Source code for

import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from import tf_dataset_disjoint_generator
# import typing as t
from typing import Union, List, Callable, Dict, Optional
# from import MutableSequence

from import (
    save_pickle_file, load_pickle_file, ragged_tensor_from_nested_numpy, pad_np_array_list_batch_dim)
from kgcnn.graph.base import GraphDict

# Module logger
module_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MemoryGraphList(list): r"""Class to store a list of graph dictionaries in memory. Inherits from a python list. The graph properties are defined by tensor-like (numpy) arrays for indices, attributes, labels, symbol etc. in :obj:`GraphDict` , which are the items of the list. Access to items via `[]` indexing operator. A python list of a single named property can be obtained from each :obj:`GraphDict` in :obj:`MemoryGraphList` via :obj:`get` or assigned from a python list via :obj:`set` methods. The :obj:`MemoryGraphList` further provides simple map-functionality :obj:`map_list` to apply methods for each :obj:`GraphDict`, and to cast properties to tensor with :obj:`tensor`. Cleaning the list for missing properties or empty graphs is done with :obj:`clean`. .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from import MemoryGraphList data = MemoryGraphList() data.empty(1) data.set("edge_indices", [np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])]) data.set("node_labels", [np.array([[0], [1]])]) print(data.get("edge_indices")) data.set("node_coordinates", [np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 2, 0], [0, 3, 0]])]) data.map_list("set_range", max_distance=1.5, max_neighbours=10, self_loops=False) data.clean("range_indices") # Returns cleaned graph indices print(len(data)) print(data[0]) """ _require_validate = True
[docs] def __init__(self, iterable: list = None): r"""Initialize an empty :obj:`MemoryGraphList` instance. Args: iterable (list, MemoryGraphList): A list or :obj:`MemoryGraphList` of :obj:`GraphDict` items. """ iterable = iterable if iterable is not None else [] super(MemoryGraphList, self).__init__(iterable) self.logger = module_logger self.validate()
[docs] def validate(self): for i, x in enumerate(self): if not isinstance(x, GraphDict): self[i] = GraphDict(x)
[docs] def assign_property(self, key: str, value: list): """Assign a list of numpy arrays of a property to the respective :obj:`GraphDict` s in this list. Args: key (str): Name of the property. value (list): List of numpy arrays for property `key` . Returns: self """ if value is None: # We could also here remove the key from all graphs. return self if not isinstance(value, list): raise TypeError("Expected type `list` to assign graph properties.") if len(self) == 0: self.empty(len(value)) if len(self) != len(value): raise ValueError("Can only store graph attributes from list with same length.") for i, x in enumerate(value): self[i].assign_property(key, x) return self
[docs] def obtain_property(self, key: str) -> Union[List, None]: r"""Returns a list with the values of all the graphs defined for the string property name `key`. If none of the graphs in the list have this property, returns None. Args: key (str): The string name of the property to be retrieved for all the graphs contained in this list """ # values for teach of the graphs which make up this list. prop_list = [x.obtain_property(key) for x in self] # If a certain string property is not set for a GraphDict, it will still return None. Here we check: # If all the items for our given property name are None then we know that this property is generally not # defined for any of the graphs in the list. if all([x is None for x in prop_list]): self.logger.warning("Property '%s' is not set on any graph." % key) return None return prop_list
def __getitem__(self, item) -> Union[GraphDict, List]: # Does not make a copy of the data, as a python list does. if isinstance(item, int): return super(MemoryGraphList, self).__getitem__(item) if isinstance(item, slice): return MemoryGraphList(super(MemoryGraphList, self).__getitem__(item)) if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)): return MemoryGraphList([super(MemoryGraphList, self).__getitem__(int(i)) for i in item]) if isinstance(item, np.ndarray): return MemoryGraphList([super(MemoryGraphList, self).__getitem__(int(i)) for i in item]) if isinstance(item, (np.uint8, np.int32, np.int64)): return super(MemoryGraphList, self).__getitem__(int(item)) raise TypeError("Unsupported type '%s' for `MemoryGraphList` items." % type(item)) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if not isinstance(value, GraphDict): raise TypeError("Require a `GraphDict` as list item.") super(MemoryGraphList, self).__setitem__(key, value) def __repr__(self): return "<{} [{}]>".format(type(self).__name__, "" if len(self) == 0 else self[0].__repr__() + " ...")
