Source code for kgcnn.molecule.graph_babel

import numpy as np
import os
import logging
from kgcnn.molecule.base import MolGraphInterface
from openbabel import openbabel

# Module logger.
module_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# OpenBabel can not be installed with pip but conda only. It is an optional dependency at the moment.
# There was a problem with OpenBabel not finding the 'BABEL_DATADIR'. One can set it manually with
# python `os.environ['BABEL_DATADIR'] = ...` .
if "BABEL_DATADIR" not in os.environ:
        "System variable 'BABEL_DATADIR' is not set. Please set `os.environ['BABEL_DATADIR'] = ...` manually.")

[docs]class MolecularGraphOpenBabel(MolGraphInterface): r"""A graph object representing a strict molecular graph, e.g. only chemical bonds. This class is an interface to :obj:`OBMol` class to retrieve graph properties. .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from kgcnn.mol.graph_babel import MolecularGraphOpenBabel mg = MolecularGraphOpenBabel() mg.from_smiles("CC(C)C(C(=O)O)N") mg.add_hs() mg.make_conformer() mg.optimize_conformer() mg.compute_partial_charges() print(MolecularGraphOpenBabel.atom_fun_dict.keys(), MolecularGraphOpenBabel.bond_fun_dict.keys()) print(mg.node_coordinates) print(mg.edge_indices) print(mg.node_attributes(properties=["NumBonds", "GasteigerCharge"], encoder={})) """ atom_fun_dict = { "IsInRing": lambda atom: atom.IsInRing(), "IsPeriodic": lambda atom: atom.IsPeriodic(), "IsHetAtom": lambda atom: atom.IsHetAtom(), "IsAxial": lambda atom: atom.IsAxial(), "IsMetal": lambda atom: atom.IsMetal(), "IsAmideNitrogen": lambda atom: atom.IsAmideNitrogen(), "IsAromatic": lambda atom: atom.IsAromatic(), "IsAromaticNOxide": lambda atom: atom.IsAromaticNOxide(), "IsCarboxylOxygen": lambda atom: atom.IsCarboxylOxygen(), "IsChiral": lambda atom: atom.IsChiral(), "IsHbondAcceptor": lambda atom: atom.IsHbondAcceptor(), "IsHbondAcceptorSimple": lambda atom: atom.IsHbondAcceptorSimple(), "IsHbondDonor": lambda atom: atom.IsHbondDonor(), "IsHbondDonorH": lambda atom: atom.IsHbondDonorH(), "IsHeteroatom": lambda atom: atom.IsHeteroatom(), "IsInRingSize6": lambda atom: atom.IsInRingSize(6), "IsInRingSize5": lambda atom: atom.IsInRingSize(5), "IsNitroOxygen": lambda atom: atom.IsNitroOxygen(), "IsNonPolarHydrogen": lambda atom: atom.IsNonPolarHydrogen(), "IsPhosphateOxygen": lambda atom: atom.IsPhosphateOxygen(), "IsPolarHydrogen": lambda atom: atom.IsPolarHydrogen(), "IsSulfateOxygen": lambda atom: atom.IsSulfateOxygen(), "Visit": lambda atom: atom.Visit, "Isotope": lambda atom: atom.GetIsotope(), "Data": lambda bond: bond.GetData(), "X": lambda bond: bond.GetX(), "Y": lambda bond: bond.GetY(), "Z": lambda bond: bond.GetZ(), "ExplicitValence": lambda bond: bond.GetExplicitValence(), "TotalDegree": lambda bond: bond.GetTotalDegree(), "AtomicMass": lambda bond: bond.GetAtomicMass(), "AtomicNum": lambda bond: bond.GetAtomicNum(), "Coordinate": lambda bond: bond.GetCoordinate(), "CoordinateIdx": lambda bond: bond.GetCoordinateIdx(), "ExactMass": lambda bond: bond.GetExactMass(), "ExplicitDegree": lambda bond: bond.GetExplicitDegree(), "FormalCharge": lambda bond: bond.GetFormalCharge(), "HeteroDegree": lambda bond: bond.GetHeteroDegree(), "HvyDegree": lambda bond: bond.GetHvyDegree(), "Hyb": lambda bond: bond.GetHyb(), "ImplicitHCount": lambda bond: bond.GetImplicitHCount(), "Index": lambda bond: bond.GetIndex(), "PartialCharge": lambda bond: bond.GetPartialCharge(), "Residue": lambda bond: bond.GetResidue(), "SpinMultiplicity": lambda bond: bond.GetSpinMultiplicity(), "Title": lambda bond: