Source code for kgcnn.layers.geom

import math
import numpy as np
from typing import Union
import keras as ks
from keras import ops, Layer
from keras.layers import Layer, Subtract, Multiply, Add, Subtract
from kgcnn.layers.gather import GatherNodes, GatherState, GatherNodesOutgoing
from kgcnn.layers.polynom import spherical_bessel_jn_zeros, spherical_bessel_jn_normalization_prefactor
from kgcnn.layers.polynom import tf_spherical_bessel_jn, tf_spherical_harmonics_yl
from kgcnn.layers.polynom import SphericalBesselJnExplicit, SphericalHarmonicsYl
from kgcnn.ops.axis import get_positive_axis
from kgcnn.ops.core import cross as kgcnn_cross

[docs]class NodePosition(Layer): r"""Get node position for directed edges via node indices. Directly calls :obj:`GatherNodes` with provided index tensor. Returns separate node position tensor for each of the indices. Index selection must be provided in the constructor. Defaults to first two indices of an edge. A distance based edge is defined by two bond indices of the index list of shape `(batch, [M], 2)` with last dimension of incoming and outgoing node (message passing framework). Example usage: .. code-block:: python from keras import ops from kgcnn.layers.geom import NodePosition position = ops.convert_to_tensor([[0.0, -1.0, 0.0],[1.0, 1.0, 0.0]]) indices = ops.convert_to_tensor([[0,1],[1,0]], dtype="int32") x_in, x_out = NodePosition()([position, indices]) print(x_in - x_out) """
[docs] def __init__(self, selection_index: list = None, **kwargs): r"""Initialize layer instance of :obj:`NodePosition`. Args: selection_index (list): List of positions (last dimension of the index tensor) to return node coordinates. Default is [0, 1]. """ super(NodePosition, self).__init__(**kwargs) if selection_index is None: selection_index = [0, 1] self.selection_index = selection_index self.layer_gather = GatherNodes(self.selection_index, concat_axis=None)
[docs] def build(self, input_shape): """Build layer.""" super(NodePosition, self).build(input_shape)
[docs] def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape): return self.layer_gather.compute_output_shape(input_shape)
[docs] def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): r"""Forward pass of :obj:`NodePosition`. Args: inputs (list): [position, edge_index] - position (Tensor): Node positions of shape `(N, 3)`. - edge_index (Tensor): Edge indices referring to nodes of shape `(2, M)`. Returns: list: List of node positions tensors for each of the :obj:`selection_index`. Position tensors have shape `([M], 3)`. """ return self.layer_gather(inputs, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_config(self): """Update config for `NodePosition`.""" config = super(NodePosition, self).get_config() config.update({"selection_index": self.selection_index}) return config
[docs]class ShiftPeriodicLattice(Layer): r"""Shift position tensor by multiples of the lattice constant of a periodic lattice in 3D. Let an atom have position :math:`\vec{x}_0` in the unit cell and be in a periodic lattice with lattice vectors :math:`\mathbf{a} = (\vec{a}_1, \vec{a}_2, \vec{a}_3)` and further be located in its image with indices :math:`\vec{n} = (n_1, n_2, n_3)`, then this layer is supposed to return: .. math:: \vec{x} = \vec{x_0} + n_1\vec{a}_1 + n_2\vec{a}_2 + n_3\vec{a}_3 = \vec{x_0} + \vec{n} \mathbf{a} The layer expects ragged tensor input for :math:`\vec{x_0}` and :math:`\vec{n}` with multiple positions and their images but a single (tensor) lattice matrix per sample. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize layer.""" super(ShiftPeriodicLattice, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.layer_state = GatherState()
[docs] def build(self, input_shape): """Build layer.""" super(ShiftPeriodicLattice, self).build(input_shape)
[docs] def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): """Forward pass. Args: inputs (list): `[position, edge_image, lattice, batch_id_edge]` - position (Tensor): Positions of shape `(M, 3)` - edge_image (Tensor): Position in which image to shift of shape `(M, 3)` - lattice (Tensor): Lattice vector matrix of shape `(batch, 3, 3)` - batch_id_edge (Tensor): Batch ID of edges of shape `(M, )` Returns: Tensor: Gathered node position number of indices of shape `([M], 1)` """ x_val, ei, lattice, batch_id_edge = inputs lattice_rep = self.layer_state([lattice, batch_id_edge], **kwargs) # 1. Implementation: Manual multiplication. x_val = x_val + ops.sum(ops.cast(lattice_rep, dtype=x_val.dtype) * ops.expand_dims( ops.cast(ei, dtype=x_val.dtype), axis=-1), axis=1) # 2. Implementation: Matrix multiplication. # xv = xv + ks.batch_dot(tf.cast(ei, dtype=x_val.dtype), tf.cast(lattice_rep, dtype=x_val.dtype)) return x_val
[docs]class EuclideanNorm(Layer): r"""Compute euclidean norm for edge or node vectors. This amounts for a specific :obj:`axis` along which to sum the coordinates: .. math:: ||\mathbf{x}||_2 = \sqrt{\sum_i x_i^2} Vector based edge or node coordinates are defined by `(N, ..., D)` with last dimension `D`. You can choose to collapse or keep this dimension with :obj:`keepdims` and to optionally invert the resulting norm with :obj:`invert_norm` layer arguments. """
[docs] def __init__(self, axis: int = -1, keepdims: bool = False, invert_norm: bool = False, add_eps: bool = False, no_nan: bool = True, square_norm: bool = False, **kwargs): """Initialize layer. Args: axis (int): Axis of coordinates. Defaults to -1. keepdims (bool): Whether to keep the axis for sum. Defaults to False. invert_norm (bool): Whether to invert the results. Defaults to False. add_eps (bool): Whether to add epsilon before taking square root. Default is False. no_nan (bool): Whether to remove NaNs on invert. Default is True. """ super(EuclideanNorm, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.axis = axis self.keepdims = keepdims self.invert_norm = invert_norm self.square_norm = square_norm self.add_eps = add_eps self.no_nan = no_nan
