. There are also specific dataset subclasses for each dataset to handle additional processing or downloading from individual sources:

from import MUTAGDataset
dataset = MUTAGDataset()  # inherits from GraphTUDataset2020()
dataset[0].keys() and possibly downloading dataset with name MUTAG directory located at C:\Users\patri\.kgcnn\datasets directory found. Done. found. Done. for extraction exists. Done. extracting zip file. Stopped. dataset to memory with name MUTAG start of graph ID to zero for 'MUTAG' to match python indexing. index which has unconnected '[]' with '[]' in total '0'.
dict_keys(['node_degree', 'node_labels', 'edge_indices', 'edge_labels', 'graph_labels', 'node_attributes', 'edge_attributes', 'node_symbol', 'node_number', 'graph_size'])

Downloaded datasets are stored in ~/.kgcnn/datasets on your computer. Please remove them manually, if no longer required.

Here are some examples on custom usage of the base classes:


Class for using MoleculeNet datasets. The concept is to load a table of smiles and corresponding targets and convert them into a tensor representation for graph networks. The column that contains smiles must be specified in the prepare_data method.

Attribute generation is carried out via the MolecularGraphRDKit class and requires RDKit as backend. You can also use a pre-processed SDF or SMILES file in data_directory and add their name in the class initialization.

The graph structure matches the molecular graph, i.e. the chemical structure. The atomic coordinates are generated by a conformer guess. Since this require some computation time, it is only done once and the molecular coordinate or mol-blocks stored in a single SDF file with the base-name of the csv file_name. Conversion is using the MolConverter class.

The selection of smiles and whether conformers should be generated is handled by subclasses or specified in the methods prepare_data and read_in_memory, see the documentation of the methods for further details.

Attribute generation is carried out via the MolecularGraphRDKit class and requires RDKit as backend. You can also use a pre-processed SDF or SMILES file in data_directory and add their name in the class initialization.

The file structure is:

├── ExampleMol
    ├── data.csv
    ├── data.SMILES  # After prepare_data
    └── data.sdf  # After prepare_data

Example data:

import os
os.makedirs("DatasetMol", exist_ok=True)

with open("DatasetMol/data.csv", "w") as f:
        "smiles,Values1,Values2\n",  # Need header!
        "CCC, 1, 0.1\n",
        "CCCO, 2, 0.3\nCCCN, 3, 0.2\n",
        "CCCC=O, 4, 0.4\n"
        "NOCF, 4, 1.4\n"

Setting up dataset and run prepare_data() and read_in_memory().

from import MoleculeNetDataset, OneHotEncoder
dataset = MoleculeNetDataset(
    file_name_mol=None,  # Default will be data.sdf
    smiles_column_name="smiles",  # Name of the column in CSV File.
    num_workers=None  # Default is #cpus
    nodes=None,  # Use Default attributes selection.
    edges=None,  # Use Default attributes selection.
    graph=None,  # Use Default attributes selection.
    encoder_nodes=None,  # Use Default encoder.
    encoder_edges=None,  # Use Default encoder.
    encoder_graph=None,  # Use Default encoder.
    label_column_name=["Values1", "Values2"],  # Graph labels from CSV!
    add_hydrogen=False,  # We remove H's
    has_conformers=True,  # We keep strucutre
print("Number of graphs:", len(dataset))
ERROR:kgcnn.molecule.convert:Can not import `OpenBabel` package for conversion. SDF DatasetMol/data.sdf of pre-computed structures. molecules from mol-file. ... process molecules 0 from 5
INFO:kgcnn.molecule.encoder:OneHotEncoder Symbol found ['C', 'O', 'N', 'F']
INFO:kgcnn.molecule.encoder:OneHotEncoder Hybridization found [rdkit.Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP3, rdkit.Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP2]
INFO:kgcnn.molecule.encoder:OneHotEncoder TotalDegree found [4, 2, 3, 1]
INFO:kgcnn.molecule.encoder:OneHotEncoder TotalNumHs found [3, 2, 1, 0]
INFO:kgcnn.molecule.encoder:OneHotEncoder CIPCode found [None]
INFO:kgcnn.molecule.encoder:OneHotEncoder ChiralityPossible found [None]
INFO:kgcnn.molecule.encoder:OneHotEncoder BondType found [rdkit.Chem.rdchem.BondType.SINGLE, rdkit.Chem.rdchem.BondType.DOUBLE]
INFO:kgcnn.molecule.encoder:OneHotEncoder Stereo found [rdkit.Chem.rdchem.BondStereo.STEREONONE]
Number of graphs: 5

It is possible to further customize the attribute generation. For mor details, see documentation on MolecularGraphRDKit classes.