bond.GetTitle(), "TotalValence": lambda bond: bond.GetTotalValence(), "Type": lambda bond: bond.GetType(), "Vector": lambda bond: bond.GetVector(), "HasResidue": lambda bond: bond.HasResidue(), "HasDoubleBond": lambda bond: bond.HasDoubleBond(), "HasSingleBond": lambda bond: bond.HasSingleBond(), "HasAromaticBond": lambda bond: bond.HasAromaticBond(), "HasAlphaBetaUnsat": lambda bond: bond.HasAlphaBetaUnsat(), "HasBondOfOrder3": lambda bond: bond.HasBondOfOrder(3), "HasBondOfOrder2": lambda bond: bond.HasBondOfOrder(2), "HasBondOfOrder1": lambda bond: bond.HasBondOfOrder(1), "HasNonSingleBond": lambda bond: bond.HasNonSingleBond() } bond_fun_dict = { "BondOrder": lambda bond: bond.GetBondOrder(), "IsAromatic": lambda bond: bond.IsAromatic(), "IsInRing": lambda bond: bond.IsInRing(), "Idx": lambda bond: bond.GetIdx(), "Id": lambda bond: bond.GetId(), "BeginAtom": lambda bond: bond.GetBeginAtom(), "BeginAtomIdx": lambda bond: bond.GetBeginAtomIdx(), "EndAtom": lambda bond: bond.GetEndAtom(), "EndAtomIdx": lambda bond: bond.GetEndAtomIdx(), "Flags": lambda bond: bond.GetFlags(), "Parent": lambda bond: bond.GetParent(), "Length": lambda bond: bond.GetLength(), "EquibLength": lambda bond: bond.GetEquibLength(), "Aromatic": lambda bond: bond.Aromatic, "CisOrTrans": lambda bond: bond.CisOrTrans, "IsHash": lambda bond: bond.IsHash(), "IsAmide": lambda bond: bond.IsAmide(), "IsEster": lambda bond: bond.IsEster(), "IsCarbonyl": lambda bond: bond.IsCarbonyl(), "IsCisOrTrans": lambda bond: bond.IsCisOrTrans(), "IsClosure": lambda bond: bond.IsClosure(), "IsDoubleBondGeometry": lambda bond: bond.IsDoubleBondGeometry(), "IsPeriodic": lambda bond: bond.IsPeriodic(), "IsPrimaryAmide": lambda bond: bond.IsPrimaryAmide(), "IsTertiaryAmide": lambda bond: bond.IsTertiaryAmide(), "IsWedge": lambda bond: bond.IsWedge(), "IsWedgeOrHash": lambda bond: bond.IsWedgeOrHash(), "Visit": lambda bond: bond.Visit, } mol_fun_dict = { "NumAtoms": lambda m: m.NumAtoms(), "NumBonds": lambda m: m.NumBonds(), "ExactMass": lambda m: m.GetExactMass(), "TotalCharge": lambda m: m.GetTotalCharge(), }
[docs] def __init__(self, mol=None, make_directed: bool = False): """Set the mol attribute for composition. This mol instances will be the backends molecule class. Args: mol (openbabel.OBMol): OpenBabel molecule. make_directed (bool): Whether the edges are directed. Default is False. """ super().__init__(mol=mol, make_directed=make_directed) self.mol = mol
[docs] def make_conformer(self, **kwargs): r"""Make conformer for mol-object. Args: kwargs: Not used. Returns: bool: Whether conformer generation was successful """ if self.mol is None: return False builder = openbabel.OBBuilder() build_okay = builder.Build(self.mol) return build_okay
[docs] def optimize_conformer(self, force_field="mmff94", steps=100, **kwargs): r"""Optimize conformer. Requires an initial conformer. See :obj:`make_conformer`. Args: force_field (str): Force field type. steps (int): Number of iteration steps. kwargs: Kwargs for SteepestDescent. Returns: bool: Whether conformer optimization was successful. """ if self.mol is None: return False ff = openbabel.OBForceField.FindType(force_field) ff_setup_okay = ff.Setup(self.mol) ff.SteepestDescent(steps, **kwargs) # defaults are 50-500 in pybel ff.GetCoordinates(self.mol) return ff_setup_okay
[docs] def add_hs(self, **kwargs): """Add Hydrogen.""" self.mol.AddHydrogens(**kwargs)
[docs] def remove_hs(self, **kwargs): """Remove Hydrogen.""" self.mol.DeleteHydrogens(**kwargs)
