Source code for kgcnn.graph.methods._geom

import numpy as np
from typing import Union

[docs]def coulomb_matrix_to_inverse_distance_proton(coulomb_mat: np.ndarray, unit_conversion: float = 1.0, exponent: float = 2.4): r"""Convert a Coulomb matrix back to inverse distancematrix plus atomic number. Args: coulomb_mat (np.ndarray): Coulomb matrix of shape (...,N,N) unit_conversion (float) : Whether to scale units for distance. Default is 1.0. exponent (float): Exponent for diagonal elements. Default is 2.4. Returns: tuple: [inv_dist, z] - inv_dist (np.ndarray): Inverse distance Matrix of shape (...,N,N). - z (np.ndarray): Atom Number corresponding diagonal as proton number (..., N). """ indslie = np.arange(0, coulomb_mat.shape[-1]) z = coulomb_mat[..., indslie, indslie] z = np.power(2 * z, 1 / exponent) a = np.expand_dims(z, axis=len(z.shape) - 1) b = np.expand_dims(z, axis=len(z.shape)) zz = a * b c = coulomb_mat / zz c[..., indslie, indslie] = 0 c /= unit_conversion z = np.array(np.round(z), return c, z
def make_rotation_matrix(vector: np.ndarray, angle: float): r"""Generate rotation matrix around a given vector with a certain angle. Only defined for 3 dimensions explicitly here. Args: vector (np.ndarray, list): vector of rotation axis (3, ) with (x, y, z). angle (value): angle in degrees ° to rotate around. Returns: np.ndarray: Rotation matrix :math:`R` of shape (3, 3) that performs the rotation for :math:`y = R x`. """ angle = angle / 180.0 * np.pi norm = (vector[0] ** 2.0 + vector[1] ** 2.0 + vector[2] ** 2.0) ** 0.5 direction = vector / norm matrix = np.zeros((3, 3)) matrix[0][0] = direction[0] ** 2.0 * (1.0 - np.cos(angle)) + np.cos(angle) matrix[1][1] = direction[1] ** 2.0 * (1.0 - np.cos(angle)) + np.cos(angle) matrix[2][2] = direction[2] ** 2.0 * (1.0 - np.cos(angle)) + np.cos(angle) matrix[0][1] = direction[0] * direction[1] * (1.0 - np.cos(angle)) - direction[2] * np.sin(angle) matrix[1][0] = direction[0] * direction[1] * (1.0 - np.cos(angle)) + direction[2] * np.sin(angle) matrix[0][2] = direction[0] * direction[2] * (1.0 - np.cos(angle)) + direction[1] * np.sin(angle) matrix[2][0] = direction[0] * direction[2] * (1.0 - np.cos(angle)) - direction[1] * np.sin(angle) matrix[1][2] = direction[1] * direction[2] * (1.0 - np.cos(angle)) - direction[0] * np.sin(angle) matrix[2][1] = direction[1] * direction[2] * (1.0 - np.cos(angle)) + direction[0] * np.sin(angle) return matrix def rotate_to_principle_axis(coord: np.ndarray): r"""Rotate a point-cloud to its principle axis. This can be a molecule but also some general data. It uses PCA via SVD from :obj:`numpy.linalg.svd`. PCA from scikit uses SVD too (:obj:`scipy.sparse.linalg`). .. note:: The data is centered before SVD but shifted back at the output. Args: coord (np.array): Array of points forming a pointcloud. Important: coord has shape (N,p) where N is the number of samples and p is the feature/coordinate dimension e.g. 3 for x,y,z Returns: tuple: [R, rotated] - R (np.array): Rotation matrix of shape (p, p) if input has (N,p) - rotated (np.array): Rotated point-could of coord that was the input. """ centroid_c = np.mean(coord, axis=0) sm = coord - centroid_c zzt = (, sm)) # Calculate covariance matrix u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(zzt) # Alternatively SVD of coord with onyly compute vh but not possible for numpy/scipy. rotated =, vh.T) rot_shift = rotated + centroid_c return vh, rot_shift def rigid_transform(a: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray, correct_reflection: bool = False): r"""Rotate and shift point-cloud A to point-cloud B. This should implement Kabsch algorithm. May also work for input of shape `(...,N,3)` but is not tested. Explanation of Kabsch Algorithm: For further literature: .. note:: The numbering of points of A and B must match; not for shuffled point-cloud. This works for 3 dimensions only. Uses SVD. Args: a (np.ndarray): list of points (N,3) to rotate (and translate) b (np.ndarray): list of points (N,3) to rotate towards: A to B, where the coordinates (3) are (x,y,z) correct_reflection (bool): Whether to allow reflections or just rotations. Default is False. Returns: list: [A_rot, R, t] - A_rot (np.ndarray): Rotated and shifted version of A to match B - R (np.ndarray): Rotation matrix - t (np.ndarray): translation from A to B """ a = np.transpose(np.array(a)) b = np.transpose(np.array(b)) centroid_a = np.mean(a, axis=1) centroid_b = np.mean(b, axis=1) am = a - np.expand_dims(centroid_a, axis=1) bm = b - np.expand_dims(centroid_b, axis=1) h =, np.transpose(bm)) u, s, vt = np.linalg.svd(h) r =, u.T) d = np.linalg.det(r) if d < 0: print("Warning: det(R)<0, det(R)=", d) if correct_reflection: print("Correcting R...") vt[-1, :] *= -1 r =, u.T) bout =, am) + np.expand_dims(centroid_b, axis=1) bout = np.transpose(bout) t = np.expand_dims(centroid_b -, centroid_a), axis=0) t = t.T return bout, r, t
