Source code for kgcnn.literature.DimeNetPP._make

import keras as ks
from kgcnn.layers.scale import get as get_scaler
from ._model import model_disjoint, model_disjoint_crystal
from kgcnn.layers.modules import Input
from kgcnn.models.casting import (template_cast_output, template_cast_list_input,
                                  template_cast_list_input_docs, template_cast_output_docs)
from kgcnn.models.utils import update_model_kwargs
from keras.backend import backend as backend_to_use

# To be updated if model is changed in a significant way.
__model_version__ = "2023-12-04"

# Supported backends
__kgcnn_model_backend_supported__ = ["tensorflow", "torch", "jax"]
if backend_to_use() not in __kgcnn_model_backend_supported__:
    raise NotImplementedError("Backend '%s' for model 'DimeNetPP' is not supported." % backend_to_use())

# Implementation of DimeNet++ in `keras` from paper:
# Fast and Uncertainty-Aware Directional Message Passing for Non-Equilibrium Molecules
# Johannes Klicpera, Shankari Giri, Johannes T. Margraf, Stephan Günnemann
# Original code:

model_default = {
    "name": "DimeNetPP",
    "inputs": [
        {"shape": [None], "name": "node_number", "dtype": "int64"},
        {"shape": [None, 3], "name": "node_coordinates", "dtype": "float32"},
        {"shape": [None, 2], "name": "edge_indices", "dtype": "int64"},
        {"shape": [None, 2], "name": "angle_indices", "dtype": "int64"},
        {"shape": (), "name": "total_nodes", "dtype": "int64"},
        {"shape": (), "name": "total_edges", "dtype": "int64"},
        {"shape": (), "name": "total_angles", "dtype": "int64"}
    "input_tensor_type": "padded",
    "input_embedding": None,  # deprecated
    "cast_disjoint_kwargs": {},
    "input_node_embedding": {
        "input_dim": 95, "output_dim": 128, "embeddings_initializer": {
            "class_name": "RandomUniform",
            "config": {"minval": -1.7320508075688772, "maxval": 1.7320508075688772}}
    "emb_size": 128, "out_emb_size": 256, "int_emb_size": 64, "basis_emb_size": 8,
    "num_blocks": 4, "num_spherical": 7, "num_radial": 6,
    "cutoff": 5.0, "envelope_exponent": 5,
    "num_before_skip": 1, "num_after_skip": 2, "num_dense_output": 3,
    "num_targets": 64, "extensive": True, "output_init": "zeros",
    "activation": "swish", "verbose": 10,
    "output_embedding": "graph",
    "use_output_mlp": True,
    "output_tensor_type": "padded",
    "output_scaling": None,
    "output_mlp": {"use_bias": [True, False],
                   "units": [64, 12], "activation": ["swish", "linear"]}

[docs]@update_model_kwargs(model_default, update_recursive=0, deprecated=["input_embedding", "output_to_tensor"]) def make_model(inputs: list = None, input_tensor_type: str = None, cast_disjoint_kwargs: dict = None, input_embedding: dict = None, # noqa input_node_embedding: dict = None, emb_size: int = None, out_emb_size: int = None, int_emb_size: int = None, basis_emb_size: int = None, num_blocks: int = None, num_spherical: int = None, num_radial: int = None, cutoff: float = None, envelope_exponent: int = None, num_before_skip: int = None, num_after_skip: int = None, num_dense_output: int = None, num_targets: int = None, activation: str = None, extensive: bool = None, output_init: str = None, verbose: int = None, # noqa name: str = None, output_embedding: str = None, output_tensor_type: str = None, use_output_mlp: bool = None, output_mlp: dict = None, output_scaling: dict = None ): """Make `DimeNetPP <>`_ graph network via functional API. Default parameters can be found in :obj:`kgcnn.literature.DimeNetPP.model_default`. **Model inputs**: Model uses the list template of inputs and standard output template. The supported inputs are :obj:`[nodes, coordinates, edge_indices, angle_indices...]