[docs] def build(self, input_shape): """Build layer.""" self.axis = get_positive_axis(self.axis, len(input_shape)) self.built = True
[docs] def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape): """Compute output shape.""" input_shape = list(input_shape) if self.keepdims: input_shape[self.axis] = 1 else: input_shape.pop(self.axis) return tuple(input_shape)
[docs] @staticmethod def _compute_euclidean_norm(inputs, axis: int = -1, keepdims: bool = False, invert_norm: bool = False, add_eps: bool = False, no_nan: bool = True, square_norm: bool = False): """Function to compute euclidean norm for inputs. Args: inputs (Tensor): Tensor input to compute norm for. axis (int): Axis of coordinates. Defaults to -1. keepdims (bool): Whether to keep the axis for sum. Defaults to False. add_eps (bool): Whether to add epsilon before taking square root. Default is False. square_norm (bool): Whether to square the results. Defaults to False. invert_norm (bool): Whether to invert the results. Defaults to False. Returns: Tensor: Euclidean norm of inputs. """ out = ks.activations.relu(ops.sum(ops.square(inputs), axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)) # Or just via norm function # out = norm(inputs, ord='euclidean', axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) if add_eps: out = out + ks.backend.epsilon() if not square_norm: out = ops.sqrt(out) if invert_norm: out = 1/out if no_nan: out = ops.where(ops.isnan(out), ops.convert_to_tensor(0, dtype=out.dtype), out) return out
[docs] def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): r"""Forward pass for :obj:`EuclideanNorm` . Args: inputs (Tensor): Positions of shape `([N], ..., D, ...)` Returns: Tensor: Euclidean norm computed for specific axis of shape `([N], ...)` """ return self._compute_euclidean_norm( inputs, axis=self.axis, keepdims=self.keepdims, invert_norm=self.invert_norm, add_eps=self.add_eps, no_nan=self.no_nan, square_norm=self.square_norm)
[docs] def get_config(self): """Update config.""" config = super(EuclideanNorm, self).get_config() config.update({"axis": self.axis, "keepdims": self.keepdims, "invert_norm": self.invert_norm, "add_eps": self.add_eps, "no_nan": self.no_nan, "square_norm": self.square_norm}) return config
[docs]class ScalarProduct(Layer): r"""Compute geometric scalar product for edge or node coordinates. A distance based edge or node coordinates are defined by `(batch, [N], ..., D)` with last dimension D. The layer simply does for positions : .. math:: <\vec{a}, \vec{b}> = \vec{a} \cdot \vec{b} = \sum_i a_i b_i Code example: .. code-block:: python from keras import ops from kgcnn.layers.geom import ScalarProduct position = ops.convert_to_tensor([[0.0, -1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [2.0, 1.0, 0.0]]) out = ScalarProduct()([position, position]) print(out, out.shape) """
[docs] def __init__(self, axis=-1, **kwargs): """Initialize layer.""" super(ScalarProduct, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.axis = axis
[docs] def build(self, input_shape): """Build layer.""" axis = get_positive_axis(self.axis, len(input_shape[0])) axis2 = get_positive_axis(self.axis, len(input_shape[1])) assert axis2 == axis, "Axis parameter must match on the two input vectors for scalar product." self.axis = axis self.built = True
[docs] @staticmethod def _scalar_product(inputs: list, axis: int): """Compute scalar product. Args: inputs (list): Tensor input. axis (int): Axis along which to sum. Returns: Tensor: Scalr product of inputs. """ return ops.sum(inputs[0] * inputs[1], axis=axis)
[docs] def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): r"""Forward pass. Args: inputs (list): [vec1, vec2] - vec1 (Tensor): Positions of shape `(None, ..., D, ...)` - vec2 (Tensor): Positions of shape `(None, ..., D, ...)` Returns: Tensor: Scalar product of shape `(None, ...)` """ return self._scalar_product(inputs, axis=self.axis)
[docs] def get_config(self): """Update config.""" config = super(ScalarProduct, self).get_config() config.update({"axis": self.axis}) return config
[docs]class NodeDistanceEuclidean(Layer): r"""Compute euclidean distance between two node coordinate tensors. Let :math:`\vec{x}_1` and :math:`\vec{x}_2` be the position of two nodes, then the output is given by: .. math:: || \vec{x}_1 - \vec{x}_2 ||_2. Calls :obj:`EuclideanNorm` on the difference of the inputs, which are position of nodes in space and for example the output of :obj:`NodePosition`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, add_eps: bool = False, no_nan: bool = True, **kwargs): r"""Initialize layer instance of :obj:`NodeDistanceEuclidean`. """ super(NodeDistanceEuclidean, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.layer_subtract = Subtract() self.layer_euclidean_norm = EuclideanNorm(axis=-1, keepdims=True, add_eps=add_eps, no_nan=no_nan)
[docs] def build(self, input_shape): """Build layer.""" difference_shape = self.layer_subtract.compute_output_shape(input_shape)
[docs] def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): r"""Forward pass. Args: inputs (list): [position_start, position_stop] - position_start (Tensor): Node positions of shape `([M], 3)` - position_stop (Tensor): Node positions of shape `([M], 3)` Returns: Tensor: Distances as edges that match the number of indices of shape `([M], 1)` """ diff = self.layer_subtract(inputs) return self.layer_euclidean_norm(diff)