[docs]def coordinates_from_distance_matrix(distance: np.ndarray, use_center: bool = None, dim: int = 3): r"""Compute list of coordinates from a distance matrix of shape `(N, N)`. May also work for input of shape `(..., N, N)` but is not tested. Uses vectorized Alogrithm: no check of positive semi-definite or possible k-dim >= 3 is done here performs svd from numpy Args: distance (np.ndarray): distance matrix of shape (N,N) with Dij = abs(ri-rj) use_center (int): which atom should be the center, dafault = None means center of mass dim (int): the dimension of embedding, 3 is default Return: np.ndarray: List of Atom coordinates [[x_1,x_2,x_3],[x_1,x_2,x_3],...] """ distance = np.array(distance) dim_in = distance.shape[-1] if use_center is None: # Take Center of mass (slightly changed for vectorization assuming d_ii = 0) di2 = np.square(distance) di02 = 1 / 2 / dim_in / dim_in * (2 * dim_in * np.sum(di2, axis=-1) - np.sum(np.sum(di2, axis=-1), axis=-1)) mat_m = (np.expand_dims(di02, axis=-2) + np.expand_dims(di02, axis=-1) - di2) / 2 # broadcasting else: di2 = np.square(distance) mat_m = (np.expand_dims(di2[..., use_center], axis=-2) + np.expand_dims(di2[..., use_center], axis=-1) - di2) / 2 u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(mat_m) vec = np.matmul(u, np.sqrt(np.diag(s))) # EV are sorted by default dist_out = vec[..., 0:dim] return dist_out
[docs]def get_principal_moments_of_inertia(masses: np.ndarray, coordinates: np.ndarray, shift_center_of_mass: bool = True): """Compute principle moments of inertia for a point-cloud with given mass. Args: masses (np.ndarray): Array of mass values. coordinates (np.ndarray): Coordinates of point-cloud. shift_center_of_mass (bool): Whether to shift to center of mass for inertia matrix. Returns: np.ndarray: Eigenvalues of inertia matrix. Shape is (3, ). """ def translate_to_center_of_mass(m, xyz): if len(m.shape) <= 1: m = np.expand_dims(m, axis=-1) com = (np.sum(m * xyz, axis=0, keepdims=True) / np.sum(m)) return xyz - com def get_inertia_matrix(m, xyz): x, y, z = xyz.T Ixx = np.sum(m * (y ** 2 + z ** 2)) Iyy = np.sum(m * (x ** 2 + z ** 2)) Izz = np.sum(m * (x ** 2 + y ** 2)) Ixy = -np.sum(m * x * y) Iyz = -np.sum(m * y * z) Ixz = -np.sum(m * x * z) return np.array([[Ixx, Ixy, Ixz], [Ixy, Iyy, Iyz], [Ixz, Iyz, Izz]]) coordinates = translate_to_center_of_mass(masses, coordinates) if shift_center_of_mass else coordinates inertia_matrix = get_inertia_matrix(masses, coordinates) pc = np.linalg.eigvals(inertia_matrix) pc = np.sort(pc) return pc
[docs]def shift_coordinates_to_unit_cell(coordinates: np.ndarray, lattice: np.ndarray): """Shift a set of coordinates into the unit cell of a periodic system. Args: coordinates (np.ndarray): Coordinate of nodes in the central primitive unit cell. lattice (np.ndarray): Lattice matrix of real space lattice vectors of shape `(3, 3)` . The lattice vectors must be given in rows of the matrix! Returns: np.ndarray: Coordinates shifted into unit cell defined by lattice. """ lattice_inv = np.linalg.inv(lattice) frac_coordinates =, lattice_inv) shifted_frac_coordinates = frac_coordinates % 1.0 shifted_coordinates =, lattice) return shifted_coordinates
[docs]def distance_for_range_indices(coordinates: np.ndarray, indices: np.ndarray, require_distance_dimension: bool = True): """Simple helper function to compute distances for indices. Args: coordinates (np.ndarray): Positions of shape `(N, 3)` . indices (np.ndarray): Pair-wise indices of shape `(M, 2)` . require_distance_dimension (bool): Whether to return distances of shape `(M, 1)` . Returns: np.ndarray: Distances of shape `(M, )` or `(M, 1)` if `require_distance_dimension` . """ pos12 = coordinates[indices] dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(pos12[:, 0] - pos12[:, 1]), axis=-1)) if require_distance_dimension: if len(dist.shape) <= 1: dist = np.expand_dims(dist, axis=-1) return dist
[docs]def distance_for_range_indices_periodic(coordinates: np.ndarray, indices: np.ndarray, images: np.ndarray, lattice: np.ndarray, require_distance_dimension: bool = True): """Simple helper function to compute distances for indices for a periodic system. Args: coordinates (np.ndarray): Positions of shape `(N, 3)` within the unit-cell. indices (np.ndarray): Pair-wise indices of shape `(M, 2)` . images (np.ndarray): Image translation of the second index of shape `(M, 3)` . lattice (np.ndarray): Lattice matrix of real space lattice vectors of shape `(3, 3)` . The lattice vectors must be given in rows of the matrix! require_distance_dimension (bool): Whether to return distances of shape `(M, 1)` . Returns: np.ndarray: Distances of shape `(M, )` or `(M, 1)` if `require_distance_dimension` . """ pos12 = coordinates[indices] pos1, pos2 = pos12[:, 0], pos12[:, 1] if len(images.shape) > 2: # If image information are for both indices of shape (M, 2, 3) pos1 = pos1 +[:, 0], lattice) pos2 = pos2 +[:, 1], lattice) else: # Default is only for second index. Usually sending node. pos2 = pos2 +, lattice) dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(pos1 - pos2), axis=-1)) if require_distance_dimension: if len(dist.shape) <= 1: dist = np.expand_dims(dist, axis=-1) return dist