` with '...' indicating mask or ID tensors following the template below. Note that you must supply angle indices as index pairs that refer to two edges. %s **Model outputs**: The standard output template: %s Args: inputs (list): List of dictionaries unpacked in :obj:`tf.keras.layers.Input`. Order must match model definition. input_tensor_type (str): Input type of graph tensor. Default is "padded". cast_disjoint_kwargs (dict): Dictionary of arguments for casting layer. input_embedding (dict): Deprecated in favour of input_node_embedding etc. input_node_embedding (dict): Dictionary of embedding arguments for nodes unpacked in :obj:`Embedding` layers. emb_size (int): Overall embedding size used for the messages. out_emb_size (int): Embedding size for output of :obj:`DimNetOutputBlock`. int_emb_size (int): Embedding size used for interaction triplets. basis_emb_size (int): Embedding size used inside the basis transformation. num_blocks (int): Number of graph embedding blocks or depth of the network. num_spherical (int): Number of spherical components in :obj:`SphericalBasisLayer`. num_radial (int): Number of radial components in basis layer. cutoff (float): Distance cutoff for basis layer. envelope_exponent (int): Exponent in envelope function for basis layer. num_before_skip (int): Number of residual layers in interaction block before skip connection num_after_skip (int): Number of residual layers in interaction block after skip connection num_dense_output (int): Number of dense units in output :obj:`DimNetOutputBlock`. num_targets (int): Number of targets or output embedding dimension of the model. activation (str, dict): Activation to use. extensive (bool): Graph output for extensive target to apply sum for pooling or mean otherwise. output_init (str, dict): Output initializer for kernel. verbose (int): Level of verbosity. name (str): Name of the model. output_embedding (str): Main embedding task for graph network. Either "node", "edge" or "graph". use_output_mlp (bool): Whether to use the final output MLP. Possibility to skip final :obj:`MLP`. output_mlp (dict): Dictionary of layer arguments unpacked in the final classification :obj:`MLP` layer block. Defines number of model outputs and activation. Note that DimeNetPP originally defines the output dimension via `num_targets`. But this can be set to `out_emb_size` and the `output_mlp` be used for more specific control. output_scaling (dict): Dictionary of layer arguments unpacked in scaling layers. Default is None. output_tensor_type (str): Output type of graph tensors such as nodes or edges. Default is "padded". Returns: :obj:`keras.models.Model` """ # Make input model_inputs = [Input(**x) for x in inputs] dj = template_cast_list_input( model_inputs, input_tensor_type=input_tensor_type, cast_disjoint_kwargs=cast_disjoint_kwargs, mask_assignment=[0, 0, 1, 2], index_assignment=[None, None, 0, 2] ) n, x, edi, adi, batch_id_node, batch_id_edge, batch_id_angles, node_id, edge_id, angle_id, count_nodes, count_edges, count_angles = dj out = model_disjoint( [n, x, edi, adi, batch_id_node, count_nodes], use_node_embedding=("int" in inputs[0]['dtype']) if input_node_embedding is not None else False, input_node_embedding=input_node_embedding, emb_size=emb_size, out_emb_size=out_emb_size, int_emb_size=int_emb_size, basis_emb_size=basis_emb_size, num_blocks=num_blocks, num_spherical=num_spherical, num_radial=num_radial, cutoff=cutoff, envelope_exponent=envelope_exponent, num_before_skip=num_before_skip, num_after_skip=num_after_skip, num_dense_output=num_dense_output, num_targets=num_targets, activation=activation, extensive=extensive, output_init=output_init, use_output_mlp=use_output_mlp, output_embedding=output_embedding, output_mlp=output_mlp ) if output_scaling is not None: scaler = get_scaler(output_scaling["name"])(**output_scaling) if scaler.extensive: # Node information must be numbers, or we need an additional input. out = scaler([out, n, batch_id_node]) else: out = scaler(out) # Output embedding choice out = template_cast_output( [out, batch_id_node, batch_id_edge, node_id, edge_id, count_nodes, count_edges], output_embedding=output_embedding, output_tensor_type=output_tensor_type, input_tensor_type=input_tensor_type, cast_disjoint_kwargs=cast_disjoint_kwargs, ) model = ks.models.Model(inputs=model_inputs, outputs=out, name=name) model.__kgcnn_model_version__ = __model_version__ if output_scaling is not None: def set_scale(*args, **kwargs): scaler.set_scale(*args, **kwargs) setattr(model, "set_scale", set_scale) return model
