Source code for kgcnn.molecule.convert

import os
import logging
from typing import Callable
from import read_mol_list_from_sdf_file, read_xyz_file, read_smiles_file, write_mol_block_list_to_sdf, \
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor  # , ProcessPoolExecutor
from kgcnn.molecule.external.ballloon import BalloonInterface
from typing import Union

logging.basicConfig()  # Module logger
module_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# RDkit
    import rdkit
    import rdkit.Chem
    import rdkit.Chem.AllChem
    import rdkit.Chem.rdDetermineBonds
    from rdkit import RDLogger

[docs] def rdkit_smile_to_mol(smile: str, sanitize: bool = True, add_hydrogen: bool = True, make_conformers: bool = True, optimize_conformer: bool = True, random_seed: int = 42, stop_logging: bool = False): # Order of parameters is important here. if stop_logging: RDLogger.DisableLog('rdApp.*') try: m = rdkit.Chem.MolFromSmiles(smile) if sanitize: rdkit.Chem.SanitizeMol(m) m = rdkit.Chem.AddHs(m) m.SetProp("_Name", smile.strip()) if make_conformers: params = rdkit.Chem.AllChem.ETKDGv3() params.useSmallRingTorsions = True params.randomSeed = random_seed # params.useRandomCoords = True success = rdkit.Chem.AllChem.EmbedMolecule(m, params=params) if optimize_conformer: rdkit.Chem.AllChem.MMFFOptimizeMolecule(m) rdkit.Chem.AssignAtomChiralTagsFromStructure(m) rdkit.Chem.AssignStereochemistryFrom3D(m) if not add_hydrogen: m = rdkit.Chem.RemoveHs(m) rdkit.Chem.AssignStereochemistry(m) except: m = None if stop_logging: RDLogger.EnableLog('rdApp.*') if m is not None: return rdkit.Chem.MolToMolBlock(m) return None
[docs] def rdkit_xyz_to_mol(xyz_string: str, charge: Union[int, list, None] = None): """Convert xyz-string to mol-string. The order of atoms in the list should be the same as output. Args: xyz_string (str): Convert the xyz string to mol-string charge (int, list): Possible charges of the molecule. Returns: str: Mol-string. Generates bond information in addition to coordinates from xyz-string. """ if charge is None: charge = [0, 1, -1, 2, -2] if isinstance(charge, int): charge = [charge] out_mol = None for c in charge: try: raw_mol = rdkit.Chem.MolFromXYZBlock(xyz_string) out_mol = rdkit.Chem.Mol(raw_mol) # rdkit.Chem.rdDetermineBonds.DetermineConnectivity(out_mol, charge=charge) rdkit.Chem.rdDetermineBonds.DetermineBonds(out_mol, charge=c) break except: out_mol = None continue if out_mol is not None: return rdkit.Chem.MolToMolBlock(out_mol) return None
except ImportError: module_logger.error("Can not import `RDKit` package for conversion.") rdkit_smile_to_mol = None rdkit_xyz_to_mol = None try: # There problems with openbabel if system variable is not set. # Openbabel may not be fully threadsafe, but is improved in version 3.0. from openbabel import openbabel if "BABEL_DATADIR" not in os.environ: module_logger.warning( "In case openbabel fails, you can set `kgcnn.mol.convert.openbabel_smile_to_mol` to `None` for disable.")
[docs] def openbabel_smile_to_mol(smile: str, sanitize: bool = True, add_hydrogen: bool = True, make_conformers: bool = True, optimize_conformer: bool = True, random_seed: int = 42, stop_logging: bool = False): if stop_logging: openbabel.obErrorLog.StopLogging() try: m = openbabel.OBMol() ob_conversion = openbabel.OBConversion() format_okay = ob_conversion.SetInAndOutFormats("smi", "mol") read_okay = ob_conversion.ReadString(m, smile) is_okay = {"format_okay": format_okay, "read_okay": read_okay} if make_conformers: # We need to make conformer with builder builder = openbabel.OBBuilder() build_okay = builder.Build(m) is_okay.update({"build_okay": build_okay}) if add_hydrogen: # it seems h's are made after build, an get embedded too m.AddHydrogens() if optimize_conformer and make_conformers: ff = openbabel.OBForceField.FindType("mmff94") ff_setup_okay = ff.Setup(m) ff.SteepestDescent(100) # defaults are 50-500 in pybel ff.GetCoordinates(m) is_okay.update({"ff_setup_okay": ff_setup_okay}) all_okay = all(list(is_okay.values())) if not all_okay: print( "WARNING: Openbabel returned false flag %s" % [key for key, value in is_okay.items() if not value]) except: m = None ob_conversion = None # Set back to default if stop_logging: openbabel.obErrorLog.StartLogging() if m is not None: return ob_conversion.WriteString(m) return None
[docs] def openbabel_xyz_to_mol(xyz_string: str, charge: int = 0, stop_logging: bool = False): """Convert xyz-string to mol-string. The order of atoms in the list should be the same as output. Uses openbabel for conversion. Args: xyz_string (str): Convert the xyz string to mol-string stop_logging (bool): Whether to stop logging. Default is False. Returns: str: Mol-string. Generates bond information in addition to coordinates from xyz-string. """ if stop_logging: openbabel.obErrorLog.StopLogging() ob_conversion = openbabel.OBConversion() ob_conversion.SetInAndOutFormats("xyz", "mol") # ob_conversion.SetInFormat("xyz") mol = openbabel.OBMol() ob_conversion.ReadString(mol, xyz_string) # print(xyz_str) out_mol = ob_conversion.WriteString(mol) # Set back to default if stop_logging: openbabel.obErrorLog.StartLogging() return out_mol