Options woule be a function that receive atom, bond or molecule instances of the mol-backend and must return a list or value for the attribute of the specific atom or bond, a callback that gets a MolecularGraphRDKit and the row of the CSV file as arguments or a transformation method that modifies the MolecularGraphRDKit instance one time before attribute generation. Note that for set_attributes the data is read from the SDF file and processed again.

# Via RDKit function.
def mol_feature(m):
    return m.GetNumAtoms()
# Via callback.
def graph_size_callback(mg, ds):
    return mg.mol.GetNumAtoms()
# Via transform.
def custum_trafo(mg):
    return mg.compute_partial_charges()
    # Nodes
    nodes=["Symbol", "TotalNumHs", "GasteigerCharge"],
        "Symbol": OneHotEncoder(["C", "N", "O"], dtype="str", add_unknown=False)
    # Edges
    edges=["BondType", "Stereo"],
    encoder_edges = {
        "BondType": int
    # Graph-level
    graph=["ExactMolWt", mol_feature],
    additional_callbacks= {"size": graph_size_callback},
) molecules from mol-file. ... process molecules 0 from 5
INFO:kgcnn.molecule.encoder:OneHotEncoder Symbol found ['C', 'O', 'N', 'F']
<MoleculeNetDataset [{'node_symbol': array(['C', 'C', 'C'], dtype='<U1'), 'node_number': array([6, 6, 6]), 'edge_indices': array([[0, 1],
       [1, 0],
       [1, 2],
       [2, 1]], dtype=int64), 'edge_number': array([1, 1, 1, 1]), 'graph_size': array(3), 'node_coordinates': array([[ 0.995 ,  0.0682,  0.0729],
       [ 2.515 ,  0.0682,  0.0729],
       [ 3.0216, -1.244 ,  0.6489]]), 'graph_labels': array([1, 0.1], dtype=object), 'node_attributes': array([[ 1.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  3.        , -0.06564544],
       [ 1.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  2.        , -0.05903836],
       [ 1.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  3.        , -0.06564544]],
      dtype=float32), 'edge_attributes': array([[1., 0.],
       [1., 0.],
       [1., 0.],
       [1., 0.]], dtype=float32), 'graph_attributes': array([44.0626,  3.    ], dtype=float32), 'size': array(3)} ...]>


A base class for QM (quantum mechanical) datasets.

It generates atoms and coordinates from a single xyz-file, which stores atomic coordinates, and infers graph properties similar to MoleculeNetDataset . Furthermore, labels are given by an additional CSV or table file. Additionally, loading multiple xyz-files into one single xyz-file is supported. The (ordered) file names must be given in the CSV or table file. The table file must have one line of header with column names!

It should be possible to generate approximate chemical bonding information via rdkit and/or openbabel, if openbabel package is installed (rdkit is installed by default). The class inherits from MemoryGraphDataset . If conversion is not successful minimal loading of labels and coordinates should be supported.

For additional attributes, the set_attributes enables further features that require rdkit or openbabel to be installed. Note that for QMDataset the mol-information, if it is generated, is not cleaned during reading by default.