make_model.__doc__ = make_model.__doc__ % (template_cast_list_input_docs, template_cast_output_docs) model_crystal_default = { "name": "DimeNetPP", "inputs": [ {"shape": [None], "name": "node_number", "dtype": "int64", "ragged": True}, {"shape": [None, 3], "name": "node_coordinates", "dtype": "float32", "ragged": True}, {"shape": [None, 2], "name": "edge_indices", "dtype": "int64", "ragged": True}, {"shape": [None, 2], "name": "angle_indices", "dtype": "int64", "ragged": True}, {'shape': (None, 3), 'name': "edge_image", 'dtype': 'int64', 'ragged': True}, {'shape': (3, 3), 'name': "graph_lattice", 'dtype': 'float32', 'ragged': False} ], "input_tensor_type": "ragged", "input_embedding": None, # deprecated "cast_disjoint_kwargs": {}, "input_node_embedding": { "input_dim": 95, "output_dim": 128, "embeddings_initializer": { "class_name": "RandomUniform", "config": {"minval": -1.7320508075688772, "maxval": 1.7320508075688772}} }, "emb_size": 128, "out_emb_size": 256, "int_emb_size": 64, "basis_emb_size": 8, "num_blocks": 4, "num_spherical": 7, "num_radial": 6, "cutoff": 5.0, "envelope_exponent": 5, "num_before_skip": 1, "num_after_skip": 2, "num_dense_output": 3, "num_targets": 64, "extensive": True, "output_init": "zeros", "activation": "swish", "verbose": 10, "output_embedding": "graph", "use_output_mlp": True, "output_tensor_type": "padded", "output_scaling": None, "output_mlp": {"use_bias": [True, False], "units": [64, 12], "activation": ["swish", "linear"]} }
[docs]@update_model_kwargs(model_crystal_default, update_recursive=0, deprecated=["input_embedding", "output_to_tensor"]) def make_crystal_model(inputs: list = None, input_tensor_type: str = None, cast_disjoint_kwargs: dict = None, input_embedding: dict = None, # noqa input_node_embedding: dict = None, emb_size: int = None, out_emb_size: int = None, int_emb_size: int = None, basis_emb_size: int = None, num_blocks: int = None, num_spherical: int = None, num_radial: int = None, cutoff: float = None, envelope_exponent: int = None, num_before_skip: int = None, num_after_skip: int = None, num_dense_output: int = None, num_targets: int = None, activation: str = None, extensive: bool = None, output_init: str = None, verbose: int = None, # noqa name: str = None, output_embedding: str = None, output_tensor_type: str = None, use_output_mlp: bool = None, output_mlp: dict = None, output_scaling: dict = None ): """Make `DimeNetPP <>`__ graph network via functional API. Default parameters can be found in :obj:`kgcnn.literature.DimeNetPP.model_crystal_default`. .. note:: DimeNetPP does require a large amount of memory for this implementation, which increase quickly with the number of connections in a batch. Use ragged input or dataloader if possible. **Model inputs**: Model uses the list template of inputs and standard output template. The supported inputs are :obj:`[nodes, coordinates, edge_indices, angle_indices, image_translation, lattice, ...]` with '...' indicating mask or ID tensors following the template below. Note that you must supply angle indices as index pairs that refer to two edges. %s **Model outputs**: The standard output template: %s Args: inputs (list): List of dictionaries unpacked in :obj:`tf.keras.layers.Input`. Order must match model definition. input_tensor_type (str): Input type of graph tensor. Default is "padded". cast_disjoint_kwargs (dict): Dictionary of arguments for casting layer. input_embedding (dict): Deprecated in favour of input_node_embedding etc. input_node_embedding (dict): Dictionary of embedding arguments for nodes unpacked in :obj:`Embedding` layers. emb_size (int): Overall embedding size used for the messages. out_emb_size (int): Embedding size for output of :obj:`DimNetOutputBlock`. int_emb_size (int): Embedding size used for interaction triplets. basis_emb_size (int): Embedding size used inside the basis transformation. num_blocks (int): Number of graph embedding blocks or depth of the network. num_spherical (int): Number of spherical components in :obj:`SphericalBasisLayer`. num_radial (int): Number of radial components in basis layer. cutoff (float): Distance cutoff for basis layer. envelope_exponent (int): Exponent in envelope function for basis layer. num_before_skip (int): Number of residual layers in interaction block before skip connection num_after_skip (int): Number of residual layers in interaction block after skip connection num_dense_output (int): Number of dense units in output :obj:`DimNetOutputBlock`. num_targets (int): Number of targets or output embedding dimension of the model. activation (str, dict): Activation to use. extensive (bool): Graph output for extensive target to apply sum for pooling or mean otherwise. output_init (str, dict): Output initializer for kernel. verbose (int): Level of verbosity. name (str): Name of the model. output_embedding (str): Main embedding task for graph network. Either "node", "edge" or "graph". use_output_mlp (bool): Whether to use the final output MLP. Possibility to skip final :obj:`MLP`. output_mlp (dict): Dictionary of layer arguments unpacked in the final classification :obj:`MLP` layer block. Defines number of model outputs and activation. Note that DimeNetPP originally defines the output dimension via `num_targets`. But this can be set to `out_emb_size` and the `output_mlp` be used for more specific control. output_scaling (dict): Dictionary of layer arguments unpacked in scaling layers. Default is None. output_tensor_type (str): Output type of graph tensors such as nodes or edges. Default is "padded". Returns: :obj:`keras.models.Model` """ # Make input model_inputs = [Input(**x) for x in inputs] disjoint_inputs = template_cast_list_input( model_inputs, input_tensor_type=input_tensor_type, cast_disjoint_kwargs=cast_disjoint_kwargs, index_assignment=[None, None, 0, 2, None, None], mask_assignment=[0, 0, 1, 2, 1, None] ) n, x, edi, angi, img, lattice, batch_id_node, batch_id_edge, batch_id_angles, node_id, edge_id, angle_id, count_nodes, count_edges, count_angles = disjoint_inputs # Wrapp disjoint model out = model_disjoint_crystal( [n, x, edi, angi, img, lattice, batch_id_node, batch_id_edge, count_nodes], use_node_embedding=("int" in inputs[0]['dtype']) if input_node_embedding is not None else False, input_node_embedding=input_node_embedding, emb_size=emb_size, out_emb_size=out_emb_size, int_emb_size=int_emb_size, basis_emb_size=basis_emb_size, num_blocks=num_blocks, num_spherical=num_spherical, num_radial=num_radial, cutoff=cutoff, envelope_exponent=envelope_exponent, num_before_skip=num_before_skip, num_after_skip=num_after_skip, num_dense_output=num_dense_output, num_targets=num_targets, activation=activation, extensive=extensive, output_init=output_init, use_output_mlp=use_output_mlp, output_embedding=output_embedding, output_mlp=output_mlp ) if output_scaling is not None: scaler = get_scaler(output_scaling["name"])(**output_scaling) if scaler.extensive: # Node information must be numbers, or we need an additional input. out = scaler([out, n, batch_id_node]) else: out = scaler(out) # Output embedding choice out = template_cast_output( [out, batch_id_node, batch_id_edge, node_id, edge_id, count_nodes, count_edges], output_embedding=output_embedding, output_tensor_type=output_tensor_type, input_tensor_type=input_tensor_type, cast_disjoint_kwargs=cast_disjoint_kwargs, ) model = ks.models.Model(inputs=model_inputs, outputs=out, name=name) model.__kgcnn_model_version__ = __model_version__ if output_scaling is not None: def set_scale(*args, **kwargs): scaler.set_scale(*args, **kwargs) setattr(model, "set_scale", set_scale) return model
make_crystal_model.__doc__ = make_crystal_model.__doc__ % (template_cast_list_input_docs, template_cast_output_docs)