Source code for

import numpy as np
import os
from typing import Callable
# import logging

from import MemoryGraphDataset

# TUDataset: A collection of benchmark datasets for learning with graphs
# by Christopher Morris and Nils M. Kriege and Franka Bause and Kristian Kersting and Petra Mutzel and Marion Neumann

[docs]class GraphTUDataset(MemoryGraphDataset): r"""Base class for loading graph datasets published by `TU Dortmund University <>`_. Datasets contain non-isomorphic graphs for many graph classification or regression tasks. This general base class has functionality to load TUDatasets in a generic way. The datasets are already in a graph-like format and do not need further processing via e.g. `prepare data`. .. note:: Note that subclasses of `GraphTUDataset2020` in :obj:`` downloads datasets, There are also further TU-datasets in :obj:``, if further processing is used in literature. Not all datasets can provide all types of graph properties like `edge_attributes` etc. The file structure of :obj:`GraphTUDataset` for a given dataset 'DS' (replace DS with dataset name). .. code-block:: console ├── data_directory ├── DS_graph_indicator.txt ├── DS_A.txt ├── DS_node_labels.txt ├── DS_node_attributes.txt ├── DS_edge_labels.txt ├── DS_edge_attributes.txt ├── DS_graph_labels.txt ├── DS_graph_attributes.txt ├── ... └── dataset_name.kgcnn.pickle Setting up a single file can be made additionally with base class :obj:`save` method. """
[docs] def __init__(self, data_directory: str = None, dataset_name: str = None, file_name: str = None, file_directory: str = None, verbose: int = 10): r"""Initialize a :obj:`GraphTUDataset` instance from file. Args: data_directory (str): Full path to directory of the dataset. Default is None. file_name (str): Filename for reading into memory. Not used for general TUDataset, since there are multiple files with a prefix and pre-defined suffix. Default is None. file_directory (str): Name or relative path from :obj:`data_directory` to a directory containing sorted files. Default is None. dataset_name (str): Name of the dataset. Important for base-name for naming of files. Default is None. verbose (int): Logging level. Default is 10. """ MemoryGraphDataset.__init__(self, data_directory=data_directory, dataset_name=dataset_name, file_name=file_name, verbose=verbose, file_directory=file_directory)
[docs] def read_in_memory(self): r"""Read the :obj:`GraphTUDataset` into memory. The TUDataset is stored in disjoint representations. The data is cast to a list of separate graph properties for `MemoryGraphDataset`. Returns: self """ if self.dataset_name is not None and self.data_directory is not None: path = os.path.realpath(self.data_directory) name_dataset = self.dataset_name if self.file_directory is not None: path = os.path.join(path, self.file_directory) else: self.error("Dataset needs name {0} and path {1}.".format(self.dataset_name, self.data_directory)) return self"Reading dataset to memory with name %s" % str(self.dataset_name)) # Define a graph with indices # They must be defined g_a = np.array(self.read_csv_simple(os.path.join(path, name_dataset + "_A.txt"), dtype=int), dtype="int") g_n_id = np.array(self.read_csv_simple(os.path.join(path, name_dataset + "_graph_indicator.txt"), dtype=int), dtype="int") # Try read in labels. try: g_labels = np.array( self.read_csv_simple(os.path.join(path, name_dataset + "_graph_labels.txt"), dtype=float)) except FileNotFoundError: g_labels = None try: n_labels = np.array( self.read_csv_simple(os.path.join(path, name_dataset + "_node_labels.txt"), dtype=float)) except FileNotFoundError: n_labels = None try: e_labels = np.array( self.read_csv_simple(os.path.join(path, name_dataset + "_edge_labels.txt"), dtype=float)) except