[docs] def get_config(self): config = super(NodeDistanceEuclidean, self).get_config() conf_norm = self.layer_euclidean_norm.get_config() config.update({"add_eps": conf_norm["add_eps"], "no_nan": conf_norm["no_nan"]}) return config
[docs]class EdgeDirectionNormalized(Layer): r"""Compute the normalized geometric direction between two point coordinates for e.g. a geometric edge. Let two points have position :math:`\vec{r}_{i}` and :math:`\vec{r}_{j}` for an edge :math:`e_{ij}`, then the normalized distance is given by: .. math:: \frac{\vec{r}_{ij}}{||r_{ij}||} = \frac{\vec{r}_{i} - \vec{r}_{j}}{||\vec{r}_{i} - \vec{r}_{j}||}. Note that the difference is defined here as :math:`\vec{r}_{i} - \vec{r}_{j}`. As the first index defines the incoming edge. """
[docs] def __init__(self, add_eps: bool = False, no_nan: bool = True, **kwargs): """Initialize layer.""" super(EdgeDirectionNormalized, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.layer_subtract = Subtract() self.layer_euclidean_norm = EuclideanNorm( axis=1, keepdims=True, invert_norm=True, add_eps=add_eps, no_nan=no_nan) self.layer_multiply = Multiply()
[docs] def build(self, input_shape): """Build layer.""" super(EdgeDirectionNormalized, self).build(input_shape)
[docs] def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): r"""Forward pass. Args: inputs (list): [position_1, position_2] - position_1 (Tensor): Stop node positions of shape `([N], 3)` - position_2 (Tensor): Start node positions of shape `([N], 3)` Returns: Tensor: Normalized vector distance of shape `([N], 3)`. """ diff = self.layer_subtract(inputs) norm = self.layer_euclidean_norm(diff) return self.layer_multiply([diff, norm])
[docs] def get_config(self): """Update config.""" config = super(EdgeDirectionNormalized, self).get_config() conf_norm = self.layer_euclidean_norm.get_config() config.update({"add_eps": conf_norm["add_eps"], "no_nan": conf_norm["no_nan"]}) return config
[docs]class VectorAngle(Layer): r"""Compute geometric angles between two vectors in euclidean space. The vectors :math:`\vec{v}_1` and :math:`\vec{v}_2` could be obtained from three points :math:`\vec{x}_i, \vec{x}_j, \vec{x}_k` spanning an angle from :math:`\vec{v}_1= \vec{x}_i - \vec{x}_j` and :math:`\vec{v}_2= \vec{x}_j - \vec{x}_k` . Those points can be defined with an index tuple `(i, j, k)` in a ragged tensor of shape `(batch, None, 3)` that mark vector directions of :math:`i\leftarrow j, j \leftarrow k` . .. note:: However, this layer directly takes the vector :math:`\vec{v}_1` and :math:`\vec{v}_2` as input. The angle :math:`\theta` is computed via: .. math:: \theta = \tan^{-1} \; \frac{\vec{v}_1 \cdot \vec{v}_2}{|| \vec{v}_1 \times \vec{v}_2 ||} """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize layer.""" super(VectorAngle, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.axis = -1
[docs] def build(self, input_shape): """Build layer.""" super(VectorAngle, self).build(input_shape)
[docs] def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): r"""Forward pass. Args: inputs (list): [vector_1, vector_2] - vector_1 (Tensor): Node positions or vectors of shape `([M], 3)` - vector_2 (Tensor): Node positions or vectors of shape `([M], 3)` Returns: Tensor: Calculated Angle between vector 1 and 2 of shape `([M], 1)`. """ v1, v2 = inputs x = ops.sum(v1 * v2, axis=-1) # y = ops.cross(v1, v2, axis=-1) y = kgcnn_cross(v1, v2) # Somehow ops.cross loses the symbolic call of keras. y = ops.sqrt(ops.sum(ops.square(y), axis=-1)) # or with y = ops.norm(y, axis=-1) angle = ops.arctan2(y, x) out = ops.expand_dims(angle, axis=-1) return out
[docs] def get_config(self): """Update config.""" config = super(VectorAngle, self).get_config() return config
[docs]class EdgeAngle(Layer): r"""Compute geometric angles between two vectors that represent an edge of a graph. The vectors :math:`\vec{v}_1` and :math:`\vec{v}_2` span an angles as: .. math:: \theta = \tan^{-1} \; \frac{\vec{v}_1 \cdot \vec{v}_2}{|| \vec{v}_1 \times \vec{v}_2 ||} The geometric angle is computed between edge tuples of index :math:`(i, j)`, where :math`:i, j` refer to two edges. The edge features are consequently a geometric vector (3D-space) for each edge. .. note:: Here, the indices :math:`(i, j)` refer to edges and not to node positions! The layer uses :obj:`GatherEmbeddingSelection` and :obj:`VectorAngle` to compute angles. """
[docs] def __init__(self, vector_scale: list = None, **kwargs): """Initialize layer. Args: vector_scale (list): List of two scales for each vector. Default is None """ super(EdgeAngle, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.layer_gather_vectors = GatherNodes([0, 1], concat_axis=None) self.layer_angle = VectorAngle() self.vector_scale = vector_scale if vector_scale: assert len(vector_scale) == 2, "Need scale for both vectors to compute angle." self._const_vec_scale = [ops.convert_to_tensor(x) for x in self.vector_scale] if self.vector_scale else None
[docs] def build(self, input_shape): """Build layer.""" v12_shape = self.layer_gather_vectors.compute_output_shape(input_shape) self.built = True
[docs] def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): r"""Forward pass. Args: inputs (list): [vector, angle_index] - vector (Tensor): Node or Edge directions of shape `([N], 3)` . - angle_index (Tensor): Angle indices of vector pairs of shape `(2, [K])` . Returns: Tensor: Edge angles between edges that match the indices. Shape is `([K], 1)` . """ v1, v2 = self.layer_gather_vectors(inputs) if self.vector_scale is not None: v1, v2 = [ x * ops.cast(self._const_vec_scale[i], dtype=x.dtype) for i, x in enumerate([v1, v2]) ] return self.layer_angle([v1, v2])
[docs] def get_config(self): """Update config.""" config = super(EdgeAngle, self).get_config() config.update({"vector_scale": self.vector_scale}) return config