[docs] def append(self, graph): assert isinstance(graph, GraphDict), "Must append `GraphDict` to self." super(MemoryGraphList, self).append(graph)
[docs] def insert(self, index: int, value) -> None: assert isinstance(value, GraphDict), "Must insert `GraphDict` to self." super(MemoryGraphList, self).insert(index, value)
def __add__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, MemoryGraphList), "Must add `MemoryGraphList` to self." return MemoryGraphList(super(MemoryGraphList, self).__add__(other))
[docs] def copy(self, deep_copy: bool = False): """Copy data in the list.""" if not deep_copy: return MemoryGraphList([GraphDict(x) for x in self]) else: return MemoryGraphList([x.copy() for x in self])
[docs] def empty(self, length: int): """Create an empty list in place. Overwrites existing list. Args: length (int): Length of the empty list. Returns: self """ if length is None: return self if length < 0: raise ValueError("Length of empty list must be >=0.") self.clear() for _ in range(length): self.append(GraphDict()) return self
[docs] def update(self, other) -> None: assert isinstance(other, MemoryGraphList), "Must update `MemoryGraphList`." assert len(other) == len(self), "Length of list for update must match." for i in range(len(self)): self[i].update(other[i])
@property def length(self): """Length of list.""" return len(self) @length.setter def length(self, value: int): raise ValueError("Can not set length. Please use 'empty()' to initialize an empty list.") def _to_tensor(self, item: dict, make_copy=True): if not make_copy: self.logger.warning("At the moment always a copy is made for tensor().") props: list = self.obtain_property(item["name"]) is_ragged = item["ragged"] if "ragged" in item else False dtype = item["dtype"] if "dtype" in item else None # Could add name and shape information if available. if is_ragged: return ragged_tensor_from_nested_numpy(props, dtype=dtype) else: return pad_np_array_list_batch_dim(props, dtype=dtype)[0]
[docs] def tensor(self, items: Union[list, Dict], make_copy=True): r"""Make tensor objects from multiple graph properties in list. It is recommended to run :obj:`clean` beforehand. Args: items (list): List of dictionaries that specify graph properties in list via 'name' key. The dict-items match the tensor input for :obj:`tf.keras.layers.Input` layers. Required dict-keys should be 'name' and 'ragged'. Optionally shape information can be included via 'shape' and 'dtype'. E.g.: `[{'name': 'edge_indices', 'ragged': True}, {...}, ...]`. make_copy (bool): Whether to copy the data. Default is True. Returns: list: List of Tensors. """ if isinstance(items, dict): if all([isinstance(value, dict) for value in items.values() if value is not None]) and "name" not in items: return {key: self._to_tensor(value, make_copy=make_copy) for key, value in items.items() if value is not None} return self._to_tensor(items, make_copy=make_copy) elif isinstance(items, (tuple, list)): return [self._to_tensor(x, make_copy=make_copy) for x in items] else: raise TypeError("Wrong type, expected e.g. [{'name': 'edge_indices', 'ragged': True}, {...}, ...]")
[docs] def map_list(self, method: Union[str, Callable], **kwargs): r"""Map a method over this list and apply on each :obj:`GraphDict`. For :obj:`method` being string, either a class-method or a preprocessor is chosen for backward compatibility. .. code-block:: python for i, x in enumerate(self): method(x, **kwargs) Args: method (str): Name of the :obj:`GraphDict` method. kwargs: Kwargs for `method`. Returns: self """ # Can add progress info here. # Method by name. if isinstance(method, str): for i, x in enumerate(self): # If this is a class method. if hasattr(x, method): getattr(x, method)(**kwargs) else: # For compatibility names can refer to preprocessors. x.apply_preprocessor(name=method, **kwargs) elif isinstance(method, dict): raise NotImplementedError("Serialization for method in `map_list` is not yet supported") else: # For any callable method to map. for i, x in enumerate(self): method(x, **kwargs) return self
[docs] def clean(self, inputs: Union[list, str]): r"""Given a list of property names, this method removes all elements from the internal list of `GraphDict` items, which do not define at least one of those properties. Meaning, only those graphs remain in the list which definitely define all properties specified by :obj:`inputs`. Args: inputs (list): A list of strings, where each string is supposed to be a property name, which the graphs in this list may possess. Within :obj:`kgcnn`, this can be simpy the 'input' category in model configuration. In this case, a list of dicts that specify the name of the property with 'name' key. Returns: invalid_graphs (np.ndarray): A list of graph indices that do not have the required properties and which have been removed. """ if isinstance(inputs, str): inputs = [inputs] invalid_graphs = [] for item in inputs: # If this is a list of dict, which are the config for ks.layers.Input(), we pick 