The file structure is:

├── ExampleQM
    ├── qm.csv
    ├── XYZ_files  # Need a qm.csv with column of files, if multiple files are used.
       ├── *.*
       └── ...
    ├──  # If available, otherwise will be created.
    └── qm.sdf  # After prepare_data

Example data:

import os
os.makedirs("DatasetQM", exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs("DatasetQM/XYZ_files", exist_ok=True)
xyz_list = [
    "3\n\nC -0.8513 1.7563 0.5028\nC -1.1415 0.2664 0.4371\nC -0.7681 -0.3186 -0.9144\n",
    "4\n\nC 2.4098 0.5514 -2.1836\nC 2.5000 -0.4800 -1.0676\nC 1.1575 -0.7559 -0.3909\nN 0.6356 0.4257 0.2851\n",
    "1\n\nC 0.0 0.0 0.0\n"
for i, x in enumerate(xyz_list):
    with open("DatasetQM/XYZ_files/" % i, "w") as f:
with open("DatasetQM/qm.csv", "w") as f:

Setting up dataset and run prepare_data() and read_in_memory() . Note that read_in_memory reads the single SDF (preferred) or XYZ-file into memory together with the CSV file with labels. Attributes can be used identical to MoleculeNetDataset if SDF file was generated.

import numpy as np
from import QMDataset
dts = QMDataset(
    file_name_xyz=None,  # Uses default naming. Will be generated.
    file_name_mol=None,  # Uses default naming. Will be generated.
    overwrite=False,  # Can be set to True to rerun data preparation.
    file_column_name="files",  # Column in CSV: Necessary for multiple xyz files to make a single xyz file.
    make_sdf=True  # Only work for optimized molecules.
    label_column_name="energy",  # Column in CSV
    # Optional graph attributes if SDF was created, otherwise only xyz information.
    nodes=None,  # Use Default attributes selection.
    edges=None,  # Use Default attributes selection.
    graph=None,  # Use Default attributes selection.
    encoder_nodes=None,  # Use Default encoder.
    encoder_edges=None,  # Use Default encoder.
    encoder_graph=None,  # Use Default encoder.
    add_hydrogen=True,  # Should be considered for QM data.
    sanitize=False,  # Should be False since QM may not always have valid valence.
) SDF file 'DatasetQM\qm.sdf' of pre-computed structures. structures from SDF file. ... process molecules 0 from 3
[13:59:48] Warning: molecule is tagged as 3D, but all Z coords are zero
<QMDataset [{'node_symbol': array(['C', 'C', 'C'], dtype='<U1'), 'node_number': array([6, 6, 6]), 'node_coordinates': array([[-0.8513,  1.7563,  0.5028],
       [-1.1415,  0.2664,  0.4371],
       [-0.7681, -0.3186, -0.9144]]), 'edge_indices': array([[0, 1],
       [1, 0],
       [1, 2],
       [2, 1]], dtype=int64), 'edge_number': array([1, 1, 1, 1]), 'graph_labels': array(-13.)} ...]>


Class for making graph dataset from periodic structures such as crystals.

The dataset class requires a data_directory to store a table ‘.csv’ file containing labels and information of the structures stored in multiple (CIF, POSCAR, …) files in file_directory. The file names must be included in the ‘.csv’ table. The table file must have one line of header with column names!

This class uses pymatgen.core.structure.Structure and therefore requires pymatgen to be installed. A ‘.pymatgen.json’ serialized file is generated to store a list of structures from multiple ‘.cif’ files via prepare_data(). The json file is then read by read_in_memory .

Consequently, a ‘file_name.pymatgen.json’ can be directly stored in data_directory. In this, case prepare_data() does not have to be used. Additionally, a table file ‘file_name.csv’ that lists the single file names and possible labels or classification targets is required.

The file structure is:

├── data_directory
   ├── file_directory
      ├── *.cif
      ├── *.cif
      └── ...
   ├── file_name.csv
   └── file_name.pymatgen.json

Example data.

