Source code for kgcnn.graph.methods._periodic

import numpy as np
from typing import Union
from pymatgen.optimization.neighbors import find_points_in_spheres

[docs]def range_neighbour_lattice(coordinates: np.ndarray, lattice: np.ndarray, max_distance: Union[float, None] = 4.0, max_neighbours: Union[int, None] = None, self_loops: bool = False, exclusive: bool = True, limit_only_max_neighbours: bool = False, numerical_tol: float = 1e-8, manual_super_cell_radius: float = None, super_cell_tol_factor: float = 0.25, ) -> list: r"""Generate range connections for a primitive unit cell in a periodic lattice (vectorized). .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from kgcnn.graph.methods import range_neighbour_lattice artificial_lattice = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) artificial_atoms = np.array([[0.1, 0.0, 0.0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]]) out = range_neighbour_lattice(artificial_atoms, artificial_lattice) real_lattice = np.array([[-8.71172704, -0., -5.02971843], [-10.97279872, -0.01635133, 8.94600922], [-6.5538005, 12.48246168, 1.29207947]]) real_atoms = np.array([[-24.14652308, 12.46611035, 6.41607351], [-2.09180318, 0., -1.20770325], [0., 0., 0.], [-4.35586352, 0., -2.51485921]]) out_real = range_neighbour_lattice(real_atoms, real_lattice) Args: coordinates (np.ndarray): Coordinate of nodes in the central primitive unit cell. lattice (np.ndarray): Lattice matrix of real space lattice vectors of shape `(3, 3)`. The lattice vectors must be given in rows of the matrix! max_distance (float, optional): Maximum distance to allow connections, can also be None. Defaults to 4.0. max_neighbours (int, optional): Maximum number of allowed neighbours for each central atom. Default is None. self_loops (bool, optional): Allow self-loops between the same central node. Defaults to False. exclusive (bool): Whether both distance and maximum neighbours must be fulfilled. Default is True. limit_only_max_neighbours (bool): Not used. numerical_tol (float): Numerical tolerance for distance cut-off. Default is 1e-8. manual_super_cell_radius (float): Not used. super_cell_tol_factor (float): Tolerance to increase for search for neighbours. Default is 0.5. Returns: list: [indices, images, dist] """ # Require either max_distance or max_neighbours to be specified. if max_distance is None and max_neighbours is None: raise ValueError("Need to specify either `max_distance` or `max_neighbours` or both.") # Volume and density of unit cell based on lattice matrix. volume_unit_cell = np.sum(np.abs(np.cross(lattice[0], lattice[1]) * lattice[2])) density_unit_cell = len(coordinates) / volume_unit_cell # Estimated real-space radius for max_neighbours based on density and volume of a single unit cell. if max_neighbours is not None: estimated_nn_volume = max_neighbours/density_unit_cell # + len(coordinates)/ density_unit_cell estimated_nn_radius = abs(float(np.cbrt(estimated_nn_volume / np.pi * 3 / 4))) estimated_nn_radius = estimated_nn_radius else: estimated_nn_radius = None # Determine the required size of super-cell if manual_super_cell_radius is not None: if max_neighbours is None: # Does not make sense to specify manual supercell in this case. radius = max_distance else: radius = abs(manual_super_cell_radius) elif max_distance is None: radius = estimated_nn_radius elif max_neighbours is None: radius = max_distance else: if exclusive: radius = min(max_distance, estimated_nn_radius) else: radius = max(max_distance, estimated_nn_radius) _max_iter_nn_test = 100 _iter_required = 0 index1, index2, offset_vectors, distances = None, None, None, None for i in range(0, _max_iter_nn_test): _iter_required = i index1, index2, offset_vectors, distances = find_points_in_spheres( coordinates, coordinates, r=radius, pbc=np.array([True] * 3, dtype=int), lattice=lattice, tol=numerical_tol) offset_vectors = offset_vectors.astype('i2') # Remove self_loops: if not self_loops: no_self_loops = np.argwhere(~np.isclose(distances, 0)).reshape(-1) index1 = index1[no_self_loops] index2 = index2[no_self_loops] offset_vectors = offset_vectors[no_self_loops] distances = distances[no_self_loops] # We always sort here. def reorder(order, *args): return [x[order] for x in args] def limit_to(c, k, r, id1, id2, ov, dd, logical_reduce=None): splits = np.cumsum(c)[:-1] id1_split = np.split(id1, splits) id2_split = np.split(id2, splits) ov_split = np.split(ov, splits) dd_split = np.split(dd, splits) mask_r, mask_k = None, None if k is not None: mask_k = [] for x in id1_split: mask_per_node = np.zeros((len(x)), dtype="bool") mask_per_node[:k] = True