'name'. if isinstance(item, dict): item_name = item["name"] else: item_name = item props = self.obtain_property(item_name) if props is None: self.logger.warning("Can not clean property '%s' as it was not assigned to any graph." % item) continue for i, x in enumerate(props): # If property is neither list nor np.array if x is None or not hasattr(x, "__getitem__"):"Property '%s' is not defined for graph '%s'." % (item_name, i)) invalid_graphs.append(i) elif not isinstance(x, np.ndarray):"Property '%s' is not a numpy array for graph '%s'." % (item_name, i)) invalid_graphs.append(i) elif len(x.shape) > 0: if len(x) <= 0:"Property '%s' is an empty list for graph '%s'." % (item_name, i)) invalid_graphs.append(i) invalid_graphs = np.unique(np.array(invalid_graphs, dtype="int")) invalid_graphs = np.flip(invalid_graphs) # Need descending order for pop() if len(invalid_graphs) > 0: self.logger.warning("Found invalid graphs for properties. Removing graphs '%s'." % invalid_graphs) else:"No invalid graphs for assigned properties found.") # Remove from the end via pop(). for i in invalid_graphs: self.pop(int(i)) return invalid_graphs
[docs] def rename_property_on_graphs(self, old_property_name: str, new_property_name: str) -> list: """Change the name of a graph property on all graphs in the list. Args: old_property_name (str): Old property name. new_property_name (str): New property name. Returns: list: List indices of replaced property names. """ replaced_list = [] for i, x in enumerate(self): if old_property_name in x: self[i][new_property_name] = x[old_property_name] self[i].pop(old_property_name) replaced_list.append(i) return replaced_list
# Alias of internal assign and obtain property. set = assign_property get = obtain_property
[docs] def tf_dataset_disjoint(self, inputs, **kwargs): r"""Return generator via :obj:`` from this list. Uses :obj:`` Args: inputs: kwargs: Kwargs for :obj:`tf_dataset_disjoint_generator` Returns: Dataset from generator. """ return tf_dataset_disjoint_generator(self, inputs=inputs, **kwargs)
[docs]class MemoryGraphDataset(MemoryGraphList): r"""Dataset class for lists of graph tensor dictionaries stored on file and fit into memory. This class inherits from :obj:`MemoryGraphList` and can be used (after loading and setup) as such. It has further information about a location on disk, i.e. a file directory and a file name as well as a name of the dataset. .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from import MemoryGraphDataset dataset = MemoryGraphDataset(data_directory="", dataset_name="Example") # Methods of MemoryGraphList dataset.set("edge_indices", [np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])]) dataset.set("edge_labels", [np.array([[0], [1]])]) dataset.load() The file directory and file name are used in child classes and in :obj:`save` and :obj:`load` . """ fits_in_memory = True
[docs] def __init__(self, data_directory: str = None, dataset_name: str = None, file_name: str = None, file_directory: str = None, verbose: int = 10, ): r"""Initialize a base class of :obj:`MemoryGraphDataset`. Args: data_directory (str): Full path to directory of the dataset. Default is None. file_name (str): Generic filename for dataset to read into memory like a 'csv' file. Default is None. file_directory (str): Name or relative path from :obj:`data_directory` to a directory containing sorted files. Default is None. dataset_name (str): Name of the dataset. Important for naming and saving files. Default is None. verbose (int): Logging level. Default is 10. """ super(MemoryGraphDataset, self).__init__() # For logging. self.logger = logging.getLogger("" + dataset_name) if dataset_name is not None else module_logger self.logger.setLevel(verbose) # Information on location of dataset on file. Data directory must be filepath. self.data_directory = data_directory self.file_name = file_name self.file_directory = file_directory self.dataset_name = dataset_name # Data Frame for labels and graph names. self.data_frame = None self.data_keys = None self.data_unit = None
[docs] def _verify_data_directory(self) -> Union[str, None]: r"""Utility function that checks if `data_directory` is set correctly.""" if self.data_directory is None: self.warning("Data directory is not set.") return None if not os.path.exists(os.path.realpath(self.data_directory)): self.error("Data directory does not exist.") return self.data_directory
@property def file_path(self): r"""Construct filepath from 'file_name' given in `init`.""" self._verify_data_directory() if self.file_name is None: self.warning("Can not determine file path, missing `file_name`.") return None return os.path.join(self.data_directory, self.file_name) @property def file_directory_path(self): r"""Construct file-directory path from 'data_directory' and 'file_directory' given in `init`.""" self._verify_data_directory() if self.file_directory is None: self.warning("Can not determine file directory, missing `file_directory`.") return None return os.path.join(self.data_directory, self.file_directory)