FileNotFoundError: e_labels = None # Try read in attributes try: n_attr = np.array( self.read_csv_simple(os.path.join(path, name_dataset + "_node_attributes.txt"), dtype=float)) except FileNotFoundError: n_attr = None try: e_attr = np.array( self.read_csv_simple(os.path.join(path, name_dataset + "_edge_attributes.txt"), dtype=float)) except FileNotFoundError: e_attr = None try: g_attr = np.array( self.read_csv_simple(os.path.join(path, name_dataset + "_graph_attributes.txt"), dtype=float)) except FileNotFoundError: g_attr = None # labels num_graphs = np.amax(g_n_id) if g_labels is not None: if len(g_labels) != num_graphs: self.error( "Wrong number of graphs, not matching graph labels, {0}, {1}.".format(len(g_labels), num_graphs)) # shift index, should start at 0 for python indexing if int(np.amin(g_n_id)) == 1 and int(np.amin(g_a)) == 1:"Shift start of graph ID to zero for '%s' to match python indexing." % name_dataset) g_a = g_a - 1 g_n_id = g_n_id - 1 # split into separate graphs graph_id, counts = np.unique(g_n_id, return_counts=True) graph_len = np.zeros(num_graphs, dtype="int") graph_len[graph_id] = counts if n_attr is not None: n_attr = np.split(n_attr, np.cumsum(graph_len)[:-1]) if n_labels is not None: n_labels = np.split(n_labels, np.cumsum(graph_len)[:-1]) # edge_indicator graph_id_edge = g_n_id[g_a[:, 0]] # is the same for adj_matrix[:,1] graph_id2, counts_edge = np.unique(graph_id_edge, return_counts=True) edge_len = np.zeros(num_graphs, dtype="int") edge_len[graph_id2] = counts_edge if e_attr is not None: e_attr = np.split(e_attr, np.cumsum(edge_len)[:-1]) if e_labels is not None: e_labels = np.split(e_labels, np.cumsum(edge_len)[:-1]) # edge_indices node_index = np.concatenate([np.arange(x) for x in graph_len], axis=0) edge_indices = node_index[g_a] edge_indices = np.concatenate([edge_indices[:, 1:], edge_indices[:, :1]], axis=-1) # switch indices edge_indices = np.split(edge_indices, np.cumsum(edge_len)[:-1]) # Check if unconnected all_cons = [] for i in range(num_graphs): cons = np.arange(graph_len[i]) test_cons = np.sort(np.unique(cons[edge_indices[i]].flatten())) is_cons = np.zeros_like(cons, dtype="bool") is_cons[test_cons] = True all_cons.append(np.sum(np.invert(is_cons))) all_cons = np.array(all_cons)"Graph index which has unconnected '%s' with '%s' in total '%s'." % ( np.arange(len(all_cons))[all_cons > 0], all_cons[all_cons > 0], len(all_cons[all_cons > 0]))) node_degree = [np.zeros(x, dtype="int") for x in graph_len] for i, x in enumerate(edge_indices): nod_id, nod_counts = np.unique(x[:, 0], return_counts=True) node_degree[i][nod_id] = nod_counts # Assert list for graph items. g_attr = [x for x in g_attr] if g_attr is not None else None g_labels = [x for x in g_labels] if g_labels is not None else None # Assign to self. for key, value in {"node_degree": node_degree, "node_attributes": n_attr, "node_labels": n_labels, "edge_attributes": e_attr, "edge_indices": edge_indices, "edge_labels": e_labels, "graph_attributes": g_attr, "graph_labels": g_labels}.items(): self.assign_property(key, value) return self
[docs] @staticmethod def read_csv_simple(filepath: str, delimiter: str = ",", dtype: Callable = float): """Very simple python-only function to read in a csv-file from file. Args: filepath (str): Full filepath of csv-file to read in. delimiter (str): Delimiter character for separation. Default is ",". dtype: Callable type conversion from string. Default is float. Returns: list: Python list of values. Length of the list equals the number of lines. """ out = [] open_file = open(filepath, "r") for lines in open_file.readlines(): string_list = lines.strip().split(delimiter) values_list = [dtype(x.strip()) for x in string_list] out.append(values_list) open_file.close() return out