Source code for

import numpy as np
import math
import logging
import keras as ks
import keras.callbacks
import keras.saving

logging.basicConfig()  # Module logger
module_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@ks.saving.register_keras_serializable(package='kgcnn', name='LinearWarmUpScheduler') class LinearWarmUpScheduler(ks.callbacks.LearningRateScheduler): r"""Warmup scheduler that increases the learning rate over the first steps or epochs. Inherits from :obj:`ks.callbacks.LearningRateScheduler`. Note that the parameter :obj:`schedule` in the constructor can be `None` which sets the wam-up in :obj:`linear_warmup_schedule_epoch_lr` only. Another learning rate schedule can be provided that makes use of :obj:`linear_warmup_schedule_epoch_lr` in subclasses. .. note:: To increase the learning rate within each epoch, you must provide :obj:`steps_per_epoch`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, schedule=None, verbose: int = 0, steps_per_epoch: int = None, lr_start: float = None, epo_warmup: int = 0): r"""Initialize class. Args: schedule (Callable): Learning rate schedule. Default is None. verbose (int): Verbosity. Default is 0. steps_per_epoch (int): Steps per epoch. Required for sub-epoch increase. Default is None. lr_start (float): Learning rate to reach in linear ramp to start learning. Default is None. epo_warmup (int): Number of warmup epochs. Default is None. """ # This is for passing other schedule through warmup to `ks.callbacks.LearningRateScheduler`. # IDEA: We could pass a restart option. if schedule is None: schedule = self.linear_warmup_schedule_epoch_lr self.verbose = verbose super(LinearWarmUpScheduler, self).__init__( schedule=schedule, verbose=verbose) self.epo_warmup = max(epo_warmup, 0) self.__warming_up = False self.steps_per_epoch = steps_per_epoch self.lr_start = lr_start if self.steps_per_epoch is None: module_logger.warning("`steps_per_epoch` is not set. Can't increase lr during epochs of warmup.")
[docs] def linear_warmup_schedule_epoch_lr(self, epoch, lr): """Learning rate schedule function for warmup. Returns the current learning rate unchanged apart from warmup period. Args: epoch (int): Epoch index (integer, indexed from 0). lr (float): Current learning rate. Returns: float: New learning rate. """ if epoch < self.epo_warmup: self.__warming_up = True new_lr = float(self.lr_start * epoch / self.epo_warmup) else: self.__warming_up = False new_lr = lr return new_lr
[docs] def on_train_batch_begin(self, batch, logs=None): """Recursive increase of the learning rate warmup between epochs. Args: batch (int): Batch index (integer, indexed from 0). logs: Not used. Returns: None """ if self.__warming_up and self.steps_per_epoch is not None: if not hasattr(self.model.optimizer, "learning_rate"): raise ValueError('Optimizer must have a "learning_rate" attribute.') lr = float(ks.ops.convert_to_numpy(self.model.optimizer.learning_rate)) lr = lr + self.lr_start / self.epo_warmup / self.steps_per_epoch lr = min(lr, self.lr_start) # if steps_per_epoch is wrong we should cap the learning rate. if batch > self.steps_per_epoch: module_logger.warning("Found `batch` > `steps_per_epoch` during warmup.") if self.verbose > 0: print("{0}/{1}: Warmup-step increase lr to {2}.".format(batch, self.steps_per_epoch, lr)) self.model.optimizer.learning_rate = lr
[docs] def get_config(self): """Get config for this class.""" config = super(LinearWarmUpScheduler, self).get_config() config.update({"lr_start": self.lr_start, "epo_warmup": self.epo_warmup, "verbose": self.verbose, "steps_per_epoch": self.steps_per_epoch}) return config
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config): """Make class instance from config.""" return cls(**config)
[docs]@ks.saving.register_keras_serializable(package='kgcnn', name='CosineAnnealingLRScheduler') class CosineAnnealingLRScheduler(ks.callbacks.LearningRateScheduler): r"""Callback for cosine learning rate (LR) schedule. This class inherits from :obj:`ks.callbacks.LearningRateScheduler` and applies :obj:`schedule_epoch_lr`. Proposed by `SGDR <>`_. The cosine part without restarts for the LR Schedule follows: .. math:: \eta_t (T_{cur}) = \eta_{min} + \frac{1}{2}(\eta_{max} - \eta_{min})\left(1 + \cos\left(\frac{T_{cur}}{T_{max}}\pi\right)\right) """