[docs] def compute_partial_charges(self, method="gasteiger", **kwargs): """Compute partial charges. Args: method (str): Name of charge model. kwargs: Not used. Returns: bool: Compute charges return value. """ mol = self.mol ob_charge_model = openbabel.OBChargeModel.FindType(method) return ob_charge_model.ComputeCharges(mol)
[docs] def from_smiles(self, smile: str, sanitize: bool = True): """Make molecule from smile. Args: smile (str): Smile string for the molecule. sanitize (bool): Whether to sanitize molecule. """ ob_conversion = openbabel.OBConversion() ob_conversion.SetInFormat("smiles") self.mol = openbabel.OBMol() ob_conversion.ReadString(self.mol, smile) return self
[docs] def to_smiles(self): """Return a smile string representation of the mol instance. Returns: smile (str): Smile string. """ ob_conversion = openbabel.OBConversion() ob_conversion.SetOutFormat("smiles") return ob_conversion.WriteString(self.mol)
[docs] def from_mol_block(self, mol_block: str, keep_hs: bool = True, sanitize: bool = True): """Set mol-instance from a string representation containing coordinates and bond information that is MDL mol format equivalent. Args: mol_block (str): Mol-block representation of a molecule. sanitize (bool): Whether to sanitize the mol-object. keep_hs (bool): Whether to keep hydrogen. Returns: self """ ob_conversion = openbabel.OBConversion() ob_conversion.SetInFormat("mol") self.mol = openbabel.OBMol() ob_conversion.ReadString(self.mol, mol_block) if self.mol.HasHydrogensAdded() and not keep_hs: self.mol.DeleteHydrogens() return self
[docs] def from_xyz(self, xyz_string): """Setting mol-instance from an external xyz-string. Does not add hydrogen or makes conformers. Args: xyz_string: String of xyz block. Returns: self """ ob_conversion = openbabel.OBConversion() ob_conversion.SetInFormat("xyz") self.mol = openbabel.OBMol() ob_conversion.ReadString(self.mol, xyz_string) return self
[docs] def to_mol_block(self): """Make a more extensive string representation containing coordinates and bond information from self. Returns: mol_block (str): Mol-block representation of a molecule. """ ob_conversion = openbabel.OBConversion() ob_conversion.SetOutFormat("mol") return ob_conversion.WriteString(self.mol)
@property def node_number(self): """Return list of node numbers which is the atomic number of atoms in the molecule""" atom_num = [] for i in range(self.mol.NumAtoms()): ats = self.mol.GetAtomById(i) # ats = mol.GetAtom(i+1) atom_num.append(ats.GetAtomicNum()) return atom_num @property def node_symbol(self): """Return a list of atomic symbols of the molecule.""" atom_type = [] for i in range(self.mol.NumAtoms()): ats = self.mol.GetAtomById(i) # ats = mol.GetAtom(i+1) atom_type.append(ats.GetType()) return atom_type @property def node_coordinates(self): """Return a list of atomic coordinates of the molecule.""" xyz = [] for i in range(self.mol.NumAtoms()): ats = self.mol.GetAtomById(i) # ats = mol.GetAtom(i+1) xyz.append([ats.GetX(), ats.GetY(), ats.GetZ()]) if len(xyz) <= 0: return return np.array(xyz) @property def edge_indices(self): """Return a list of edge indices of the molecule.""" bond_idx = [] for i in range(self.mol.NumBonds()): bnd = self.mol.GetBondById(i) # bnd = mol.GetBond(i) if bnd is None: continue bond_idx.append([bnd.GetBeginAtomIdx() - 1, bnd.GetEndAtomIdx() - 1]) if not self._make_directed: # Add a bond with opposite direction but same properties bond_idx.append([bnd.GetEndAtomIdx() - 1, bnd.GetBeginAtomIdx() - 1]) # Sort bond indices bond_idx, _ = self._sort_bonds(bond_idx) return bond_idx @property def edge_number(self): """Return a list of edge number that represents the bond order.""" bond_number = [] bond_idx = [] for i in range(self.mol.NumBonds()): bnd = self.mol.GetBondById(i) # bnd = mol.GetBond(i) if bnd is None: continue bond_idx.append([bnd.GetBeginAtomIdx() - 1, bnd.GetEndAtomIdx() - 1]) bond_number.append(bnd.GetBondOrder()) if not self._make_directed: # Add a bond with opposite direction but same properties bond_idx.append([bnd.GetEndAtomIdx() - 1, bnd.GetBeginAtomIdx() - 1]) bond_number.append(bnd.GetBondOrder()) # Sort bond indices bond_idx, bond_number = self._sort_bonds(bond_idx, bond_number) return bond_idx, bond_number