[docs] def info(self, *args, **kwargs): """Pass information to class' logger instance."""*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def warning(self, *args, **kwargs): """Pass warning to class' logger instance.""" self.logger.warning(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def error(self, *args, **kwargs): """Pass error to class' logger instance.""" self.logger.error(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def save(self, filepath: str = None): r"""Save all graph properties to python dictionary as pickled file. By default, saves a file named :obj:`dataset_name.kgcnn.pickle` in :obj:`data_directory` . Args: filepath (str): Full path of output file. Default is None. """ if filepath is None: filepath = os.path.join(self.data_directory, self.dataset_name + ".kgcnn.pickle")"Pickle dataset...") save_pickle_file([x.to_dict() for x in self], filepath) return self
[docs] def load(self, filepath: str = None): r"""Load graph properties from a pickled file. By default, loads a file named :obj:`dataset_name.kgcnn.pickle` in :obj:`data_directory` . Args: filepath (str): Full path of input file. """ if filepath is None: filepath = os.path.join(self.data_directory, self.dataset_name + ".kgcnn.pickle")"Load pickled dataset...") in_list = load_pickle_file(filepath) self.clear() for x in in_list: self.append(GraphDict(x)) return self
[docs] def read_in_table_file(self, file_path: str = None, **kwargs): r"""Read a data frame in :obj:`data_frame` from file path. By default, uses :obj:`file_name` and pandas. Checks for a '.csv' file and then for Excel file endings. Meaning the file extension of file_path is ignored but must be any of the following '.csv', '.xls', '.xlsx', '.odt'. Args: file_path (str): File path to table file. Default is None. kwargs: Kwargs for pandas :obj:`read_csv` function. Returns: self """ if file_path is None: file_path = os.path.join(self.data_directory, self.file_name) # TODO: Better determine file-type from file ending and just test all supported types otherwise. # file_extension_given = os.path.splitext(file_path)[1] file_path_base = os.path.splitext(file_path)[0] for file_extension in [".csv"]: if os.path.exists(file_path_base + file_extension): self.data_frame = pd.read_csv(file_path_base + file_extension, **kwargs) return self for file_extension in [".xls", ".xlsx", ".xlsm", ".xlsb", ".odf", ".ods", ".odt"]: if os.path.exists(file_path_base + file_extension): self.data_frame = pd.read_excel(file_path_base + file_extension, **kwargs) return self self.warning("Unsupported data extension of '%s' for table file." % file_path) return self
[docs] def assert_valid_model_input(self, hyper_input: Union[list, dict], raise_error_on_fail: bool = True): r"""Check whether dataset has graph properties (in tensor format) requested by model input. The list :obj:`hyper_input` that defines model input match interface to hyperparameter. The model input is set up by a list of layer configs for the keras :obj:`Input` layer. The list must contain dictionaries for each model input with "name" and "shape" keys. .. code-block:: python hyper_input = [ {"shape": [None, 8710], "name": "node_attributes", "dtype": "float32", "ragged": True}, {"shape": [None, 1], "name": "edge_weights", "dtype": "float32", "ragged": True}, {"shape": [None, 2], "name": "edge_indices", "dtype": "int64", "ragged": True} ] Args: hyper_input (list): List of properties that need to be available to a model for training. raise_error_on_fail (bool): Whether to raise an error if assertion failed. """ dataset = self def message_error(msg): if raise_error_on_fail: raise ValueError(msg) else: dataset.error(msg) def message_warning(msg): dataset.warning(msg) if isinstance(hyper_input, dict): if "name" in hyper_input and "shape" in hyper_input: # Single model input that has not been properly passed as list. # Assume here one does not name model output name and shape. hyper_input = [hyper_input] else: # In principle keras also accepts a dictionary for model inputs. Just cast to list here. hyper_input = list(hyper_input.values()) # Check if we have List[dict]. for x in hyper_input: if x is None: message_warning("Found 'None' in place of model input. Skipping this input.") continue if not isinstance(x, dict): message_error( "Wrong type of list item in `assert_valid_model_input`. Found '%s' but must be `dict` ." % type(x)) for x in hyper_input: if x is None: continue if "name" not in x: message_error("Can not infer name from '%s' for model input." % x) data = [dataset[i].obtain_property(x["name"]) for i in range(len(dataset))] prop_in_data = [y is None for y in data] if all(prop_in_data): message_error("Property %s is not defined for any graph in list. Please check property." % x["name"]) if any(prop_in_data): message_warning("Property %s is not defined for all graphs in list. Please run clean()." % x["name"]) # we also will check shape here but only with first element. if hasattr(data[0], "shape") and "shape" in x: shape_element = data[0].shape shape_input = x["shape"] if len(shape_input) != len(shape_element): message_error( "Mismatch in rank for model input {} vs. {}".format(shape_element, shape_input)) for i, dim in enumerate(shape_input): if dim is not None: if shape_element[i] != dim: message_error( "Mismatch in shape for model input {} vs. {}".format(shape_element, shape_input)) else: message_error("Can not check shape for '%s'." % x["name"]) return