[docs]class GaussBasisLayer(Layer): r"""Expand a distance into a Gaussian Basis, according to `Schuett et al. (2017) <>`__ . The distance :math:`d_{ij} = || \mathbf{r}_i - \mathbf{r}_j ||` is expanded in radial basis functions: .. math:: e_k(\mathbf{r}_i - \mathbf{r}_j) = \exp{(- \gamma || d_{ij} - \mu_k ||^2 )} where :math:`\mu_k` represents centers located at originally :math:`0\le \mu_k \le 30 \mathring{A}` every :math:`0.1 \mathring{A}` with :math:`\gamma=10 \mathring{A}` For this layer the arguments refer directly to Gaussian of width :math:`\sigma` that connects to :math:`\gamma = \frac{1}{2\sigma^2}`. The Gaussian, or the :math:`\mu_k`, is placed equally between :obj:`offset` and :obj:`distance` and the spacing can be defined by the number of :obj:`bins` that is simply '(distance-offset)/bins'. The width is controlled by the layer argument :obj:`sigma`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, bins: int = 20, distance: float = 4.0, sigma: float = 0.4, offset: float = 0.0, **kwargs): r"""Initialize :obj:`GaussBasisLayer` layer. Args: bins (int): Number of bins for basis. distance (float): Maximum distance to for Gaussian. sigma (float): Width of Gaussian for bins. offset (float): Shift of zero position for basis. """ super(GaussBasisLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs) # Layer variables self.bins = int(bins) self.distance = float(distance) self.offset = float(offset) self.sigma = float(sigma) self.gamma = 1 / sigma / sigma / 2
# Note: For arbitrary axis the code must be adapted.
[docs] @staticmethod def _compute_gauss_basis(inputs, offset, gamma, bins, distance): r"""Expand into gaussian basis. Args: inputs (Tensor): Tensor input with distance to expand into Gaussian basis. bins (int): Number of bins for basis. distance (float): Maximum distance to for Gaussian. gamma (float): Gamma pre-factor which is :math:`1/(2\sigma^2)` for Gaussian of width :math:`\sigma`. offset (float): Shift of zero position for basis. Returns: Tensor: Distance tensor expanded in Gaussian. """ gbs = ops.arange(0, bins, 1, dtype=inputs.dtype) / float(bins) * distance out = inputs - offset out = ops.square(out - gbs) * (gamma * (-1.0)) out = ops.exp(out) return out
[docs] def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): r"""Forward pass. Args: inputs: distance - distance (Tensor): Edge distance of shape `([K], 1)` Returns: Tensor: Expanded distance. Shape is `([K], bins)`. """ return self._compute_gauss_basis(inputs, offset=self.offset, gamma=self.gamma, bins=self.bins, distance=self.distance)
[docs] def get_config(self): """Update config.""" config = super(GaussBasisLayer, self).get_config() config.update({"bins": self.bins, "distance": self.distance, "offset": self.offset, "sigma": self.sigma}) return config
[docs]class PositionEncodingBasisLayer(Layer): r"""Expand a distance into a Positional Encoding basis from `Transformer <>`__ models, with :math:`\sin()` and :math:`\cos()` functions, which was slightly adapted for geometric distance information in edge features. The original encoding is defined in `<>`_ as: .. math:: PE_{(pos,2i)} & = \sin(pos/10000^{2i/d_{model}}) \\\\ PE_{(pos,2i+1)} & = \cos(pos/10000^{2i/d_{model}} ) where :math:`pos` is the position and :math:`i` is the dimension. That is, each dimension of the positional encoding corresponds to a sinusoid. The wavelengths form a geometric progression from :math:`2\pi` to :math:`10000 \times 2\pi`. In the definition of this layer we chose a formulation with :math:`x := pos`, wavelength :math:`\lambda` and :math:`i = 0 \dots d_{h}` with :math:`d_h := d_{model}/2` in the form :math:`\sin(\frac{2 \pi}{\lambda} x)`: .. math:: \sin(x/10000^{2i/d_{model}}) = \sin(x \; 2\pi \; / (2\pi \, 10000^{i/d_{h}})) \equiv \sin(x \frac{2 \pi}{\lambda}) and consequently :math:`\lambda = 2\pi \, 10000^{i/d_{h}}`. Inplace of :math:`2 \pi`, :math:`d_h` and :math:`N=10000` this layer has parameters :obj:`wave_length_min`, :obj:`dim_half` and :obj:`num_mult`. Whether :math:`\sin()` and :math:`\cos()` has to be mixed as in the original definition can be controlled by :obj:`interleave_sin_cos`, which is `False` by default. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dim_half: int = 10, wave_length_min: float = 1, num_mult: Union[float, int] = 100, include_frequencies: bool = False, interleave_sin_cos: bool = False, **kwargs): r"""Initialize :obj:`FourierBasisLayer` layer. The actual output-dimension will be :math:`2 \times` :obj:`dim_half` or :math:`3 \times` :obj:`dim_half` , if including frequencies. The half output dimension must be larger than 1. .. note:: In the original definition, defaults are :obj:`wave_length_min` = :math:`2 \pi` , :obj:`num_mult` = 10000, and :obj:`interleave_sin_cos` = True. Args: dim_half (int): Dimension of the half output embedding space. Defaults to 10. wave_length_min (float): Wavelength for positional sin and cos expansion. Defaults to 1. num_mult (int, float): Number of the geometric expansion multiplier. Default is 100. include_frequencies (bool): Whether to also include the frequencies. Default is False. interleave_sin_cos (bool): Whether to interleave sin and cos terms as in the original definition of the layer. Default is False. """ super(PositionEncodingBasisLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.dim_half = dim_half self.num_mult = num_mult self.wave_length_min = wave_length_min self.include_frequencies = include_frequencies self.interleave_sin_cos = interleave_sin_cos if self.num_mult <= 1: raise ValueError("`num_mult` must be >1. Reduce `wave_length_min` if necessary.") if self.dim_half <= 1: raise ValueError("`dim_half` must be > 1.")