import pymatgen
import pymatgen.core.structure
test_data = [
    pymatgen.core.Structure(lattice=np.array([[4.34157255, 0., 2.50660808], [1.44719085, 4.09327385, 2.50660808], [0., 0., 5.01321616]]), species=["Te", "Ba"], coords=np.array([[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0. , 0. , 0. ]])),
    pymatgen.core.Structure(lattice=np.array([[2.95117784, 0., 1.70386332], [0.98372595, 2.78239715, 1.70386332], [0., 0., 3.40772664]]), species=["B", "As"], coords=np.array([[0.25, 0.25, 0.25], [0. , 0. , 0. ]])),
    pymatgen.core.Structure(lattice=np.array([[4.3015, 0., 0.],[-2.15075, 3.725208, 0.], [0., 0., 5.2703]]), species=["Ba", "Ga", "Si", "H"], coords=np.array([[0., 0., 0.],[0.6666, 0.3333, 0.5423], [0.3334, 0.6667, 0.4555], [0.6666, 0.3333, 0.8759]])),
os.makedirs("DatasetCrystal", exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs("DatasetCrystal/CifFiles", exist_ok=True)
for i, x in enumerate(test_data):"DatasetCrystal/CifFiles/file_%s.cif" % i, fmt="cif")
csv_data = "".join([
    "file_name,index,label\n",  # Need header!
    "file_0.cif, 0, 98.58577122703691\n",
    "file_1.cif, 1, 701.5857233477558\n",
    "file_2.cif, 2, 1138.5856886491724"
with open("DatasetCrystal/data.csv", "w") as f:

Setting up dataset and run prepare_data() and read_in_memory() .

from import CrystalDataset
dataset = CrystalDataset(
    file_name_pymatgen_json=None, # Use default name, will be generated.
    additional_callbacks=None,  # Custom callbacks for additional properties.
) pymatgen structures already exist. Do nothing. node features from structure... structures from .json ... ... read structures 0 from 3
<CrystalDataset [{'graph_labels': array(98.58577123), 'node_coordinates': array([[0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00],
       [1.31245659e-09, 6.13991078e+00, 2.27324426e-09]]), 'node_frac_coordinates': array([[0. , 0. , 0. ],
       [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]]), 'graph_lattice': array([[ 1.44719085e+00,  4.09327385e+00,  2.50660808e+00],
       [ 1.44719085e+00,  4.09327385e+00, -2.50660808e+00],
       [-2.89438170e+00,  4.09327385e+00,  1.51549528e-09]]), 'abc': array([5.01321616, 5.01321616, 5.01321616]), 'charge': array([0.]), 'volume': array([89.0910946]), 'node_number': array([56, 52])} ...]>

For additional crystal graph representations such as multigraphs and nearest neighbour connections use set_representation() .

from kgcnn.crystal.preprocessor import RadiusUnitCell
dataset.set_representation(RadiusUnitCell(radius=5.0), reset_graphs=False); structures from .json ... ... preprocess structures 0 from 3


Base class for loading graph datasets published by TU Dortmund University

Datasets contain non-isomorphic graphs for many graph classification or regression tasks. This general base class has functionality to load TUDatasets in a generic way. The datasets are already in a graph-like format and do not need further processing via e.g. prepare_data.

NOTE: Note that subclasses of GraphTUDataset2020 in downloads datasets, There are also further TU-datasets in, if further processing is used in literature. Not all datasets can provide all types of graph properties like edge_attributes etc.

The file structure of GraphTUDataset for a given dataset ‘DS’ (replace DS with dataset name).

Setting up a single file can be made additionally with base class save method.

├── data_directory
    ├── DS_graph_indicator.txt
    ├── DS_A.txt
    ├── DS_node_labels.txt
    ├── DS_node_attributes.txt
    ├── DS_edge_labels.txt
    ├── DS_edge_attributes.txt
    ├── DS_graph_labels.txt
    ├── DS_graph_attributes.txt
    └── ...

Example data:

import os
os.makedirs("DatasetTUD/", exist_ok=True)
with open("DatasetTUD/Example_A.txt", "w") as f:
    f.write("1, 2\n2, 1\n3, 3\n3, 4\n4, 4\n")
with open("DatasetTUD/Example_graph_indicator.txt", "w") as f:

Setting up dataset and read_in_memory() .

from import GraphTUDataset
dataset = GraphTUDataset(
    # file_name, file_directory as not used here.
dataset.read_in_memory() dataset to memory with name Example start of graph ID to zero for 'Example' to match python indexing. index which has unconnected '[]' with '[]' in total '0'.
<GraphTUDataset [{'node_degree': array([1, 1]), 'edge_indices': array([[1, 0],
       [0, 1]])} ...]>

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