[docs] def __init__(self, lr_start: float, epoch_max: int, lr_min: float = 0, verbose: int = 0): """Set the parameters for the learning rate scheduler. Args: lr_start (float): Learning rate at the start of the annealing. decay. epoch_max (int): Maximum number of iterations. lr_min (float): Minimum learning rate allowed during the decay. Default is 0.0. verbose (int): Verbosity. Default is 0. """ self.epoch_max = max(epoch_max, 0) self.lr_min = lr_min self.lr_start = lr_start self.verbose = verbose super(CosineAnnealingLRScheduler, self).__init__( schedule=self.schedule_epoch_lr, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def schedule_epoch_lr(self, epoch, lr): """Closed from of learning rate.""" new_lr = self.lr_min + (self.lr_start - self.lr_min) * ( 1 + math.cos(math.pi * epoch / self.epoch_max)) / 2 return float(new_lr)
[docs] def get_config(self): """Get config for this class.""" config = super(CosineAnnealingLRScheduler, self).get_config() config.update({"lr_start": self.lr_start, "epoch_max": self.epoch_max, "lr_min": self.lr_min, "verbose": self.verbose}) return config
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config): """Make class instance from config.""" return cls(**config)
[docs]@ks.saving.register_keras_serializable(package='kgcnn', name='LinearWarmupExponentialLRScheduler') class LinearWarmupExponentialLRScheduler(LinearWarmUpScheduler): r"""Callback for exponential learning rate schedule with warmup. This class inherits from :obj:`LinearWarmUpScheduler`, which inherits from :obj:`ks.callbacks.LearningRateScheduler`. The learning rate :math:`\eta` is reduced or increased (usually :math:`\gamma < 1`) after warmup epochs :math:`T_0` as: .. math:: \eta (T) = \eta_0 \; \gamma^{T-T_0} """
[docs] def __init__(self, lr_start: float, gamma: float, epo_warmup: int = 10, lr_min: float = 0.0, verbose: int = 0, steps_per_epoch: int = None): """Set the parameters for the learning rate scheduler. Args: lr_start (float): Learning rate at the start of the exponential decay. gamma (float): Multiplicative factor of learning rate decay. epo_warmup (int): Number of warmup epochs. Default is 10. lr_min (float): Minimum learning rate allowed during the decay and start. Default is 0.0. verbose (int): Verbosity. Default is 0. steps_per_epoch (int): Number of steps per epoch. Required for warmup to linearly increase between epochs. Default is None. """ self.gamma = gamma self.lr_min = lr_min super(LinearWarmupExponentialLRScheduler, self).__init__( schedule=self.schedule_epoch_lr, verbose=verbose, lr_start=lr_start, epo_warmup=epo_warmup, steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch)
[docs] def schedule_epoch_lr(self, epoch, lr): """Change the learning rate after warmup exponentially. Args: epoch (int): Epoch index (integer, indexed from 0). lr (float): Current learning rate. Not used. Returns: float: New learning rate. """ new_lr = self.lr_start * (self.gamma ** (epoch - self.epo_warmup)) new_lr = self.linear_warmup_schedule_epoch_lr(epoch, new_lr) return max(float(new_lr), self.lr_min)
[docs] def get_config(self): """Get config for this class.""" config = super(LinearWarmupExponentialLRScheduler, self).get_config() config.update({"gamma": self.gamma, "lr_min": self.lr_min}) return config
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config): """Make class instance from config.""" return cls(**config)
[docs]@ks.saving.register_keras_serializable(package='kgcnn', name='LinearWarmupExponentialLearningRateScheduler') class LinearWarmupExponentialLearningRateScheduler(LinearWarmUpScheduler): r"""Callback for exponential learning rate schedule with warmup. This class inherits from :obj:`LinearWarmUpScheduler`, which inherits from :obj:`ks.callbacks.LearningRateScheduler`. The learning rate :math:`\eta` is reduced after warmup epochs :math:`T_0` with lifetime :math:`\tau` as: .. math:: \eta (T) = \eta_0 \; e^{-\frac{T-T_0}{\tau}} """
[docs] def __init__(self, lr_start: float, decay_lifetime: float, epo_warmup: int = 10, lr_min: float = 0.0, verbose: int = 0, steps_per_epoch: int = None): """Set the parameters for the learning rate scheduler. Args: lr_start (float): Learning rate at the start of the exp. decay. decay_lifetime (float): Tau or lifetime parameter in the exponential in epochs. epo_warmup (int): Number of warmup epochs. Default is 10. lr_min (float): Minimum learning rate allowed during the decay. Default is 0.0. verbose (int): Verbosity. Default is 0. steps_per_epoch (int): Number of steps per epoch. Required for warmup to linearly increase between epochs. Default is None. """ self.decay_lifetime = decay_lifetime self.lr_min = lr_min super(LinearWarmupExponentialLearningRateScheduler, self).__init__( schedule=self.schedule_epoch_lr, verbose=verbose, lr_start=lr_start, epo_warmup=epo_warmup, steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch)