# Note: For arbitrary axis the code must be adapted.
[docs] @staticmethod def _compute_fourier_encoding(inputs, dim_half: int = 10, wave_length_min: float = 1, num_mult: Union[float, int] = 100, include_frequencies: bool = False, interleave_sin_cos: bool = False): r"""Expand into fourier basis. Args: inputs (Tensor): Tensor input with position or distance to expand into encodings. Tensor must have a broadcasting dimension at last axis, e.g. shape (N, 1). Tensor must be type 'float'. dim_half (int): Dimension of the half output embedding space. Defaults to 10. wave_length_min (float): Wavelength for positional sin and cos expansion. Defaults to 1. num_mult (int, float): Number of the geometric expansion multiplier. Default is 100. include_frequencies (bool): Whether to also include the frequencies. Default is False. interleave_sin_cos (bool): Whether to interleave sin and cos terms as in the original definition of the layer. Default is False. Returns: Tensor: Distance tensor expanded in Fourier basis. """ steps = ops.arange(dim_half, dtype=inputs.dtype) / (dim_half - 1) log_num = ops.convert_to_tensor(-math.log(num_mult), dtype=inputs.dtype) log_wave = ops.convert_to_tensor(-math.log(wave_length_min), dtype=inputs.dtype) freq = ops.exp(log_num * steps + log_wave) # tf.exp is better than power. scales = ops.cast(freq, dtype=inputs.dtype) * math.pi * 2.0 arg = inputs * scales if interleave_sin_cos: out = ops.concatenate( [ops.sin(ops.expand_dims(arg, axis=-1)), ops.cos(ops.expand_dims(arg, axis=-1))], axis=-1) out = ops.reshape(out, ops.shape(out)[:-2] + [ops.shape(out)[-2] * 2]) else: out = ops.concatenate([ops.sin(arg), ops.cos(arg)], axis=-1) if include_frequencies: out = ops.concatenate([out, freq], dim=-1) return out
[docs] def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): r"""Forward pass. Args: inputs (Tensor): Edge distance of shape `([K], 1)` Returns: Tensor: Expanded distance. Shape is `([K], bins)`. """ return self.map_values( self._compute_fourier_encoding, inputs, dim_half=self.dim_half, wave_length_min=self.wave_length_min, num_mult=self.num_mult, include_frequencies=self.include_frequencies, interleave_sin_cos=self.interleave_sin_cos)
[docs] def get_config(self): """Update config.""" config = super(PositionEncodingBasisLayer, self).get_config() config.update({"dim_half": self.dim_half, "wave_length_min": self.wave_length_min, "num_mult": self.num_mult, "include_frequencies": self.include_frequencies, "interleave_sin_cos": self.interleave_sin_cos}) return config
[docs]class BesselBasisLayer(Layer): r"""Expand a distance into a Bessel Basis with :math:`l=m=0`, according to `Gasteiger et al. (2020) <>`__ . For :math:`l=m=0` the 2D spherical Fourier-Bessel simplifies to :math:`\Psi_{\text{RBF}}(d)=a j_0(\frac{z_{0,n}}{c}d)` with roots at :math:`z_{0,n} = n\pi`. With normalization on :math:`[0,c]` and :math:`j_0(d) = \sin{(d)}/d` yields :math:`\tilde{e}_{\text{RBF}} \in \mathbb{R}^{N_{\text{RBF}}}`: .. math:: \tilde{e}_{\text{RBF}, n} (d) = \sqrt{\frac{2}{c}} \frac{\sin{\left(\frac{n\pi}{c} d\right)}}{d} Additionally, applies an envelope function :math:`u(d)` for continuous differentiability on the basis :math:`e_{\text{RBF}} = u(d)\tilde{e}_{\text{RBF}}`. By Default this is a polynomial of the form: .. math:: u(d) = 1 − \frac{(p + 1)(p + 2)}{2} d^p + p(p + 2)d^{p+1} − \frac{p(p + 1)}{2} d^{p+2}, where :math:`p \in \mathbb{N}_0` and typically :math:`p=6`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, num_radial: int, cutoff: float, envelope_exponent: int = 5, envelope_type: str = "poly", **kwargs): r"""Initialize :obj:`BesselBasisLayer` layer. Args: num_radial (int): Number of radial basis functions to use. cutoff (float): Cutoff distance. envelope_exponent (int): Degree of the envelope to smoothen at cutoff. Default is 5. envelope_type (str): Type of envelope to use. Default is "poly". """ super(BesselBasisLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs) # Layer variables self.num_radial = num_radial self.cutoff = cutoff self.inv_cutoff = ops.convert_to_tensor(1 / cutoff, dtype=self.dtype) self.envelope_exponent = envelope_exponent self.envelope_type = str(envelope_type) if self.envelope_type not in ["poly"]: raise ValueError("Unknown envelope type '%s' in `BesselBasisLayer` ." % self.envelope_type) # Initialize frequencies at canonical positions. def freq_init(shape, dtype): return ops.convert_to_tensor(np.pi * np.arange(1, shape[0] + 1, dtype=np.float64), dtype=dtype) self.frequencies = self.add_weight( name="frequencies", shape=(self.num_radial, ), dtype=self.dtype, initializer=freq_init, trainable=True )