except ImportError: module_logger.error("Can not import `OpenBabel` package for conversion.") openbabel_smile_to_mol, openbabel_xyz_to_mol = None, None
[docs]class MolConverter:
[docs] def __init__(self, base_path: str = None): """Initialize a converter to transform smile or coordinates into mol block information. Args: base_path (str): Base path for temporary files. """ self.base_path = base_path if base_path is None: self.base_path = os.path.realpath(__file__)
@staticmethod def _check_is_same_length(a, b): if len(a) != len(b): module_logger.error("Mismatch in number of converted. Found '%s' vs. '%s'." % (len(a), len(b))) raise ValueError("Conversion was not successful") @staticmethod def _convert_parallel(conversion_method: Callable, smile_list: list, num_workers: int, *args): if num_workers is None: num_workers = os.cpu_count() if rdkit_smile_to_mol is None and openbabel_smile_to_mol is None: raise ModuleNotFoundError("Can not convert smiles. Missing `RDkit` or `OpenBabel` packages.") if num_workers == 1: mol_list = [conversion_method(x, *args) for x in smile_list] return mol_list else: arg_list = [(x,) + args for x in smile_list] with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_workers) as executor: result =, *zip(*arg_list)) mol_list = list(result) return mol_list @staticmethod def _single_smile_to_mol(smile: str, sanitize: bool = True, add_hydrogen: bool = True, make_conformers: bool = True, optimize_conformer: bool = True): if rdkit_smile_to_mol is not None: mol = rdkit_smile_to_mol(smile=smile, sanitize=sanitize, add_hydrogen=add_hydrogen, make_conformers=make_conformers, optimize_conformer=optimize_conformer) if mol is not None: return mol if openbabel_smile_to_mol is not None: mol = openbabel_smile_to_mol(smile=smile, sanitize=sanitize, add_hydrogen=add_hydrogen, make_conformers=make_conformers, optimize_conformer=optimize_conformer) if mol is not None: return mol module_logger.warning("Failed conversion for smile '%s'." % smile) return None
[docs] def smile_to_mol(self, smiles_path: str, sdf_path: str, external_program: dict = None, num_workers: int = None, sanitize: bool = True, add_hydrogen: bool = True, make_conformers: bool = True, optimize_conformer: bool = True, logger=None, batch_size: int = 5000): """Convert a smiles file to SDF structure file. Args: smiles_path: sdf_path: external_program: num_workers: sanitize: add_hydrogen: make_conformers: optimize_conformer: logger: batch_size: Returns: list: List of mol-strings. """ # Default via python packages RDkit and OpenBabel. if external_program is None: smiles_list = read_smiles_file(smiles_path) mol_list = [] for i in range(0, len(smiles_list), batch_size): mg = self._convert_parallel( self._single_smile_to_mol, smiles_list[i:i + batch_size], num_workers, # All args for _single_smile_to_mol. sanitize, add_hydrogen, make_conformers, optimize_conformer ) mol_list = mol_list + mg if logger is not None:" ... converted molecules {0} from {1}".format(i + len(mg), len(smiles_list))) # Check success self._check_is_same_length(smiles_list, mol_list) if sdf_path is not None: write_mol_block_list_to_sdf(mol_list, sdf_path) return mol_list # External programs smiles_list = read_smiles_file(smiles_path) if external_program["class_name"] == "balloon": ext_program = BalloonInterface(**external_program["config"]), output_file=sdf_path, output_format="sdf") else: raise ValueError("Unknown program for conversion of smiles '%s'" % external_program) mol_list = read_mol_list_from_sdf_file(sdf_path) self._check_is_same_length(smiles_list, mol_list) return mol_list
@staticmethod def _single_xyz_to_mol(xyz_string, charge=0): if rdkit_smile_to_mol is not None: mol = rdkit_xyz_to_mol(xyz_string, charge) if mol is not None: return mol if openbabel_smile_to_mol is not None: mol = openbabel_xyz_to_mol(xyz_string, charge) if mol is not None: return mol module_logger.warning("Failed conversion for xyz '%s'... ." % xyz_string[:20]) return None
[docs] def xyz_to_mol(self, xyz_path: str, sdf_path: str, charge: Union[list, int, None] = None): """Convert xyz info to structure file. Args: xyz_path: sdf_path: charge: Returns: list: List of mol blocks as string. """ if openbabel_xyz_to_mol is None and rdkit_xyz_to_mol is None: raise ModuleNotFoundError("Can not convert XYZ to SDF format, missing package `OpenBabel` or `RDkit`.") xyz_list = read_xyz_file(xyz_path) mol_list = [] for x in xyz_list: xyz_str = parse_list_to_xyz_str(x, number_coordinates=3) # No parallel conversion here, not necessary. mol_str = self._single_xyz_to_mol(xyz_str, charge=charge) mol_list.append(mol_str) self._check_is_same_length(xyz_list, mol_list) if sdf_path is not None: write_mol_block_list_to_sdf(mol_list, sdf_path) return mol_list