mask_k.append(mask_per_node) if r is not None: mask_r = [] for x in dd_split: mask_per_node = x <= r + + abs(numerical_tol) mask_r.append(mask_per_node) if k is not None and r is not None: mask = [logical_reduce(x1, x2) for x1, x2 in zip(mask_r, mask_k)] elif k is None: mask = mask_r else: mask = mask_k out_split = [] for a in [id1_split, id2_split, ov_split, dd_split]: out_split.append(np.concatenate([x[mask[i_node]] for i_node, x in enumerate(a)], axis=0)) return out_split sort_index = np.argsort(distances, kind="stable") index1, index2, offset_vectors, distances = reorder(sort_index, index1, index2, offset_vectors, distances) sort_index = np.argsort(index1, kind="stable") index1, index2, offset_vectors, distances = reorder(sort_index, index1, index2, offset_vectors, distances) # Case: radius cutoff. Only consider radius here. if max_neighbours is None: break unique_centers, counts = np.unique(index1, return_counts=True) enough_nn = not (np.any(counts < max_neighbours) if len(counts) > 0 else 0 < max_neighbours) # Case: knn. if max_distance is None: if not enough_nn: radius = radius * (1.0 + super_cell_tol_factor) continue else: index1, index2, offset_vectors, distances = limit_to( counts, max_neighbours, None, index1, index2, offset_vectors, distances) break enough_distance = radius >= max_distance # Case mixed both radius and knn. if exclusive: if enough_nn or enough_distance: index1, index2, offset_vectors, distances = limit_to( counts, max_neighbours, max_distance, index1, index2, offset_vectors, distances, logical_reduce=np.logical_and) break else: radius = radius * (1.0 + super_cell_tol_factor) continue else: if not enough_nn or not enough_distance: radius = radius * (1.0 + super_cell_tol_factor) continue else: index1, index2, offset_vectors, distances = limit_to( counts, max_neighbours, max_distance, index1, index2, offset_vectors, distances, logical_reduce=np.logical_or) break if _iter_required + 1 >= _max_iter_nn_test: raise ValueError("Exceeded maximum number of allowed range extensions for neighbour calculation.") out_indices = np.concatenate([np.expand_dims(index1, axis=-1), np.expand_dims(index2, axis=-1)], axis=-1) return [out_indices, offset_vectors, distances]
# This is a python/numpy function to find neighbours in a periodic lattice. # The pymatgen version is preferred, since this version can get slow for very skew lattice matrices. def range_neighbour_lattice_python_vectorized( coordinates: np.ndarray, lattice: np.ndarray, max_distance: Union[float, None] = 4.0, max_neighbours: Union[int, None] = None, self_loops: bool = False, exclusive: bool = True, limit_only_max_neighbours: bool = False, numerical_tol: float = 1e-8, manual_super_cell_radius: float = None, super_cell_tol_factor: float = 0.25, ) -> list: r"""Generate range connections for a primitive unit cell in a periodic lattice (vectorized). The function generates a supercell of required radius and computes connections of neighbouring nodes from the primitive centered unit cell. For :obj:`max_neighbours` the supercell radius is estimated based on the unit cell density. Always the smallest necessary supercell is generated based on :obj:`max_distance` and :obj:`max_neighbours`. If a supercell for radius :obj:`max_distance` should always be generated but limited by :obj:`max_neighbours`, you can set :obj:`limit_only_max_neighbours` to `True`. .. warning:: All atoms should be projected back into the primitive unit cell before calculating the range connections. .. note:: For periodic structure, setting :obj:`max_distance` and :obj:`max_neighbours` to `inf` would also lead to an infinite number of neighbours and connections. If :obj:`exclusive` is set to `False`, having either :obj:`max_distance` or :obj:`max_neighbours` set to `inf`, will result in an infinite number of neighbours. If set to `None`, :obj:`max_distance` or :obj:`max_neighbours` can selectively be ignored. .