[docs] def envelope(self, inputs): p = self.envelope_exponent + 1 a = -(p + 1) * (p + 2) / 2 b = p * (p + 2) c = -p * (p + 1) / 2 env_val = 1.0 / inputs + a * inputs ** (p - 1) + b * inputs ** p + c * inputs ** (p + 1) return ops.where(inputs < 1, env_val, ops.zeros_like(inputs))
[docs] def expand_bessel_basis(self, inputs): d_scaled = inputs * self.inv_cutoff d_cutoff = self.envelope(d_scaled) out = d_cutoff * ops.sin(self.frequencies * d_scaled) return out
[docs] def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): r"""Forward pass. Args: inputs: distance - distance (Tensor): Edge distance of shape `([K], 1)` Returns: Tensor: Expanded distance. Shape is `([K], num_radial)` . """ return self.expand_bessel_basis(inputs)
[docs] def get_config(self): """Update config.""" config = super(BesselBasisLayer, self).get_config() config.update({"num_radial": self.num_radial, "cutoff": self.cutoff, "envelope_exponent": self.envelope_exponent, "envelope_type": self.envelope_type}) return config
[docs]class CosCutOffEnvelope(Layer): r"""Calculate cosine cutoff envelope according to `Behler et al. (2011) <>`__ . For edge-like distance :math:`R_{ij}` and cutoff radius :math:`R_c` the envelope :math:`f_c` is given by: .. math:: f_c(R_{ij}) = 0.5 [\cos{\frac{\pi R_{ij}}{R_c}} + 1] This layer only computes the cutoff envelope but does not apply it. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cutoff, **kwargs): r"""Initialize layer. Args: cutoff (float): Cutoff distance :math:`R_c`. """ super(CosCutOffEnvelope, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.cutoff = float(np.abs(cutoff)) if cutoff is not None else 1e8
[docs] @staticmethod def _compute_cutoff_envelope(fc, cutoff): """Implements the cutoff envelope.""" fc = ops.clip(fc, -cutoff, cutoff) fc = (ops.cos(fc * np.pi / cutoff) + 1) * 0.5 # fc = ops.where(ops.abs(inputs) < cutoff, fc, ops.zeros_like(fc)) return fc
[docs] def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): r"""Forward pass. Args: inputs: distance - distance (Tensor): Edge distance of shape `([M], 1)`. Returns: Tensor: Cutoff envelope of shape `([M], 1)`. """ return self._compute_cutoff_envelope(inputs, cutoff=self.cutoff)
[docs] def get_config(self): """Update config.""" config = super(CosCutOffEnvelope, self).get_config() config.update({"cutoff": self.cutoff}) return config
[docs]class CosCutOff(Layer): r"""Apply cosine cutoff according to `Behler et al. (2011) <>`__ . For edge-like distance :math:`R_{ij}` and cutoff radius :math:`R_c` the envelope :math:`f_c` is given by: .. math:: f_c(R_{ij}) = 0.5 [\cos{\frac{\pi R_{ij}}{R_c}} + 1] This layer computes the cutoff envelope and applies it to the input by simply multiplying with the envelope. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cutoff, **kwargs): r"""Initialize layer. Args: cutoff (float): Cutoff distance :math:`R_c`. """ super(CosCutOff, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.cutoff = float(np.abs(cutoff)) if cutoff is not None else 1e8
@staticmethod def _compute_cutoff(inputs, cutoff): fc = ops.clip(inputs, -cutoff, cutoff) fc = (ops.cos(fc * np.pi / cutoff) + 1) * 0.5 # fc = tf.where(tf.abs(inputs) < self.cutoff, fc, tf.zeros_like(fc)) out = fc * inputs return out
[docs] def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): r"""Forward pass. Args: inputs: distance - distance (Tensor): Edge distance of shape `([M], D)` Returns: Tensor: Cutoff applied to input of shape `([M], D)` . """ return self._compute_cutoff(inputs, cutoff=self.cutoff)
[docs] def get_config(self): """Update config.""" config = super(CosCutOff, self).get_config() config.update({"cutoff": self.cutoff}) return config
[docs]class DisplacementVectorsASU(Layer): """TODO: Add docs. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize layer.""" self.gather_node_positions = NodePosition() super(DisplacementVectorsASU, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def build(self, input_shape): """Build layer.""" super(DisplacementVectorsASU, self).build(input_shape)
[docs] def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): r"""Forward pass. Args: inputs: [frac_coordinates, edge_indices, symmetry_ops, cell_translations] - frac_coordinates (Tensor): Fractional node coordinates of shape `(N, 3)` . - edge_indices (Tensor): Edge indices of shape `(M, 2)` . - symmetry_ops (Tensor): Symmetry operations of shape `(M, 4, 4)` . - cell_translations (Tensor): Displacement across unit cell of shape `([M], 3)`. Returns: Tensor: Displacement vector for edges of shape `(M, 3)` . """ frac_coords = inputs[0] edge_indices = inputs[1] symmops = inputs[2] cell_translations = inputs[3] in_frac_coords, out_frac_coords = self.gather_node_positions([frac_coords, edge_indices], **kwargs) # Affine Transformation out_frac_coords_ = ops.concatenate( [out_frac_coords, ops.expand_dims(ops.ones_like(out_frac_coords[:, 0]), axis=1)], axis=1) affine_matrices = symmops out_frac_coords = ops.einsum('ij,ikj->ik', out_frac_coords_, affine_matrices)[:, :-1] out_frac_coords = out_frac_coords - ops.floor(out_frac_coords) # All values should be in [0,1) interval # Cell translation out_frac_coords = out_frac_coords + cell_translations offset = in_frac_coords - out_frac_coords return offset
