Source code for

import numpy as np
import os
import sys
from typing import Union
from import save_yaml_file, load_pickle_file
from datetime import datetime
from kgcnn import __kgcnn_version__
import keras as ks
import keras.callbacks
from keras.backend import backend
from kgcnn.utils.devices import check_device

[docs]def load_history_list(file_path, folds): history_list = [] for i in range(folds): file_path_i = str(file_path).replace("(i)", str(i)) if os.path.exists(file_path_i): history_list.append(load_pickle_file(file_path_i)) return history_list
load_time_list = load_history_list
[docs]def save_history_score( histories: list, filepath: str = None, loss_name: str = None, val_loss_name: str = None, data_unit: str = "", model_name: str = "", file_name: str = "score.yaml", model_version: str = "", dataset_name: str = "", model_class: str = "", execute_folds: Union[list, int, None] = None, multi_target_indices: Union[list, int, None] = None, trajectory_name: str = None, seed: int = None, time_list: list = None ): r"""Save fit results from fit histories to file. This function is used in training scripts to record final training and validation metrics. Args: histories (list): List of :obj:`tf.keras.callbacks.History()` objects. filepath (str): Full path where to save plot to, without the name of the file. Default is "". loss_name (str): Which loss or metric to pick from history. Default is "loss". val_loss_name (str): Which validation loss or metric to pick from history. Default is "val_loss". data_unit (str): Unit of the loss. Default is "". model_name (str): Name of the model. Default is "". file_name (str): File name base. Model name and dataset will be added to the name. Default is "". model_version (str): Version of the model. Default is "". dataset_name (str): Name of the dataset which was fitted to. Default is "". model_class (str): Model class or generator. Default is "". execute_folds (list, int): Folds which where executed. multi_target_indices (list): List of indices for multi target training. Default is None. trajectory_name (str): Name of the trajectory if known. Default is None. seed (int): Random seed to log. Default is None. time_list (list): List of training time info. Returns: dict: Score which was saved to file. """ histories = [hist.history if isinstance(hist, ks.callbacks.History) else hist for hist in histories] # We assume multiple fits as in KFold. if data_unit is None: data_unit = "" if loss_name is None: loss_name = [x for x in list(histories[0].keys()) if "val_" not in x] if val_loss_name is None: val_loss_name = [x for x in list(histories[0].keys()) if "val_" in x] if not isinstance(loss_name, list): loss_name = [loss_name] if not isinstance(val_loss_name, list): val_loss_name = [val_loss_name] if isinstance(multi_target_indices, list): multi_target_indices = [int(x) for x in multi_target_indices] elif multi_target_indices is not None: multi_target_indices = int(multi_target_indices) train_loss = [] for x in loss_name: loss = np.array([np.array(hist[x]) for hist in histories]) train_loss.append(loss) val_loss = [] for x in val_loss_name: loss = np.array([hist[x] for hist in histories]) val_loss.append(loss) result_dict = {} for i, l in zip(loss_name, train_loss): result_dict.update({i: [float(x[-1]) for x in l]}) result_dict.update({"max_%s" % i: [float(np.amax(x)) for x in l]}) result_dict.update({"min_%s" % i: [float(np.amin(x)) for x in l]}) for i, l in zip(val_loss_name, val_loss): result_dict.update({i: [float(x[-1]) for x in l]}) result_dict.update({"max_%s" % i: [float(np.amax(x)) for x in l]}) result_dict.update({"min_%s" % i: [float(np.amin(x)) for x in l]}) result_dict["data_unit"] = str(data_unit) if len(train_loss) > 0: result_dict["epochs"] = [int(len(x)) for x in train_loss[0]] result_dict["date_time"] = str('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) result_dict["model_class"] = str(model_class) result_dict["model_version"] = str(model_version) result_dict["model_name"] = str(model_name) result_dict["kgcnn_version"] = str(__kgcnn_version__) result_dict["number_histories"] = len(histories) result_dict["multi_target_indices"] = multi_target_indices result_dict["execute_folds"] = execute_folds result_dict["time_list"] = time_list result_dict["seed"] = seed result_dict["backend"] = backend() result_dict["OS"] = "%s_%s" % (, sys.platform) result_dict.update(check_device()) if trajectory_name: result_dict["trajectory_name"] = trajectory_name if filepath is not None: save_yaml_file(result_dict, os.path.join(filepath, "%s_%s_%s" % (model_name, dataset_name, file_name))) return result_dict