kgcnn.metrics package


kgcnn.metrics.metrics module

class kgcnn.metrics.metrics.AUCNoNaN(name='AUC_no_nan', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: keras.src.metrics.confusion_metrics.AUC

update_state(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None)[source]

Accumulates confusion matrix statistics.

  • y_true – The ground truth values.

  • y_pred – The predicted values.

  • sample_weight – Optional weighting of each example. Can be a tensor whose rank is either 0, or the same rank as y_true, and must be broadcastable to y_true. Defaults to 1.

class kgcnn.metrics.metrics.BalancedBinaryAccuracyNoNaN(name='balanced_binary_accuracy_no_nan', class_id=None, num_thresholds=1, specificity=0.5, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: keras.src.metrics.confusion_metrics.SensitivityAtSpecificity


Return the serializable config of the metric.


Compute the current metric value.


A scalar tensor, or a dictionary of scalar tensors.

update_state(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None)[source]

Update the state of the metric.

  • y_true – Ground truth label values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN-1] or shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN-1, 1] .

  • y_pred – The predicted probability values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN] .

  • sample_weight – Optional sample_weight acts as a coefficient for the metric.

class kgcnn.metrics.metrics.BinaryAccuracyNoNaN(name='binary_accuracy_no_nan', dtype=None, threshold=0.5, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: keras.src.metrics.reduction_metrics.MeanMetricWrapper


Return the serializable config of the metric.

class kgcnn.metrics.metrics.ScaledForceMeanAbsoluteError(scaling_shape=(1, 1), name='force_mean_absolute_error', dtype_scale: Optional[str] = None, squeeze_states: bool = True, find_padded_atoms: bool = True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: keras.src.metrics.reduction_metrics.MeanMetricWrapper

Metric for a scaled mean absolute error (MAE), which can undo a pre-scaling of the targets. Only intended as metric this allows to info the MAE with correct units or absolute values during fit.

fn_force_mae(y_true, y_pred)[source]

Returns the serializable config of the metric.


Reset all of the metric state variables.

This function is called between epochs/steps, when a metric is evaluated during training.


Set the scale from numpy array. Usually used with broadcasting.

class kgcnn.metrics.metrics.ScaledMeanAbsoluteError(scaling_shape=(), name='mean_absolute_error', dtype_scale: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: keras.src.metrics.regression_metrics.MeanAbsoluteError

Metric for a scaled mean absolute error (MAE), which can undo a pre-scaling of the targets. Only intended as metric this allows to info the MAE with correct units or absolute values during fit.


Returns the serializable config of the metric.


Reset all of the metric state variables.

This function is called between epochs/steps, when a metric is evaluated during training.


Set the scale from numpy array. Usually used with broadcasting.

update_state(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None)[source]

Accumulate statistics for the metric.

class kgcnn.metrics.metrics.ScaledRootMeanSquaredError(scaling_shape=(), name='root_mean_squared_error', dtype_scale: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: keras.src.metrics.regression_metrics.RootMeanSquaredError

Metric for a scaled root mean squared error (RMSE), which can undo a pre-scaling of the targets. Only intended as metric this allows to info the MAE with correct units or absolute values during fit.


Returns the serializable config of the metric.


Reset all of the metric state variables.

This function is called between epochs/steps, when a metric is evaluated during training.


Set the scale from numpy array. Usually used with broadcasting.

update_state(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None)[source]

Accumulates root mean squared error statistics.

  • y_true – The ground truth values.

  • y_pred – The predicted values.

  • sample_weight – Optional weighting of each example. Can be a Tensor whose rank is either 0, or the same rank as y_true, and must be broadcastable to y_true. Defaults to 1.


Update op.

kgcnn.metrics.utils module

kgcnn.metrics.utils.merge_metrics(m1, m2)[source]

Merge two metric lists or dicts of ks.metrics objects.

Module contents