[docs]class DisplacementVectorsUnitCell(Layer): r"""Computes displacements vectors for edges that require the sending node to be displaced or translated into an image of the unit cell in a periodic system. with node position :math:`\vec{x}` , edge :math:`e_{ij}` and the shift or translation vector :math:`\vec{m}_{ij}` the operation of :obj:`DisplacementVectorsUnitCell` performs: .. math:: \vec{d}_{ij} = \vec{x}_i - (\vec{x}_j + \vec{m}_{ij}) The direction follows the default index conventions of :obj:`NodePosition` layer. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize layer.""" super(DisplacementVectorsUnitCell, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.gather_node_positions = NodePosition() self.lazy_add = Add() self.lazy_sub = Subtract()
[docs] def build(self, input_shape): """Build layer.""" super(DisplacementVectorsUnitCell, self).build(input_shape)
[docs] def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): r"""Forward pass. Args: inputs: [frac_coordinates, edge_indices, cell_translations] - frac_coordinates (Tensor): Fractional node coordinates of shape `([N], 3)`. - edge_indices (Tensor): Edge indices of shape `([M], 2)`. - cell_translations (Tensor): Displacement across unit cell of shape `([M], 3)`. Returns: Tensor: Displacement vector for edges of shape `([M], 3)`. """ frac_coords, edge_indices, cell_translations = inputs # Gather sending and receiving coordinates. in_frac_coords, out_frac_coords = self.gather_node_positions([frac_coords, edge_indices], **kwargs) # Cell translation out_frac_coords = self.lazy_add([out_frac_coords, cell_translations], **kwargs) offset = self.lazy_sub([in_frac_coords, out_frac_coords], **kwargs) return offset
[docs]class FracToRealCoordinates(Layer): r"""Layer to compute real-space coordinates from fractional coordinates with the lattice matrix. With lattice matrix :math:`\mathbf{A}` of a periodic lattice with lattice vectors :math:`\mathbf{A} = (\vec{a}_1 , \vec{a}_2 , \vec{a}_3)` and fractional coordinates :math:`\vec{f} = (f_1, f_2, f_3)` the layer performs for each node and with a lattice matrix per sample: .. math:: \vec{r} = \vec{f} \; \mathbf{A} Note that the definition of the lattice matrix has lattice vectors in rows, which is the default definition from :obj:`pymatgen` . """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize layer.""" super(FracToRealCoordinates, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.gather_state = GatherState()
[docs] def build(self, input_shape): """Build layer.""" super(FracToRealCoordinates, self).build(input_shape)
[docs] def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): r"""Forward pass. Args: inputs: [frac_coordinates, lattice_matrix, batch_id] - frac_coordinates (Tensor): Fractional node coordinates of shape `([N], 3)` . - lattice_matrix (Tensor): Lattice matrix of shape `(batch, 3, 3)` . - batch_id (Tensor): Batch ID of nodes or edges of shape `([N], )` . Returns: Tensor: Real-space node coordinates of shape `([N], 3)` . """ frac_coords, lattice_matrices, batch_id_edge = inputs # lattice_matrices_ = ops.repeat(lattice_matrices, row_lengths, axis=0) lattice_matrices_ = self.gather_state([lattice_matrices, batch_id_edge]) # frac_to_real = ops.sum( # ops.cast(lattice_matrices_, dtype=frac_coords.dtype) * ops.expand_dims(frac_coords, axis=-1), axis=1) frac_to_real = ops.einsum('ij,ijk->ik', frac_coords, lattice_matrices_) # frac_to_real_coords = ks.backend.batch_dot(frac_coords, lattice_matrices_) return frac_to_real
[docs]class RealToFracCoordinates(Layer): r"""Layer to compute fractional coordinates from real-space coordinates with the lattice matrix. With lattice matrix :math:`\mathbf{A}` of a periodic lattice with lattice vectors :math:`\mathbf{A} = (\vec{a}_1 , \vec{a}_2 , \vec{a}_3)` and fractional coordinates :math:`\vec{f} = (f_1, f_2, f_3)` the layer performs for each node and with a lattice matrix per sample: .. math:: \vec{f} = \vec{r} \; \mathbf{A}^-1 Note that the definition of the lattice matrix has lattice vectors in rows, which is the default definition from :obj:`pymatgen` . """