[docs] def edge_attributes(self, properties: list, encoder: dict): """Make edge attributes. Args: properties (list): List of string identifier for a molecular property. Must match backend features. encoder (dict): A dictionary of callable encoder function or class for each string identifier. Returns: list: List of attributes after processed by the encoder. """ m = self.mol edges = self._check_properties_list(properties, sorted(self.bond_fun_dict.keys()), "Bond") encoder = self._check_encoder(encoder, sorted(self.bond_fun_dict.keys())) # Collect info about bonds bond_info = [] bond_idx = [] for i in range(m.NumBonds()): x = m.GetBondById(i) attr = [] for k in edges: if isinstance(k, str): temp = encoder[k](self.bond_fun_dict[k](x)) if k in encoder else self.bond_fun_dict[k](x) else: temp = k(x) if isinstance(temp, np.ndarray): temp = temp.tolist() if isinstance(temp, (list, tuple)): attr += list(temp) else: attr.append(temp) bond_info.append(attr) bond_idx.append([x.GetBeginAtomIdx() - 1, x.GetEndAtomIdx() - 1]) # Add a bond with opposite direction but same properties if not self._make_directed: bond_info.append(attr) bond_idx.append([x.GetEndAtomIdx() - 1, x.GetBeginAtomIdx() - 1]) # Sort directed bonds bond_idx, bond_info = self._sort_bonds(bond_idx, bond_info) return bond_idx, bond_info
[docs] def node_attributes(self, properties: list, encoder: dict): """Make node attributes. Args: properties (list): List of string identifier for a molecular property. Must match backend features. encoder (dict): A dictionary of callable encoder function or class for each string identifier. Returns: list: List of attributes after processed by the encoder. """ m = self.mol nodes = self._check_properties_list(properties, sorted(self.atom_fun_dict.keys()), "Atom") encoder = self._check_encoder(encoder, sorted(self.atom_fun_dict.keys())) # Collect info about atoms atom_info = [] for i in range(m.NumAtoms()): atm = m.GetAtomById(i) attr = [] for k in nodes: if isinstance(k, str): temp = encoder[k](self.atom_fun_dict[k](atm)) if k in encoder else self.atom_fun_dict[k](atm) else: temp = k(atm) if isinstance(temp, np.ndarray): temp = temp.tolist() if isinstance(temp, (list, tuple)): attr += list(temp) else: attr.append(temp) atom_info.append(attr) return atom_info
[docs] def graph_attributes(self, properties: list, encoder: dict): """Make graph attributes. Args: properties (list): List of string identifier for a molecular property. Must match backend features. encoder (dict): A dictionary of callable encoder function or class for each string identifier. Returns: list: List of attributes after processed by the encoder. """ graph = self._check_properties_list(properties, sorted(self.mol_fun_dict.keys()), "Molecule") m = self.mol encoder = self._check_encoder(encoder, sorted(self.mol_fun_dict.keys())) # Mol info attr = [] for k in graph: if isinstance(k, str): temp = encoder[k](self.mol_fun_dict[k](m)) if k in encoder else self.mol_fun_dict[k](m) else: temp = k(m) if isinstance(temp, np.ndarray): temp = temp.tolist() if isinstance(temp, (list, tuple)): attr += list(temp) else: attr.append(temp) return attr