[docs] def schedule_epoch_lr(self, epoch, lr): """Reduce the learning rate after warmup exponentially. Args: epoch (int): Epoch index (integer, indexed from 0). lr (float): Current learning rate. Not used. Returns: float: New learning rate. """ new_lr = float(self.lr_start * np.exp(-(epoch - self.epo_warmup) / self.decay_lifetime)) new_lr = self.linear_warmup_schedule_epoch_lr(epoch, new_lr) return max(new_lr, self.lr_min)
[docs] def get_config(self): """Get config for this class.""" config = super(LinearWarmupExponentialLearningRateScheduler, self).get_config() config.update({"decay_lifetime": self.decay_lifetime, "lr_min": self.lr_min}) return config
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config): """Make class instance from config.""" return cls(**config)
[docs]@ks.saving.register_keras_serializable(package='kgcnn', name='LinearLearningRateScheduler') class LinearLearningRateScheduler(ks.callbacks.LearningRateScheduler): r"""Callback for linear change of the learning rate. This class inherits from :obj:`ks.callbacks.LearningRateScheduler`. The learning rate :math:`\eta_0` is reduced linearly at :math:`T_0` epochs up to :math:`T_{max}` epochs to reach the learning rate :math:`\eta_{T_{max}}`: .. math:: \eta (T) = \eta_0 - \frac{\eta_0 - \eta_{T_{max}}}{T_{max}-T_0} (T-T_0) \;\; \text{for} \;\; T>T_0 """
[docs] def __init__(self, learning_rate_start: float = 1e-3, learning_rate_stop: float = 1e-5, epo_min: int = 0, epo: int = 500, verbose: int = 0, eps: float = 1e-8): """Set the parameters for the learning rate scheduler. Args: learning_rate_start (float): Initial learning rate. Default is 1e-3. learning_rate_stop (float): End learning rate. Default is 1e-5. epo_min (int): Minimum number of epochs to keep the learning-rate constant before decrease. Default is 0. epo (int): Total number of epochs. Default is 500. eps (float): Minimum learning rate. Default is 1e-08. verbose (int): Verbosity. Default is 0. """ super(LinearLearningRateScheduler, self).__init__(schedule=self.schedule_epoch_lr, verbose=verbose) self.learning_rate_start = learning_rate_start self.learning_rate_stop = learning_rate_stop self.epo = epo self.epo_min = epo_min self.eps = float(eps)
[docs] def schedule_epoch_lr(self, epoch, lr): r"""Reduce the learning linearly. Kept constant for :obj:`epo_min` before decrease. Args: epoch (int): Epoch index (integer, indexed from 0). lr (float): Current learning rate. Not used. Returns: float: New learning rate. """ if epoch < self.epo_min: out = float(self.learning_rate_start) else: out = float(self.learning_rate_start - (self.learning_rate_start - self.learning_rate_stop) / ( self.epo - self.epo_min) * (epoch - self.epo_min)) return max(float(out), self.eps)
[docs] def get_config(self): """Get config for this class.""" config = super(LinearLearningRateScheduler, self).get_config() config.update({"learning_rate_start": self.learning_rate_start, "learning_rate_stop": self.learning_rate_stop, "epo": self.epo, "epo_min": self.epo_min, "eps": self.eps}) return config
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config): """Make class instance from config.""" return cls(**config)
[docs]@ks.saving.register_keras_serializable(package='kgcnn', name='LinearWarmupLinearLearningRateScheduler') class LinearWarmupLinearLearningRateScheduler(LinearWarmUpScheduler): r"""Callback for linear change of the learning rate with warmup. This class inherits from :obj:`LinearWarmUpScheduler`, which inherits from :obj:`ks.callbacks.LearningRateScheduler`. The learning rate is increased in a warmup phase of :math:`T_0` epochs up to :math:`\eta_0`. The learning rate :math:`\eta_0` is reduced linearly at :math:`T_0` epochs up to :math:`T_{max}` epochs to reach the learning rate :math:`\eta_{T_{max}}`: .. math:: \eta (T) = \eta_0 - \frac{\eta_0 - \eta_{T_{max}}}{T_{max}-T_0} (T-T_0) \;\; \text{for} \;\; T>T_0 """