[docs] def __init__(self, is_inverse_lattice_matrix: bool = False, **kwargs): """Initialize layer. Args: is_inverse_lattice_matrix (bool): If the input is inverse lattice matrix. Default is False. """ super(RealToFracCoordinates, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.is_inverse_lattice_matrix = is_inverse_lattice_matrix self.gather_state = GatherState()
[docs] def build(self, input_shape): """Build layer.""" super(RealToFracCoordinates, self).build(input_shape)
[docs] def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): r"""Forward pass. Args: inputs: [frac_coordinates, lattice_matrix, batch_id] - real_coordinates (Tensor): Fractional node coordinates of shape `([N], 3)`. - lattice_matrix (Tensor): Lattice matrix of shape `(batch, 3, 3)`. - batch_id (Tensor): Batch ID of nodes or edges of shape `([N], )` . Returns: Tensor: Fractional node coordinates of shape `([N], 3)`. """ real_coordinates, inv_lattice_matrices, batch_id_edge = inputs if not self.is_inverse_lattice_matrix: # inv_lattice_matrices = tf.linalg.inv(inv_lattice_matrices) raise NotImplementedError() # inv_lattice_matrices_ = ops.repeat(inv_lattice_matrices, row_lengths, axis=0) inv_lattice_matrices_ = self.gather_state([inv_lattice_matrices, batch_id_edge]) # real_to_frac_coords = ks.backend.batch_dot(real_coordinates, inv_lattice_matrices_) real_to_frac_coords = ops.einsum('ij,ijk->ik', real_coordinates, inv_lattice_matrices_) return real_to_frac_coords
[docs] def get_config(self): """Update config.""" config = super(RealToFracCoordinates, self).get_config() config.update({"is_inverse_lattice_matrix": self.is_inverse_lattice_matrix}) return config
[docs]class SphericalBasisLayer(Layer): r"""Expand a distance into a Bessel Basis with :math:`l=m=0`, according to `Klicpera et al. 2020 <>`__ . """
[docs] def __init__(self, num_spherical, num_radial, cutoff, envelope_exponent=5, fused: bool = True, **kwargs): """Initialize layer. Args: num_spherical (int): Number of spherical basis functions num_radial (int): Number of radial basis functions cutoff (float): Cutoff distance c envelope_exponent (int): Degree of the envelope to smoothen at cutoff. Default is 5. fused (bool): Whether to use fused implementation. Default is True. """ super(SphericalBasisLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs) assert num_radial <= 64 self.fused = fused self.num_radial = int(num_radial) self.num_spherical = num_spherical self.cutoff = cutoff self.inv_cutoff = ops.convert_to_tensor(1.0 / cutoff, dtype=self.dtype) self.envelope_exponent = envelope_exponent # retrieve formulas self.bessel_n_zeros = spherical_bessel_jn_zeros(num_spherical, num_radial) self.bessel_norm = spherical_bessel_jn_normalization_prefactor(num_spherical, num_radial) self.layer_gather_out = GatherNodesOutgoing() # non-explicit spherical bessel function seems faster. # self.layers_spherical_jn = [SphericalBesselJnExplicit(n=n, fused=fused) for n in range(self.num_spherical)] self.layers_spherical_yl = [SphericalHarmonicsYl(l=l, fused=fused) for l in range(self.num_spherical)]
[docs] def envelope(self, inputs): p = self.envelope_exponent + 1 a = -(p + 1) * (p + 2) / 2 b = p * (p + 2) c = -p * (p + 1) / 2 env_val = 1 / inputs + a * inputs ** (p - 1) + b * inputs ** p + c * inputs ** (p + 1) return ops.where(inputs < 1, env_val, ops.zeros_like(inputs))
[docs] def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): """Forward pass. Args: inputs: [distance, angles, angle_index] - distance (Tensor): Edge distance of shape ([M], 1) - angles (Tensor): Angle list of shape ([K], 1) - angle_index (Tensor): Angle indices referring to edges of shape (2, [K]) Returns: Tensor: Expanded angle/distance basis. Shape is ([K], #Radial * #Spherical) """ edge, angles, angle_index = inputs d = edge d_scaled = d[:, 0] * self.inv_cutoff rbf = [] for n in range(self.num_spherical): for k in range(self.num_radial): # rbf += [self.bessel_norm[n, k] * self.layers_spherical_jn[n](d_scaled * self.bessel_n_zeros[n][k])] rbf += [self.bessel_norm[n, k] * tf_spherical_bessel_jn(d_scaled * self.bessel_n_zeros[n][k], n)] rbf = ops.stack(rbf, axis=1) d_cutoff = self.envelope(d_scaled) rbf_env = d_cutoff[:, None] * rbf rbf_env = self.layer_gather_out([rbf_env, angle_index], **kwargs) # rbf_env = tf.gather(rbf_env, id_expand_kj[:, 1]) # cbf = [tf_spherical_harmonics_yl(angles[:, 0], n) for n in range(self.num_spherical)] cbf = [self.layers_spherical_yl[n](angles[:, 0]) for n in range(self.num_spherical)] cbf = ops.stack(cbf, axis=1) cbf = ops.repeat(cbf, self.num_radial, axis=1) out = rbf_env * cbf return out
[docs] def get_config(self): """Update config.""" config = super(SphericalBasisLayer, self).get_config() config.update({"num_radial": self.num_radial, "cutoff": self.cutoff, "fused": self.fused, "envelope_exponent": self.envelope_exponent, "num_spherical": self.num_spherical}) return config