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from kgcnn.graph.methods._periodic import range_neighbour_lattice_python_vectorized artificial_lattice = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) artificial_atoms = np.array([[0.1, 0.0, 0.0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]]) out = range_neighbour_lattice_python_vectorized(artificial_atoms, artificial_lattice) real_lattice = np.array([[-8.71172704, -0., -5.02971843], [-10.97279872, -0.01635133, 8.94600922], [-6.5538005, 12.48246168, 1.29207947]]) real_atoms = np.array([[-24.14652308, 12.46611035, 6.41607351], [-2.09180318, 0., -1.20770325], [0., 0., 0.], [-4.35586352, 0., -2.51485921]]) out_real = range_neighbour_lattice_python_vectorized(real_atoms, real_lattice) Args: coordinates (np.ndarray): Coordinate of nodes in the central primitive unit cell. lattice (np.ndarray): Lattice matrix of real space lattice vectors of shape `(3, 3)`. The lattice vectors must be given in rows of the matrix! max_distance (float, optional): Maximum distance to allow connections, can also be None. Defaults to 4.0. max_neighbours (int, optional): Maximum number of allowed neighbours for each central atom. Default is None. self_loops (bool, optional): Allow self-loops between the same central node. Defaults to False. exclusive (bool): Whether both distance and maximum neighbours must be fulfilled. Default is True. limit_only_max_neighbours (bool): Whether to only use :obj:`max_neighbours` to limit the number of neighbours but not use it to calculate super-cell. Requires :obj:`max_distance` to be not `None`. Can be used if the super-cell should be generated with certain :obj:`max_distance`. Default is False. numerical_tol (float): Numerical tolerance for distance cut-off. Default is 1e-8. manual_super_cell_radius (float): Manual radius for supercell. This is otherwise automatically set by either :obj:`max_distance` or :obj:`max_neighbours` or both. For manual supercell only. Default is None. super_cell_tol_factor (float): Tolerance factor for supercell relative to unit cell size. Default is 0.25. Returns: list: [indices, images, dist] """ # Require either max_distance or max_neighbours to be specified. if max_distance is None and max_neighbours is None: raise ValueError("Need to specify either `max_distance` or `max_neighbours` or both.") # Here we set the lattice matrix, with lattice vectors in either columns or rows of the matrix. lattice_col = np.transpose(lattice) lattice_row = lattice # Index list for nodes. Enumerating the nodes in the central unit cell. node_index = np.expand_dims(np.arange(0, len(coordinates)), axis=1) # Nx1 # Diagonals, center, volume and density of unit cell based on lattice matrix. center_unit_cell = np.sum(lattice_row, axis=0, keepdims=True) / 2 # (1, 3) max_radius_cell = np.amax(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(lattice_row - center_unit_cell), axis=-1))) max_diameter_cell = 2*max_radius_cell volume_unit_cell = np.sum(np.abs(np.cross(lattice[0], lattice[1]) * lattice[2])) density_unit_cell = len(node_index) / volume_unit_cell # Center cell distance. Compute the distance matrix separately for the central primitive unit cell. # Here one can check if self-loops (meaning loops between the nodes of the central cell) should be allowed. center_indices = np.indices((len(node_index), len(node_index))) center_indices = center_indices.transpose(np.append(np.arange(1, 3), 0)) # NxNx2 center_dist = np.expand_dims(coordinates, axis=0) - np.expand_dims(coordinates, axis=1) # NxNx3 center_image = np.zeros(center_dist.shape, dtype="int") if not self_loops: def remove_self_loops(x): m = np.logical_not(np.eye(len(x), dtype="bool")) x_shape = np.array(x.shape) x_shape[1] -= 1 return np.reshape(x[m], x_shape) center_indices = remove_self_loops(center_indices) center_image = remove_self_loops(center_image) center_dist = remove_self_loops(center_dist) # Check the maximum atomic distance, since in practice atoms may not be inside the unit cell. Although they SHOULD # be projected back into the cell. max_diameter_atom_pair = np.amax(center_dist) if len(coordinates) > 1 else 0.0 max_distance_atom_origin = np.amax(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(coordinates), axis=-1))) # Mesh Grid list. For a list of indices bounding left and right make a list of a 3D mesh. # Function is used to pad image unit cells or their origin for super-cell. def mesh_grid_list(bound_left: np.array, bound_right: np.array) -> np.array: pos = [np.arange(i, j+1, 1) for i, j in zip(bound_left, bound_right)] grid_list = np.array(np.meshgrid(*pos)).T.reshape(-1, 3) return grid_list # Estimated real-space radius for max_neighbours based on density and volume of a single unit cell. if max_neighbours is not None: estimated_nn_volume = (max_neighbours + len(node_index)) / density_unit_cell estimated_nn_radius = abs(float(np.cbrt(estimated_nn_volume / np.pi * 3 / 4))) else: estimated_nn_radius = None # Determine the required size of super-cell if manual_super_cell_radius is not None: super_cell_radius = abs(manual_super_cell_radius) elif max_distance is None: super_cell_radius = estimated_nn_radius elif max_neighbours is None or limit_only_max_neighbours: super_cell_radius = max_distance else: if exclusive: super_cell_radius = min(max_distance, estimated_nn_radius) else: super_cell_radius = max(max_distance, estimated_nn_radius) # Safety for super-cell radius. We add this distance to ensure that all atoms of the outer images are within the # actual cutoff distance requested. super_cell_tolerance = max(max_diameter_cell, max_diameter_atom_pair, max_distance_atom_origin) super_cell_tolerance *= (1.0 + super_cell_tol_factor) # Bounding box of real space cube with edge length 2 or inner sphere of radius 1 transformed into index # space gives 'bounding_box_unit'. Simply upscale for radius of super-cell. # To account for node pairing within the unit cell we add 'max_diameter_cell'. bounding_box_unit = np.sum(np.abs(np.linalg.inv(lattice_col)), axis=1) bounding_box_index = bounding_box_unit * (super_cell_radius + super_cell_tolerance) bounding_box_index = np.ceil(bounding_box_index).astype("int") # Making grid for super-cell that repeats the unit cell for required indices in 'bounding_box_index'. # Remove [0, 0, 0] of center unit cell by hand. bounding_grid = mesh_grid_list(-bounding_box_index, bounding_box_index) bounding_grid = bounding_grid[ np.logical_not(np.all(bounding_grid == np.array([[0, 0, 0]]), axis=-1))] # Remove center cell bounding_grid_real =, lattice_row) # Check which centers are in the sphere of cutoff, since for non-rectangular lattice vectors, the parallelepiped # can be overshooting the required sphere. Better do this here, before computing coordinates of nodes. dist_centers = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(bounding_grid_real), axis=-1)) mask_centers = dist_centers <= (super_cell_radius + super_cell_tolerance + abs(numerical_tol)) images = bounding_grid[mask_centers] shifts = bounding_grid_real[mask_centers] # Compute node coordinates of images and prepare indices for those nodes. For 'N' nodes per cell and 'C' images # (without the central unit cell), this will be (flatten) arrays of (N*C)x3. num_images = images.shape[0] images = np.expand_dims(images, axis=0) # 1xCx3 images = np.repeat(images, len(coordinates), axis=0) # NxCx3 coord_images = np.expand_dims(coordinates, axis=1) + shifts # NxCx3 coord_images = np.reshape(coord_images, (-1, 3)) # (N*C)x3 images = np.reshape(images, (-1, 3)) # (N*C)x3 indices = np.expand_dims(np.repeat(node_index, num_images), axis=-1) # (N*C)x1 # Make distance matrix of central cell to all image. This will have shape Nx(NxC). dist = np.expand_dims(coord_images, axis=0) - np.expand_dims(coordinates, axis=1) # Nx(N*C)x3 dist_indices = np.concatenate( [np.repeat(np.expand_dims(node_index, axis=1), len(indices), axis=1), np.repeat(np.expand_dims(indices, axis=0), len(node_index), axis=0)], axis=-1) # Nx(N*C)x2 dist_images = np.repeat(np.expand_dims(images, axis=0), len(node_index), axis=0) # Nx(N*C)x3 # Adding distance matrix of nodes within the central cell to the image distance matrix. # The resulting shape is then Nx(NxC+1). dist_indices = np.concatenate([center_indices, dist_indices], axis=1) # Nx(N*C+1)x2 dist_images = np.concatenate([center_image, dist_images], axis=1) # Nx(N*C+1)x2 dist = np.concatenate([center_dist, dist], axis=1) # Nx(N*C+1)x3 # Distance in real space. dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(dist), axis=-1)) # Nx(N*C+1) # Sorting the distance matrix. Indices and image information must be sorted accordingly. arg_sort = np.argsort(dist, axis=-1) dist_sort = np.take_along_axis(dist, arg_sort, axis=1) dist_indices_sort = np.take_along_axis( dist_indices, np.repeat(np.expand_dims(arg_sort, axis=2), dist_indices.shape[2], axis=2), axis=1) dist_images_sort = np.take_along_axis( dist_images, np.repeat(np.expand_dims(arg_sort, axis=2), dist_images.shape[2], axis=2), axis=1) # Select range connections based on distance cutoff and nearest neighbour limit. Uses masking. # Based on 'max_distance'. mask_distance, mask_neighbours = None, None if max_distance is not None: mask_distance = dist_sort <= max_distance + abs(numerical_tol) # Based on 'max_neighbours'. if max_neighbours is not None: mask_neighbours = np.zeros_like(dist_sort, dtype="bool") mask_neighbours[:, :max_neighbours] = True if max_neighbours is None: mask = mask_distance elif max_distance is None: mask = mask_neighbours else: if exclusive: mask = np.logical_and(mask_neighbours, mask_distance) else: mask = np.logical_or(mask_neighbours, mask_distance) # Select nodes. out_dist = dist_sort[mask] out_images = dist_images_sort[mask] out_indices = dist_indices_sort[mask] return [out_indices, out_images, out_dist]