[docs] def collect_files_in_file_directory(self, file_column_name: str = None, table_file_path: str = None, read_method_file: Callable = None, update_counter: int = 1000, append_file_content: bool = True, read_method_return_list: bool = False) -> list: r"""Utility function to collect single files in :obj:`file_directory` by names in CSV table file. Args: file_column_name (str): Name of the column in Table file that holds list of file names. table_file_path (str): Path to table file. Can be None. Default is None. read_method_file (Callable): Callable read-file method to return (processed) file content. update_counter (int): Loop counter to show progress. Default is 1000. append_file_content (bool): Whether to append or add return of :obj:`read_method_file`. read_method_return_list (bool): Whether :obj:`read_method_file` returns list of items or the item itself. Returns: list: File content loaded from single files. """ self.read_in_table_file(table_file_path) if self.data_frame is None: raise FileNotFoundError("Can not find '.csv' table path '%s'." % table_file_path) if file_column_name is None: raise ValueError("Please specify column for '.csv' file which contains file names.") if file_column_name not in self.data_frame.columns: raise ValueError( "Can not find file names of column '%s' in '%s'" % (file_column_name, self.data_frame.columns)) name_file_list = self.data_frame[file_column_name].values num_files = len(name_file_list) if not os.path.exists(self.file_directory_path): raise ValueError("No file directory found at '%s'." % self.file_directory_path)"Read %s single files." % num_files) out_list = [] for i, x in enumerate(name_file_list): # Only one file per path file_loaded = read_method_file(os.path.join(self.file_directory_path, x)) if append_file_content: if read_method_return_list: out_list.append(file_loaded[0]) else: out_list.append(file_loaded) else: if read_method_return_list: out_list += file_loaded else: out_list += [file_loaded] if i % update_counter == 0:"... Read {0} file {1} from {2}".format(os.path.splitext(x)[1], i, num_files)) return out_list
[docs] def set_methods(self, method_list: List[dict]) -> None: r"""Apply a list of serialized class-methods on the dataset. This can extend the config-serialization scheme in :obj:`kgcnn.utils.serial`. .. code-block:: python for method_item in method_list: for method, kwargs in method_item.items(): if hasattr(self, method): getattr(self, method)(**kwargs) Args: method_list (list): A list of dictionaries that specify class methods. The `dict` key denotes the method and the value must contain `kwargs` for the method Returns: None. """ for method_item in method_list: for method, kwargs in method_item.items(): if hasattr(self, method): getattr(self, method)(**kwargs) else: self.error("Class does not have method '%s'." % method)
[docs] def get_train_test_indices(self, train: str = "train", test: str = "test", valid: Optional[str] = None, split_index: Union[int, list] = None, shuffle: bool = False, seed: int = None ) -> List[List[np.ndarray]]: """ Get train and test indices from graph list. The 'train' and 'test' properties must be set on the graph, and optionally an additional property for the validation split may be present. All of these properties may have either of the following values: - The property is a boolean integer value indicating whether the corresponding element of the dataset belongs to that part of the split (train / test) - The property is a list containing integer split indices, where each split index present within that list implies that the corresponding dataset element is part of that particular split. In this case the `split_index` parameter may also be a list of split indices that specify for which of these split indices the train test index split is to be returned by this method. The return value of this method is a list with the same length as the `split_index` parameter, which by default will be None. Args: train (str): Name of graph property that has train split assignment. Defaults to 'train'. test (str): Name of graph property that has test split assignment. Defaults to 'test'. valid (str): Name of graph property that has validation assignment. Defaults to None. split_index (int, list): Split index to get indices for. Can also be list. shuffle (bool): Whether to shuffle splits. Default is True. seed (int): Random seed for shuffle. Default is None. Returns: list: List of tuples (or triples) of train, test, (validation) split indices. """ out_indices = [] if split_index is None: train_to_check = self.obtain_property(train) train_to_check = [ np.expand_dims(x, axis=0) if len(x.shape) < 1 else x for x in train_to_check if x is not None] split_index = list(np.sort(np.unique(np.concatenate(train_to_check, axis=0)))) if not isinstance(split_index, (list, tuple)): split_index_list: List[int] = [split_index] else: split_index_list: List[int] = split_index for split_index in split_index_list: # This list will itself contain numpy arrays which are filled with graph indices of the dataset # each element of this list will correspond to one property name (train, test...) graph_index_split_list: List[np.ndarray] = [] for property_name in [train, test, valid]: # It may be that we only seek train and test indices and not validation indices, in that # case the property name for validation is None, in which case we want to skip if property_name is None: continue # This list will contain all the indices of the dataset elements (graphs) which are # associated with the current iteration's split index for the current iteration's # property name (train, test...) graph_index_list: List[int] = [] # "obtain_property" returns a list which contains only the property values corresponding to # the given property name for each graph inside the dataset in the same order. # In this case, this is supposed to be a split list, which is a list that contains integer # indices, each representing one particular dataset split. The split list of each graph # only contains those split indices to which that graph is associated. split_prop: List[List[int]] = self.obtain_property(property_name) for index, split_list in enumerate(split_prop): if split_list is not None: if split_index in split_list: graph_index_list.append(index) graph_index_array = np.array(graph_index_list) graph_index_split_list.append(graph_index_array) if shuffle: np.random.seed(seed) for graph_index_array in graph_index_split_list: np.random.shuffle(graph_index_array) out_indices.append(graph_index_split_list) return out_indices
[docs] def relocate(self, data_directory: str = None, file_name: str = None, file_directory: str = None): """Change file information. Does not copy files on disk! Args: data_directory (str): Full path to directory of the dataset. Default is None. file_name (str): Generic filename for dataset to read into memory like a 'csv' file. Default is None. file_directory (str): Name or relative path from :obj:`data_directory` to a directory containing sorted files. Default is None. Returns: self """ self.data_directory = data_directory self.file_name = file_name self.file_directory = file_directory return self
[docs] def set_multi_target_labels(self, graph_labels: str = "graph_labels", multi_target_indices: list = None, data_unit: Union[str, list] = None): """Select multiple targets in labels. Args: graph_labels (str): Name of the property that holds multiple targets. multi_target_indices (list): List of indices of targets to select. data_unit (str, list): Optional list of data units for all labels in `graph_labels` . Returns: tuple: List of label names and label units for each target. """ labels = np.array(self.obtain_property(graph_labels)) label_names = self.label_names if hasattr(self, "label_names") else None label_units = self.label_units if hasattr(self, "label_units") else None if data_unit is not None: label_units = data_unit if len(labels.shape) <= 1: labels = np.expand_dims(labels, axis=-1) # Training on multiple targets for regression. This can is often required to train on orbital energies of ground # or excited state or energies and enthalpies etc. if multi_target_indices is not None: labels = labels[:, multi_target_indices] if label_names is not None: label_names = [label_names[i] for i in multi_target_indices] if label_units is not None: label_units = [label_units[i] for i in multi_target_indices]"Labels '%s' in '%s' have shape '%s'." % (label_names, label_units, labels.shape)) self.assign_property(graph_labels, [x for x in labels]) return label_names, label_units
[docs] def set_train_test_indices_k_fold(self, n_splits: int = 5, shuffle: bool = False, random_state: int = None, train: str = "train", test: str = "test"): """Helper function to set train/test indices for each graph in the list from a random k-fold cross-validation. Args: n_splits (int): Number of splits. shuffle (bool): Whether to shuffle indices. random_state (int): Random seed for split. train (str): Property to assign train indices to. test (str): Property to assign test indices to. Returns: None. """ kf = KFold(n_splits=n_splits, shuffle=shuffle, random_state=random_state) for x in self: x.set(train, []) x.set(test, []) for fold, (train_index, test_index) in enumerate(kf.split(np.expand_dims(np.arange(len(self)), axis=-1))): for i in train_index: self[i].set(train, list(self[i].get(train)) + [fold]) for i in test_index: self[i].set(test, list(self[i].get(test)) + [fold])
MemoryGeometricGraphDataset = MemoryGraphDataset