[docs] def __init__(self, learning_rate_start: float = 1e-3, learning_rate_stop: float = 1e-5, epo_warmup: int = 0, epo: int = 500, verbose: int = 0, eps: float = 1e-8, steps_per_epoch: int = None, lr_start: int = None): """Set the parameters for the learning rate scheduler. Args: learning_rate_start (float): Initial learning rate. Default is 1e-3. learning_rate_stop (float): End learning rate. Default is 1e-5. epo (int): Total number of epochs. Default is 500. eps (float): Minimum learning rate. Default is 1e-08. verbose (int): Verbosity. Default is 0. steps_per_epoch (int): Number of steps per epoch. Required for warmup to linearly increase between epochs. Default is None. lr_start (int): Ignored, set to `learning_rate_start`. """ super(LinearWarmupLinearLearningRateScheduler, self).__init__( schedule=self.schedule_epoch_lr, verbose=verbose, lr_start=learning_rate_start, epo_warmup=epo_warmup, steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch) self.learning_rate_start = learning_rate_start self.learning_rate_stop = learning_rate_stop self.epo = epo self.eps = float(eps)
[docs] def schedule_epoch_lr(self, epoch, lr): """Reduce the learning linearly after warmup. Args: epoch (int): Epoch index (integer, indexed from 0). lr (float): Current learning rate. Not used. Returns: float: New learning rate. """ new_lr = self.learning_rate_start - (self.learning_rate_start - self.learning_rate_stop) / ( self.epo - self.epo_warmup) * (epoch - self.epo_warmup) new_lr = self.linear_warmup_schedule_epoch_lr(epoch, new_lr) return max(float(new_lr), self.eps)
[docs] def get_config(self): """Get config for this class.""" config = super(LinearWarmupLinearLearningRateScheduler, self).get_config() config.update({ "learning_rate_start": self.learning_rate_start, "learning_rate_stop": self.learning_rate_stop, "epo": self.epo, "eps": self.eps}) return config
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config): """Make class instance from config.""" return cls(**config)
[docs]@ks.saving.register_keras_serializable(package='kgcnn', name='PolynomialDecayScheduler') class PolynomialDecayScheduler(ks.callbacks.LearningRateScheduler): r"""Callback for polynomial decay of the learning rate. This class inherits from :obj:`ks.callbacks.LearningRateScheduler`. Adapts :obj:`keras.optimizers.schedules.PolynomialDecay` to a scheduler with a function of epochs. """
[docs] def __init__(self, initial_learning_rate, decay_epochs, end_learning_rate=0.0001, power=1.0, cycle=False, verbose: int = 0, eps: float = 1e-8): """Set the parameters for the learning rate scheduler. Args: initial_learning_rate (float): The initial learning rate decay_epochs (float): Must be positive. See the decay computation above. end_learning_rate (float): The minimal end learning rate. power (float): The power of the polynomial. Defaults to `1.0` . cycle (bool): A boolean, whether it should cycle beyond decay_steps. eps (float): Minimum learning rate. Default is 1e-08. verbose (int): Verbosity. Default is 0. """ super(PolynomialDecayScheduler, self).__init__(schedule=self.schedule_epoch_lr, verbose=verbose) self.initial_learning_rate = initial_learning_rate self.decay_epochs = decay_epochs self.end_learning_rate = end_learning_rate self.power = power self.cycle = cycle self.verbose = verbose self.eps = eps
[docs] def schedule_epoch_lr(self, epoch, lr): r"""Reduce the learning linearly. Args: epoch (int): Epoch index (integer, indexed from 0). lr (float): Current learning rate. Not used. Returns: float: New learning rate. """ if not self.cycle: epoch = np.minimum(self.decay_epochs, epoch) decay_epoch = self.decay_epochs else: decay_epoch = self.decay_epochs * np.ceil(epoch / self.decay_epochs) pp = np.power(1 - epoch / decay_epoch, self.power) new_lr = (self.initial_learning_rate - self.end_learning_rate) * pp + self.end_learning_rate return max(float(new_lr), float(self.eps))
[docs] def get_config(self): """Get config for this class.""" config = super(PolynomialDecayScheduler, self).get_config() config.update({ "initial_learning_rate": self.initial_learning_rate, "decay_epochs": self.decay_epochs, "end_learning_rate": self.end_learning_rate, "power": self.power, "cycle": self.cycle, "verbose": self.verbose, "eps": self.eps }) return config
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config): """Make class instance from config.""" return cls(**config)